What the lot of ya drinkin tonight? Finished up some eggnog myself and working on beer now

What the lot of ya drinkin tonight? Finished up some eggnog myself and working on beer now.

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That's going to make some magnificent vomit...

naw im puke free for about 2 years. ill be fine


Some turpintine on ice before bed. Smooth af, op.

founders dirty bastard. theyve been in the freezer about a half hour now, so probably good to go.

just use ice or nothing, you'll be fine if its a bit warm

More vodka

Nice rodent

Got enough to share?

Can't take pics. Was just about to fall asleep too. Thank god for autocorrect I guess.

Didnt finish the bottle last night? Weak

Tfw stone cold sober

Drinking some water right now. Might have chamomile tea later.

Don't drink too much. Makes you pee a lot and drowsy.

I made admirable progress. Big bottle. Head for scale

Naw size of bottle never matters, no matter what 1 bottle should equate to one night.
Cheers to you making progress however, hopefully you'll at least finish a third of it tonight

I've not the stomach nor spending money for that. Maybe one day in the future I'll become the grizzled alcoholic of my dreams, but for now, I can but only practice

Post tits

Sometimes I wonder what eggnog tastes like. Can't get myself to drink it, because it contains raw eggs.

u first bb

here's a tip from a recovering alcoholic. you can buy the shittiest vodka imaginable, run it through a brita filter about 3 times and it will taste just as good as ketel one.

Do you have a feminine penis?

Oh god why would you do this to me

Greetings m'ady

The most feminine penis to ever penis

Is this real?

Natty ice

kekt audibly

one of my favs

Drinking Peat whiskey

Tastes like a fucking camp fire but it's all i got right now

try everything at least
You might like it you might not
lots of people i've seen from here drink that,whats it taste like?

Show boipucci

Could you post a more shitty photo? It's blurry and sideways. So bad, you should feel bad.

yeah man. I used to buy $10 handles from Kroger and do it. then I'd make PJ with it and throw parties and charge 5-10 bucks a cup depending on the person.. make bank.

A little harsh compared to say, Budweiser. For american beer its pretty strong and cheap.

Wew lad I gotta try this. I know a cheap shitty brand at a local store that sells for 7 euros per liter

enjoy my friend


You best stop talking shit. Ill track you down and gut you.

Youre not nickel, fuck off

My god, this man is a artist

Why have we started such a gay club
I'm not cut out to be a tripfag

Thanks. But the truth is I couldnt be who I am without her.

yay alcoholism


I'd hope not, otherwise I'd have gained 300 lbs out of no where.
Drinking out of metal glasses ruins the taste, why'd you do that?
I'll look into it next time I'm at the store, been meaning to try it. My local store I go to doesn't sell it however so it'll be a out of my way trip and thats why I haven't had it yet.
none of us are tripfags though, get your terminology right.
Hell yeah alcohol

Probably a filthy junkrat main

Not drinking tonight, but last night I had quite a bit of Pinnacle fruit punch vodka

I dont. Its decor.
Widow main.

post em'

actually thats an old photo, im killing brews at the moment


how do I know this isn't another old photo?
>less than 8 hours as torbjorn
You disappoint me son

why the fuck do i need to prove this to you? faggot

Too busy

fuck ive had a coupple too many you can read that shit at all

naw you aint
you don't, you decided too
