Why are Mexicans so subhuman?

Why are Mexicans so subhuman?

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They're from El Salvador. When you ever see mexicans wearing blue?

>falling for the bait every time

Spanish genes

if they're not mexican then why are all the words in mexican?

maybe it's a club?

what the actual fuck?
I don't care where they're from, is this seriously how they live?

dude the're from Salvador you can see in the upper left corner below the link for atecadeportes.com that its salvador


>Azteca Deportes
>El Salvador


your heard them, deport the aztecs

falling obviously for it


El Salvador, Belize and Honduras should be erased from earth.

I can't tell what is happening in the video

this area from this stadium (where this shit happens) is called "el pequeño Irak", for someone reason women already knew this was going to happen but they still decided to go there, very weird.

But that place no longer exist after some dudes went to jail because a judge said this was pretty much rape kek

It's sexual abuse. And every stadium in latam has no-go zones. We all understand it.


so the answer is yes, that's how you live.
ok, thank god I'm from a regular country.

Nothin wrong with sum cheeky titgrabbing yer a poof i swear on me mom

you impale little girls tho

Yeah, I know, the dudes that did this were literally gangsters, I don't know why this women decided to go there knowing what would happen.

There was a funny thing about this place tho, crazy fags used to wear shirts from the contrary team and run along that line, if you made it through the rain of fists and legs you used to get free beer.

He's right you know.

yeah I know, I was just trying to heat up this shiet

Sounds like a good way to get yourself in the hospital or downright killed.

fuck off you filthy shitskin

Es el proxy que comenzó con los threads del Ukraniano, wn.

>But that place no longer exist after some dudes went to jail because a judge said this was pretty much rape
Was it in consequence of the match against Mexico or this kept happening for a while?

You guys literally kill people over football teams, our countries have a lot of subhumans.

>crazy fags used to wear shirts from the contrary team and run along that line, if you made it through the rain of fists and legs you used to get free beer.
lmao feeling suicidal?

>every stadium in latam has no-go zones
are you kidding? i hope you are

Pero (ignorando esa noticia) no son aún más peligrosos que los Argentinos?

nope, this is p much true.

It was dangerous, of course, that's why I said "crazy fags". But that area was full of literal gansters this subhumans are not afraid of dying.

This used to happen every final, in the nineties this behavior was more or less "tolerated", but after that people started to rightfully complain about all this shit so that's how the government started to do thing to stop it.

>más peligrosos que los Argentinos
de que hablás inutil?

why aren't there more videos like this if its so common

You don't have barras bravas there? They are fucking animals my man. We even got a new law specific to stadium violence when this fuckers started stabbing each other like it was funny.

not it isn't, that doesn't happen in here, Uruguay, Brazil or even Chile (the country that retarded poster is from).
I don't know about the rest because I haven't been.

in your shitholes maybe
here gangs wait until the end of the game to kill each other
plus they're obvious drug/business related murders

What do you expect?


>Barra Bravas
you realize ofcourse that they won't grope women that pass by though, right?
that just doesn't happen.

you're clearly one of those retards that's never been to a single fucking stadium in their lives but still talk about it as if they knew anything.

They were gangsters majority of them were used to get beat up haha

"Las barras bravas" argentinas are definitively more dangerous, although here things can get a little bit messy, too.

>Paraguay and Argentina don't have football related gangs
aight lads whatever you say

>a little messy

t. More dangerous than Syria

>can't read
mejicANO tenía que ser

>"Las barras bravas" argentinas are definitively more dangerous
what are you even on about now?

they don't act like that you fucking idiot, I go to football games every fucking week, there's no "no go zone" and rape is not normal.
you're a bunch of subhumans.

We had something like mentioned. However, as soon as the violence started to escalate teams and government worked together to keep them under control.

There are still some places (after the games) that are better to avoid, unless you want to get in a drunk fight or just mugged.

hot 2bh

That shit does not happens here. God, I hope not.

HAHAHAH yeah don't try to act all mighty and stuff, your barras bravas are literal niggers, I've seen YouTube videos you know, you're guys are very trigger happy and stabby.


