No ylyl? Fucking faggits

No ylyl? Fucking faggits





I cri everytim

Ooga booga

She will always be in our hearts user


Lost, don't know how

>bake the fucking cake
What the hell does this even mean?

catholic baker not wanting to bake cake for gays, as it was against their religion. Im not the poster btw.
also checked


I fucking love that video.


This isn't a cringe thread.



Nigger he said he's pickle rick




yeah, i know, but just why?

Please don't post Cursed Images, this is a place for laughter.




Dont mind if i do



The perfect specimen



This is what i fucking hate they think its ok to fuck a 3 year old child even if you are 79 but if youre straight then you will be executed

Y’all noggas better start posting soon


U need Jesus




mane I'm not a SJW but this is BS. You choose the most Sup Forums way to say the 2017 thing. How it actually went through:

>person fucks persons on camera as her job
>person refuses to do that thing that is her job with a gay man

It's like, let's say, you make burgers for a living and then refuse to share your kitchen with a gay man. It makes zero sense and you are in fact discriminating. There's just no excuse.

Aloha newfriend


Her body her choice you mysoginistic bigot fascist shitlord

>In 2014, gay and bisexual men accounted for an estimated 70% (26,200) of new HIV infections in the United States.

Nice post i really like it.


That day the birthday boy got dicked




I don't get the metaphor... so her vagina is the kitchen and she owns her vagina/kitchen then she can have whoever she wants working/fucking there. Right?


Isn't vegan somewhat redundant?





I lost




Moar of these




You'd have to be pretty stupid to not recognize such a blatant false flag.


ITT a bunch of 12 year olds from Utah.

Lost lol.



Can you post just the face

She didn't want to be in the flick because she was worried for her own health you retard. The LGBT porn industry has little-to-no rules when it comes to informing your "colleagues" of any transmittable diseases. So it doesn't really matter.. if she hadn't offed herself and starred in the role she'd have died of super aids anyway





>worried about her health
>kills herself a few days later

yea that makes total sense guy

I think you missed the entire context

Is this from that episode of Portlandia?

are you trying to force a meme again

I think he is

its already a meme samefag



as much as milhouse

can someone pls post the banana pic so i can save it? i need to send it to annoy my autist neighbor.

this shit always gets me

um, up here in Ohio we use a brick, its called brick



t's not wrong, it's just stupid.

>mane I'm not a SJW
Yeah you are.

Down here in Columbus is called bullet

>t's not wrong, it's just stupid.
It's wrong, but it's not stupid.

You are now stupid and wrong. Congratulations.

Yeee represent 614.

We're taking over. You were warned.

Stupid does as stupid is


Holy fuck. Thats funny as shit.