Ask a guy who just crashed his car anything

Ask a guy who just crashed his car anything

whose fault was it?

explain how it happened

literally this

did you hit pennywise? why do you have a red balloon in your grill and sup with that filename



fucking lost lol

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


How many?

My fault legally
Didn’t hit pennywise
Sober as ever

Of course. We all have.

How do you just wreck into something while being completely sober? Were you texting or something?

Several, but only one.


But how would one be even only they?

Did you say "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there" yet?

I was on a four way street that doesn’t have turn lane, but I need to turn left. Stop at the light and wait for green, turns green and I go, a car comes over a hill as I’m turning and hits me. My fault because I didn’t have right of way. He has plenty of time to stop or honk at me but he doesn’t. Fucking nigger

But who was phone?!??!

How often do you think about killing yourself?

Genuine and sincere question.

Like once every two weeks, but more like how would people react.

Traps are for fags.
Not a question, that's a statement.

On a serious side, according to the police how fucked are you now?

Have you considered taking those thought more seriously?

>how would one be even only they

When they even are they do look like it, but not if even they aren't. Lurk moar, newfag

OP please.

I need your answer. I am mentally unstable and need your input.

My car only has liability so no car for awhile, the other dudes car is fine except his bumper, but my insurance has like a $5000 deductible because I’m a teenager


And financially how fucked are you?
Are you out of a job now?
Do you have access to another car?
Is your car insured?

seems like you're pretty fucked for a while, gotta suck some dicks in the meantime to raise some cash

Rudolph with your nose so bright,
won't you wreck my car tonight


i feel like i just passed this crash. nassau ny?

get your parents to pay for it. probably not even your own car

Not fucked at all, pretty stable

Who are you insured by? I work for an auto insurance company.

For the suicide guy, if you’re serious, nothing good can happen if you decide to. Your family would be devastated and no madder what you believe, suicide is no good in any afterlife.

Get a Bike

Honda CT-110
Most reliable bike in the world/

That’s the main problem, my parents have to pay for cause I only make minimum wage, and since it’s Christmas, they’re already spending a lot. So it’s gonna take a while for them to pay. So I’m fucked

I’m a Bamafag

Then fucking relax mate. You know how much worse things could be for you.

I told my mom about a bike, and she said if I woulda had I bike and gotten in that crash, I’d die so fat chance on that.

So you basically have no bitcoins?

I’m relaxed it’s just I don’t know what’s gonna happen or how to fix this

has no one realized how rare that fucking honda is??

It’s a Honda passport, it’s not that rare where I’m from

If this is op you're a dumbass

I dont slow down for retards. If you down hit that gas and get out of the way I will fuck your shit up and it will be your fault. I will get a new truck thanks to your idiocy.

Is your dick ok?