>you're guys are very trigger happy and stabby

you're literally the 2nd country with the highest murder rate in the world, you literal subhuman.

They are no longer common, they were common when smartphones weren't that common (god damn it I said common too many times already) here so there is not that many evidence of that behavior.

this is the worst and most violent hooligan gang in Paraguay and they never caused a single death and/or raping IN THE STADIUM
they go home and do their shit THERE. football is sacred grounds and victory is won by goals, not by fists or other stupid shit

El Salvador expelled from FIFA when

Hahahaha nice argument, doesn't chance the fact that you kill people over football teams.

ni te gastes bldo, se piensan que somos todos animales como ellos.

so then you can just walk into that crowd with a rival jersey in any game?
oh man that's interesting, because that's by definition a no-go zone, you know a place where you don't go.
>they don't act like that?
like what, how specifically i stated they acted like? when did I ever say rape.
the fact that you're one of the least smelliest pieces of shit doesn't take away that you're just as shit as us, so stop smelling your own butt and start having some little humility for the first time in your life

What are you talking about?

One nigger died in a football fight in 2016... How many people died in your shithole the last year?


La mayoria de la gente de El Salvador y Honduras son unos salvajes. Da tristeza esta mierda.

What is happening in the op webm is not rape what the fuck are you swedish?

Well, glad to know Costa Rica has their shit together then, honestly now is not as dangerous as it used to be, I go with my girlfriend whenever our local team plays and everything has been fine so far.

>no-go zone
>place where you can't go
well if you enter in a police station with a gun in your hand or with a balaclava that becomes a no-go zone as well. This isn't how no-go zones work
here in the Centenario you can actually go to where the barrabravas are and they won't give a shit, they're in their own circlejerk there
also women don't get groped just for walking by lol

>people don't go where the barra brava is

and where do you think people go to watch the games then?
I go there all the time, it's not dangerous, stop being retarded

We were talking about our football fans you idiot, and you know it. Don't get so butthurt over the truth, your football fans are niggers.

>l if you enter in a police station with a gun in your hand or with a balaclava that becomes a no-go zone as well
so violence is prevalent in an stadium in such cases, funny I thought for a second there you didn't have gangs at all.

we have barras, but they're not that dangerous, literally nothing ever happens.

Stop replying to him, I doubt there are even actual argies that without trolling would defend their barras when they're known for being one of the worsts in the zone.

Every day I thank god I wasn't born a hispanic.

more videos please

Inside the stadiums, yeah things are more or less ok. But outside... things are worse than ever.

The war on drugs reached the streets and pretty much every single day there are killings always related to drugs. (you can thank Colombia for all of this since we took a shit ton of "refugees" and they brought this shit with them)

Yes they're nigger, it's a nigger tier game... But you can't compare even our most dangerous hooligans with your maras and stuff like that, plus this type of violence (dead people, rape, etc) are very rare, just one people died in 2016 because of football, let me ask again, how many died in your country in 2016?

I love how people in other shitholes are attentive to our violence related news...

Like that girl in 2016 or this guy who died in the football fight.

Fun to know that they get this type of news every day, but they dont talk about that lmao

I think you misunderstood that sentence

you still have niggers that cause africa-tier crime in your first world country lol

Yeah, sure. Let's live it at that.

Yeah, I know, but there is some argies that are really that delusional

>so then you can just walk into that crowd with a rival jersey in any game?
yes, because as i said so the differences are settled outside. we're more civilized than you, obviously

ahahaha i actually saw a luqueño wearing a "viking" helmet once
these are their colors
inb4 boca/rosario comparisons

the last incident I can remember is boca fans peper spraying River Plate's team and it happened 2 years ago, and literally nothing happened, nobody died, nothing.

>football is a nigger tier game
wena gordo cheto. Entendé de una vez que el rugby es una excusa entre gordos para manosearse libremente

Yeah keep deflecting our original argument. I don't where did I ever compare the overall crime rates of my country with yours, but whatever.

you've been arguing with more than one argentinian.

they also have the occasional "party hard" with looting and setting cars in flames after their memegame matches
but groping and stabbing INSIDE the stadium??

now you call me argie? wena chispachan
eso nomás me faltaba

>how many died in your country in 2016?

