Was the video released?

was the video released?

Other urls found in this thread:



yes. google "OP taking a giant black dick"

please tell what it's about?

no it wasn't I've been looking for ever.

Someone explain please

I have seen some other pics of this but never found the any vids.

dude got his mom to look at his phimosis

this guy allegedly got this mom to give him a handjob but it looks more like he tricked her by telling her something is wrong with his dick

vid of her on youtube the other day was about communications skills the comments section was all about this

Link the youtube vid

Yeah, that's the vibe i'm getting. She doesn't look like the insane type.


do you have full pics of her ass?


yeah we need those ass pics

vid link?

Lets do this bois

only seen this same size pic and nothing larger. wonder why.


What's this then?



virus dont go there

Link video boi!!!?

Bump for interest...

why the fick are so many people obsessed with seeing this shit? you should get a gf not fantasize about your mom looking at your junk, which btw shouldn't really be a big deal. if you have a legit question about it, she's your mom, one person you should definitely be able to talk to about very personal things. just because it's a penis doesn't mean every single god damn thing about it is sexual.

vid link???

Thx for the heads up Sup Forumsro

Why dont you want to fuck your mom user?

>get a gf
do you know where you are?

Are you by chance, implying op is a fag user?

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Calm the fuck down and leave the internet faggot.

>not getting a gf and roleplaying that she is your mom looking at your junk

ok very funny. i went to link and my screen went black. i rebooted my laptop and it is stuck on the bot screen. how do i fix it?

This guy...


Did she find out this was posted online?

if you look up the posting stats here the only threads that appear more often are trap thread, pics not supposed to share, and andy sixx log. just give up on this! it won't happen!

user came for the video
user get upset when the video wasn't here

well the entire family took down their social accounts so I guess so

>stuck at boot screen
>posting on here

delete sys32, that will fix it.

>get a gf

stop liking what I don't like

yes, don't you want to be one of those that can leave, then come back someday and laugh at people that obsess over shitty attempts at pornography?

I need more

not at all, just getting tired of dumbasses begging for this video that will never be released! that's what i'm saying just move on to something you can actually get

This hysteria is similar to the video of the news lady that an hero live on air.

Did she handy her son?


that shit was 40 years ago no one has ever seen it probably was destroyed
bud dwyer is better isis shit is better

No sauce on the internet. Supposedly, the studios executive had the only known physical copy of that broadcast. I guess his widow inherited everything when he was kill. The video is forever in the wind.

This is benis country

Hisenburg was a spook. That vola was honeypot. Is her son underage or something?

Id love to fuck her. She isn't bad for her age.


It happened on air and no one recorded it and uploaded it on the internet? Where did it happen? In a parallel dimension?

I think that video and these pics may be captain picard though?

well it wasnt just one video but 2 of then less than a minute long in both he asked his mom what was wrong with his penis and thought there was a a rash or something . and both time all she did was check it by looking closely and then grabing it and pulling back foreskin. there was no handy. hes allready hard when video starts. he had them posted then they where takin down. her insta is private because of this whole mess and people asking her for the vid i dont belive they were ever posted anywhere else. that dont mean they havent been or not saved somewhere

This was like 40 years ago user
>Supposedly, the studios executive had the only known physical copy of that broadcast.

i got the link
>reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep

Christmas dinner is going to be awkward.

did not happen on air

Where the link at i cant wait


this is not the original immunity doggo. there for, this is invalid

your a faggot

mmk soyboy

stay mad






I saw this video in the summer. It was okay, bit of a letdown

Yes actually, but they're getting really strict about taking it down.
Now we hide it under a Japanese name to keep the censors off it.
Google ぼくのぴこ and you can find it on a porn site of your choose.

KEK! you are mean