DOOM and Adult Swim series The Missin Notebook cancelled

>DOOM’s Adult Swim singles series The Missing Notebook Rhymes has vanished from the internet. In a statement to Mass Appeal, an Adult Swim spokesperson said the network has ended its relationship with the rapper, cutting short the weekly trickle of new tracks that had been scheduled to continue until November 13: “Thus, the remaining Missing Notebook Rhymes will unfortunately have to remain…missing.” On Twitter, Adult Swim’s Jason DeMarco seemingly acknowledged the news and wrote, “.” A representative for DOOM confirmed the report to Pitchfork. Adult Swim reps declined to comment.

>Releases in the series had included music with Kool Keith, Sean Price (“Negus, Jay Electronica, the Alchemist, and a song under his alter ego Viktor Vaughn.

>While The Missing Notebook Rhymes is apparently no more, DOOM has joined with Buffalo rapper Westside Gunn for a new project called WESTSIDEDOOM. Listen to their first song, “Gorilla Monsoon,” above (via Hypebeast).

>At the start of August Adult Swim announced details of an exciting new collaboration with DOOM that would see them release 15 tracks weekly by the elusive rapper. Just seven weeks later that series has come to an end, with a representative for Adult Swim telling Mass Appeal that they ended the relationship.

The release series was titled The Missing Notebook Rhymes with a brand new song taken from either an upcoming DOOM album or project he's featured on due to be released each Tuesday. Things went ahead as planned with a range of tracks, including collaborations with Jay Electronica and The Alchemist, landing online. However, September 27 did not see any DOOM material appear.

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>Approached for comment by Mass Appeal, Adult Swim confirmed that the series has ended and that the Notebook... series is not going ahead as planned. Their statement read: “Adult Swim is ending our relationship with DOOM, and thus, the remaining Missing Notebook Rhymes will unfortunately have to remain…missing. We are glad to have had the chance to provide the previous free tracks to our fans.”

>The seven tracks that did appear online during the series have now been removed.

>Representatives for Adult Swim and DOOM were not immediately available for comment.

i dotn know what this is but fuck them for cancelling world peace

However, I, OP, an adult swim employee will release them here at 3AM eastern us time

is adult swim losing their relevancy?


First WP and now this

Adult Swim is so fucking lame these days. They're still milking the Eric Andre Tim and Eric stoner vapor irony schtick when it's getting old now.

They carried us into the new age, havent had to watch since 2012

rick and morty sucks

Has DOOM lost his relevancy?


Tim and Eric hasn't been good for a few years.
They don't even show good anime anymore.
I just hope they'll one day finally dump the FOX horseshit.

rick and morty is for pseuds world peace is for actual geniuses 8)

this. adult swim's aesthetic hasn't been cutting edge since odd future was relevant

Tim & Eric was never good, motherfucker.

japan stopped making good anime so cant' really fault adult swim for it

i like the i sit down when i pee one

Rick and Morty is the biggest show on TV but I couldn't name anything they have airing besides that and Eric Andre. They had some random cartoons like Mike Tyson and Mr Pickles but those never got that big.

Shit at least I got to hear the Jay Electron track that shit was flames

>yfw you learn venture bros is still airing

what the fuck happened between doom and those retards?

Knowing the people who run Adult Swim, he could have had a single disagreement on something and they killed the project.

Post some DOOM rhymes

they still air the family guy/american dad shit and then air robot chicken, eric andre, r&m, tim and eric, squidbillies, and black jesus/mike tyson usually. it's the same shit they've aired for forever.

My guess is this was the plan all along if the releases didn’t get enough attention. Doom stans love limited edition or “missing” shit. I bet someone out there feels real connected right now cause they are getting to listen and he’s probably wearing a really cool hat.

even worse. they are becoming mainstream.

On Doomsday!, ever since the womb ‘til I'm back where my brother went, that's what my tomb will say
Right above my government, Dumile
Either unmarked or engraved, hey, who's to say?

World Peace was shit. Nothing of value was lost.

t. Joe Bernstein

It's no worse than Tim & Eric's new shit. It had it's moments and the uncensored versions coming out soon

Who here fw Unknown Hinson

Tim and Eric are gay too
No world peace was just unfunny garbage and referencing pol memes with elaborate sets.

Sorry, my parents weren't siblings.

Unknown Hinson is the shit, son.
Sweet Pain is a favorite of mine, but I haven't managed to get my hands on all his stuff.

thanks for the blog update

You ain’t my daddy

I think all you Americans are also forgetting
>adult swim sucks outside of USA
they didn't even get Rick and Morty first in Canada
Canada still doesn't have mike tyson, pickles, dream corp llc, space danady, nothing
it's a miracle that asseenonadultswim even ships out of country

what the fuck are you talking about? who cares, we can torrent anything we want

t. leaf


let me simplify
>adult swim isnt as big as burgers think
manifest destiny isn't real, not everything is about you

i'm a leaf too. i really don't see how this is relevent to DOOM and adult swim parting ways.

Probably just another shitty AS "joke". They love shit like this. And so probably does DOOM

show me an american who forgot that we have all the best stuff and canada sucks


are you wearing a cool hat by chance?


pick one

I can't believe they cancelled MDE: World Peace. Hyde says that they wanted to buy his script for the second season after they fired him.

>Tim and Eric hasn't been good for a few years.
the new bedtime stories are great