Let me reply that

-Mexico: 23.000


-El Salvador: 5.278


Both of them are retarded then

those are soccer fans, they're all beasts

yeah I think I'll stop for now, I mean why would they even try THIS hard to prove something so false when no one but other latams are listening to them.
I've never understood argie's all mightiness delusion meme until now.

>now you call me argie? wena chispachan
>eso nomás me faltaba
Eh? Obviamente me refería al Argentino.


Yo no hablo con simios que miran fútbol.

Damn that sucks, but do this killings happen to civilians frequently or they are almost all related to drug dealers and stuff??

>wena is spreading

qué ganas de aplanarle el country a este cheto trolazo pero después me acuerdo que estoy de este lado del Paraná y se me pasa

y a mí? que me coma perro?

Deja de decir soccer

nel pinche soccer de mierda que se muera

t. plays golf with his upper class friends during the weekends

They don't target civilians and all deaths are related to drugs one way or another. But from time to time an innocent is accidentally hit.

Basically, an endless carnival of drug bands fighting each other or against themselves and the "revenge" that follows.

The worst part is that there are no solutions to this other than legalization.

>delusion meme

No, eso de crear memes desde el complejo de inferioridad es su especialidad.

Cómo les duele tanto ser un país con 30 millones de emigrantes, inventaron el de los meseros.

Cómo les duele ser spics, wetbacks, panchitos, usan el despectivo sudacas.

Cómo les duele tener el segundo país más violento del mundo, donde las madres buscan los restos de sus hijos cavando pozos por el campo; recolectan noticias relacionadas con la violencia del 2015.

Les duele saber que las calles las tiene que cuidar el Ejército, y buscan fotos de los saqueos del 2001 y el 2013...

Eso es auto-engaño, mi amigo azteca.

Legalization normalizes the drug problem and lets proper business to take care of it, eliminating the scum. The problem is that the scum will look for and find another way to make money.

asi es monin

It's the same thing than my country then. The dangerous thing about that is though that given that homicides are always related to drugs civilians don't care that much, so the goverment doesn't do anything to stop it because the people are not asking for actions, but then given that that cancer gets untreated it gets bigger each year that passes until is too late to actually destroy it. Costa Rica should be very critical over their problems now that they are not THAT big.

>The worst part is that there are no solutions to this other than legalization.

Isn't Costa Rica like the Uruguay of Central America?? I think you guys could make something like that happen but idk

hello el salvador

>complejo de inferioridad
Textbook lower middle-class argie. Do they teach you that phrase in school? Are you aware how cringe it is and sounds? It takes all the strength from your narrative man.

>The problem is that the scum will look for and find another way to make money.

That's actually very true, and it should be evaluated. We don't want abductions to become the new source of income of drug dealers/gansters.

There are ways to minimize the scum's impact once the legalization process is concreted.

One interesting idea is to give to the former drug lords a legal path to clean their record and money, basically an amnesty. For example: give to the government 50% of your money (usually a better deal that the regular laundry they use) and you can keep the rest and you'll be immune from everything you did. In this way you turn former criminals into businessmen. (Of course, there is a plethora of ethical problems with this)

With that said, some scum gotta scum. If I recall correctly in the past (was it Mexico?) a band that lost its drug distribution network diversified its "operations" with kidnappings and human trafficking.

Hopefully in a theoretical scenario where such legalization happens, this scum will be an insignificant minority that could be dealt with.

Sadly, we are more a US' bitch that we like to admit. The last time something like that was talked about, it was shut down pretty fast because it was inconvenient to our principal business partner.

So yeah, unless USA accepts that the war on drugs is lost and let it go, we can't do shit and yeah, it keeps getting worse.

You are describing a tax. And yes, taxation is the civilised manner to deal with this sort of thing. I agree with you. You are quite a fine poster