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are you ok?

Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня


hi duke


my feet are cold

what do

Wear socks/slippers/wrap a blanket around your legs

my mom is taking me to the toy store
be back later

Have fun



WTF I'm an Evelynn main now.

>not playing hoppy buggo




Kha? I played him a lot when he was actually broken and W applied passive and healed him to full like np.

evelynn is a thot


I'm a thot.


Revival is just a hip hop album.

>It's purely hip-hop, in the purest sense. If you listen to what hip-hop has historically been, it was all about digging in different crates and finding different sounds, and finding different influences to create. If Afrika Bambaataa wasn't influenced by Kraftwerk, we wouldn't have 'Planet Rock.' So, in that sense, what we do is strictly hip-hop.

>If there is a difference. It's that the palette of sounds we work with is more varied than what has been called hip-hop in the last 10 years. Somehow, as hip-hop grew, it's been put into this box. I think it's funny when people are like, 'That's not hip-hop. It's this and this and this.' You can try to rationalize it as whatever you want to rationalize it as.

Those quotes are from Dalek, and Dalek pushed the boundaries of hip hop a LOT further than this verse chorus verse chorus album.

thought you'd be more into karma or something
I did
I saw some random astolfo clip on my youtube feed and I watched it. I had never heard his voice up to that point, it's so weird

I made a smol vid



are you evelynn?
good or bad kind of weird?

also good morning bb, how are you?

I just got home from my walk, I'm relaxing now with some music. How are you?

How was your walk?
I'm still trying to learn Die Moldau on piano, made some decent progress uwu

it was fine, I saw a cute girl and I got scared ; - ;
oh that sounds like a fun song to play, I've heard it before but I didn't know the name


Care to describe her?


Actually kinda dislike her, Riven looks like she'd have a nice tan tho.


don't be scared ; - ;
it is a really fun song to play, most fast paced songs like turkish march and mozart's sonata no. 16 are really satisfying
Hey there sayori, how are you?
evelynn is a thot but are all thots evelynn? :thinking:
if you want to play a stealth jungler, play shaco tbh

More of the same, really. Watching a bizarre movie though, called the Cell. It's from 2000

All women are thot but not all thot are women. Shaco is cool but way too cancerous for me to play often. Also I'm bad at him.
Rat would be my second stealth jungle pick.

if you want to get reported by your team, play sacho uwu

I had to walk to the other side of the street to avoid her ; - ;
I used to play turkish march and nyan cat on the xylophone it was fun
You don't like natural blacks, just white that's been blacked smh
she had a nice butt

whoops, I can never get sachi out of my mind uwu


Sorry to hear that you're not feeling any better...
What's the movie about?
ew twitch jungle is disgusting
have you ever seen people run ignite instead of flash just to secure his level 2 cheese gank (excuse the pun)
RIP my account ; - ;
do you think you can still play it on xylophone? or have you forgotten the notes?

Thus far it's about a research facility where people can enter other people's subconsciousness.
A therapist is trying to enter a comatose kids mind n such.
It's a pretty fucked up movie, I think it's R.

...so the only thing that was cute about her was her butt, huh?


I can't find the :o and -_- pasta
toxic players need punishment uwu
maybe if I had a xylophone to practice, I could relearn it. I definitely couldn't walk up to a xylophone and still remember it
that's all girls are good for t b h


That's rather shallow, isn't it?

sounds very interesting, kind of like a weird twilight zone episode
I wasn't being toxic, I swear ; - ;
I just had a bad game
are xylophones expensive?



I do like natural black. Just something about karma tips me off and I can't tell what.

Claiming best girl.

>like a weird twilight zone ep
So all of them?


Wh.. Whassup! My homies!


is that blood?
is it her playstyle or just her design?
a lot of instruments are I think. I remember looking for used ones back in high school. Some high school was selling one for like 100 cuz it was old and they were getting a new one but I had no money ; - ;
I like boys and girls, I just think boys have more interesting personalities

You'd be surprised, there are quite a few tame ones. Not all of them are out there
Good morning


What? No.

I still feel sorry for Saya.
Hi though.
Whats up?

Why do you think that?
And if it's not too much to ask, what gender are you?

acoustic intruments are always expensive because it takes a lot of skill and precision to make instruments, but you might be able to find an electronic one for a less expensive price
or just keep looking for used ones

She's hard to get used to after playing lulu for so long. I used to think her shield was really good because it also gave movement speed (it still is) but usually you speed yourself up as lulu to save your teammate. With karma if you need to get to someone, you're also wasting your shield
nice pic
oh ok, you can never tell with saya..
I can relate to boys easier
idk if I'll ever get back into it, maybe one day for fun. I played euphonium for a bit, such a beautiful instrument that I'm no good at uwu

I want to die
I'm giving you 3 choices. Which body part to kill today
Shoulders, back or chest uwu

No u
I listen to the crab album today

Sorry? Which route?
They don't really tell what actually happened to Saya after that. I'd like to think nothing bad.. See >image

Still modding Skyrim and trying to figure what kind of character to play..

