Give me comfy please

give me comfy please

We got snow all the past week, its been glorious

>tfw no platonic user bros to snuggle up wtih and play video games in this barely cold LA weather

dumping my kitty shoops









i love comfy threads bump

You don't deserve comfy

op here yeah late nights are the best for this



cold morning here

love it when it rains at night

Got my window open and there is 18 inches of snow outside. Finally not hot.


Kitty giving zero fucks no matter what the view is.




come play video games with me user



bump, im at work and work be so happy to be in my warm snow covered house playing video games

Underrated game.

I'm killing myself in the morning

what games would we play user?










If I that pic is you then yes please





Looks like Aberration









is that you bob cat










i drink pretty heavy, would be worried to stumble around this room if it were mine. would crash right out the window



then this isn't something for you aight?



most of my cozy WallPapers are too big for Sup Forums







Also Chechen'd

Ugh I wanna fuck on that bed so bad





I took this pic when camping. Wasn't my site or anything, just seemed pretty neat lol