..What do you mean?

I tried learning a brass instrument (trumpet) and ended up wasting my money buying that trumpet uwu
brass is either too difficult to play, or I just have too small of lungs to play it

side note: don't play karma
c h e s t

I'd like to think that is what happened too. Talking about the best route, ofcourse
But they heavily imply that whatever happened to her killed her in the final transformation.

Which is very sad, because if you understand what she actually is and is meant to do, alongside what she learned from reading literature and other sources, she just understood what it means to be truthfully loved.
And then she dies.

I haven't watched that many of them yet, and when I do I'm always doing something else which takes off my attention and prevents me from understanding them most of the time :shrug:
I liked a lot that one where they think they're getting a nuclear strike and only one dude has a bunker, so everyone spergs and ends up breaking the bunker (which is kinda silly but whatevs) and their relationships.

I bought and played her a tiny bit before Traditional Karma was a thing. Haven't read her kit in years and I expect it to be kinda different.

What about this one, it new, I love it.

Chest nigger

Oh that's a great episode. A situation like that really showed everyone's true colours and how they would treat one another if a crisis like that were to occur.
Have you seen the episode "The Masks"?
you can't best a strong chest uwu
unless you've got those abdominal muscles of course


I think trumpet and french horn are a lot harder, low brass is easier for beginners I think. They all obviously require a lot to master like most things.

you're right, if I'm gonna feed I should do it having fun with rakan
she's into gore..
Unless this was years ago, I think it's still the same, but I started playing in s6 so idk

I love it

Forgive me for being intrusive, but how do you relate more to them?
Or, what makes other girls less relatable?

I-I know, but can always hope that isn't the case..

Sorry :(.


for me, it's just impossible to hold a steady note lol
I can never quite get a crisp movement from note to note or octave to octave

>feeding with rakan
you are the rakan god wtf

>Traditional Karma
Well that's the last time I read her kit and I've seen so many of the old champs got changed or even rerereworked.

I only watch it with a certain someone and he watched that one alone. But I could go for it some day if you recommend it, or something.

My parents need my car so I can't go right away -_-
For abs you just need to cut the fat percentage of your body uwu

Do you still have your trumpet? :o

I'm so good I made trist ragequit uwu
A lot of girls seem to care for appearance, guys are just so fun and free
That's a good skin t b h, the only reason I started playing karma was cuz I got that skin in a chest

I used to watch it all the time with my sister, but by now I think we've seen most of what the show had to offer.
I highly recommend that episode, it's a neat one. There are a few other episodes that are extremely fun to watch but I would need to research the episode titles.
Just jog your way there Kapp
just be sure you wear a light jacket, it's kind of chilly
>just need to cut the fat percentage of your body
if only more people knew how to do it
angery cry
It's in its case in my closet
trist ragequits over anything and everything

mmmm ..Hmm, yeah I get what you mean.
But not every girl is like that. You're already an exception, there's probably more.

I do take you have a couple of friends like that, though, don't you?

They gave it for free to everyone that had the champion before the remake. They did the same with Sejuani in her first remake, not sure if they did it with anyone else but I liked that design decision a lot.
They didn't do it with Eve, but to be honest old Eve was a mistake.

Right now I have this problem where I want to buy a skin for her but the default looks so much better than all others. I got Shadow Eve on snowdown shop but meeeeeh.


"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

>kind of chilly
>is -18
>feels like -27
I don't wanna

Just get a cleaner diet and HIIT your way to a shredded body smh

wow at least I still got it. she's so lewd now she doesn't need a skin or clothes. If I had a job or something, I'd probably just waste money on lulu skins
I want to take someone on a nice date and get crepes :(
All my friends are males. Maybe but I haven't met many
play me something uwu
he's a nice guy

I'm aware of this.

Then go find them. They probably are in the same predicament you are.
Or don't.




Sonokawa claimed ^^


>wow at least I still got it
I wish you didn't uwu. Wish Riot didn't devalue their skins so much, they used to sell christmas and Halloween skins at the premise that they wouldn't be available again and now they're randomly giving them away on boxes.

You can take me as long as you pay for the expenses uwu.

just a breeze, bring a scarf and you'll be fine :gremlin:

got the diet down, now it's time to make my body want to kill itself
lemme join you for those crossfit workouts
I'll play you a gentle serenade of uneven notes and odd octave jumps. You would have to actively try to find some sort of melody

I don't have the diet down uwu
But Gard, I'm on vacation right now. I don't have a crazy Sgt. To force me to do crossfit every morning anymore

I wouldn't mind if the majority of skins weren't bad.
I honestly would if you were in the US, it'd be fun and awkward as hell
that's fine, I love avant-garde uwu
It's not really a priority for me

i wish this was me

Honestly I don't think it would be that awkward.
We'd end up arguing about drugs being bad and me saying they're ok as long as the user is informed and when it comes to pot you can barely call it a drug.