Didn't Mf Doom vote Republican?

Didn't Mf Doom vote Republican?
Wouldn't be the first time Adult Swim fired someone for that

He didn't donate to Black Lives Matter enough.

holy fuck shut the fuck up


Lol he didn't even vote Obama
He's a Trump guy


Doom's new collab with Westide Gunn is fucking villainous.


No fucking way blacks don't vote for Trump

They also didn't vote McCain but Doom did

corporations are the most cowardly people of all time

They don't?

I feel like he wouldn't even vote honestly

Its a power play to make more money. These niggers have no scruples or honor in business. Should have kept it small and your own, instead of letting yourself be new white kid fodder on AdultSwim. I hope he hates his music because of all of you.

>strategically covers face

looks like someone's never heard of trump's sassy black groupies, diamond and silk

wasnt he stuck in the uk anyway during that election?

you can vote while overseas

Isn't he still a british citizen?
How could he have voted?

Has Trump ever said anything negative about black people? Maybe latinos, but I've never heard him say anything negative about blacks. Why do people assume he's a racist?

Because the Democrats and their media have made him out to be one

>Maybe latinos
Not even that and that's coming from a Hispanic.

he think you're a rapist tho

>this shit again
Listen to that full clip. Not the sound bite they play on CNN. He was literally only talking about illegal immigrants, and he added "some of them, I imagine, are good people" at the end. He didn't say all hispanics. He didn't even say all illegal immigrants.

>implying blacks vote

They voted when there was the black guy candidate

haha yeah men there are hispanic people, and then there are spics, right muh Sup Forumsbro??

they also voted for hillary clinton in botht he primaries and the general because they're dumb. black peopel are the only reason bernie lost lmao

Literally 12% of all illegal immigrant arrested are arrested for sexual abuse.
That's what he was referring too.
They are bringing drugs, they are bringing crime, they are raping, and we have laws to prevent this that aren't being enforced properly only because more illegals = more democrats and slave labor.

Nobody said spics. What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm not the one bringing racial slurs into this. I'm just saying that I've never heard Trump say anything racist. He said that drug dealers and rapists, along with good people, are coming across the border. He said many times that our immigration process is way too convoluted, and that we need to make it easier for people to come here legally. He's not anti-Mexican, and he's not even anti-immigrant. His views on immigration are literally the same views the Democratic party held under Bill Clinton.

How does a wall and mass deportation make legal immigration easier?

12% of the people who get arrested which i would imagine is already a small number is a significant minority

It makes illegal immigration harder which is a good thing because it prevents undermining of wages and strains on social services.

>He said many times that our immigration process is way too convoluted, and that we need to make it easier for people to come here legally.
i agree that's why i voted for bernie sanders and jill stein

a brief disruption of paradise in order to allow people to escape hell is a small sacrifice in my opinion

Social services are being strained by fatass white americans in the south, look up the real welfare stats my dude

can confirm, fatass white american on welfare here

Your opinion lost the election, and isn't an argument.

I voted for Trump, and I personally think the wall is a waste of time, resources, and taxpayer dollars. That's not why I voted for him. I think the idea is to make it harder for people to come here illegally in the short run, and THEN focus on fixing our immigration system so that people don't have to undermine our system and come here illegally in the long run. He's essentially putting duct tape over a hole in a ship. Its a temporary solution to a bigger problem.

>Yeah, but only a few women got raped so it's ok.

i think rust belt states were more concerned about trade than immigration

You're just transporting hell into paradise until paradise becomes hell 2.0, how is that good?
At what point do you draw the line?

you only care because it's white women. you don't care that they'd jsut be doing it in mexico otherwise

immigration won't turn the unied states into mexico

Which is why we can't afford spending more on non Americans

What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously, stop with the identity politics. It's not about "white" women. Its about rape. I don't even know if the victims were white or not, and you don't either. Rape is bad, regardless of color, mate. Nobody is okay with Mexican women being raped. You need to take off your racist liberal goggles.

its fucking miniscule, its a non-excuse to be racist. not hard to believe at all, why are you so resistant to the idea?

He has UK passport you retard.

so would you rather the rapists be in american prison or running around free in mexico raping all they want

Why should we spend any money on people who broke the law to move here and technically have no right to be in the country? This is a country, not a Salvation Army shelter.

Holy fuck, the leftists in this thread are the only ones making it about race. We don't want them out because they're Mexican. We want them out because they're here illegally and don't pay taxes. I live in Texas. I seriously love Mexican people.

Why do spics get so upset when the US decides to actually enforce their existing immigration laws? Do they think they can just get away with coming here illegally?

Where do you live? Just wondering.

California here. Tell me where you live sweetie

The only states that vote against immigrants taking muh taxdollars are parasite states that couldn't generate a tax dollar to save their fat uneducated christian lives. But hey keep bootlicking, it'll get you real far.

>mass deportation
Imagine viewing politics on this base of a level.

this is why we should give illegal immigrants american citizenship and force themt o pay taxes

I don't know that they are white women, bro.
You obviously care more about Mexicans that Americans so don't project your shit on me.

How do you justify this point of view? It really is fascinating.

Mexico needs to deal with their rape epidemic. That's not America's job. Yeah, it's really fucking sad and their police are corrupt as hell, but what would you suggest we do? Let them come over here and rape on our soil because our police aren't as corrupt? What kind of solution is that?

i live in an extremely multi-racial low-crime environment

It's $130 billion a year.
And what race are we talking about here exactly?

They're fat and uneducated so you take away the only jobs they can get to improve their situation by giving it to unskilled illegal immigrants who work for less money and undermine wages. I'm for immigration if it's beneficial. Let in smart people who are qualified, have a job lined up, have a skill, and make our society better in some way. I am against unskilled immigration and people breaking the law who are usually just laborers who barely speak the language and offer nothing beneficial to the country other than manual labor anyone can do. The US is very lenient on who they let in compared to the rest of the world and it makes things worse for the working class. It's not my job being affected, but just insulting people won't get you far either.

>give citizenship to people who didn't apply for citizenship, against their will, and force them to stay here and pay taxes instead of just sending them back
Yeah, and we should make them wear stars on their shirts too. Great idea.

allowign the option of going back is fine too

No because that would be rewarding people for breaking the law and then you'd have to give citizenship to their extended relatives as well. Just make it easier for illegals who work to become citizens, have them take the test and learn the language and prove they're working, but don't give blanket amnesty.

yo who has the zip of all the tracks that got released

can someone with the power just fucking delete this shit board

Who do you think sent those jobs away in the first place? It wasn't some poor Mexicans. Stop only looking at the symptoms.

i think only the jap who runs the stie can do that

believe it or not, some people aren't scared of foreign people. Mass immigration is inevitable due in part to the world bank and America's foreign policy. Things like NAFTA and the IMF cause mass migration by destroying the economies of countries in places like south and central America. So in summary, I don't care about people immigrating, and if you are so concerned about it you should focus your attention on fighting against things that do contribute to it. Illegal immigration is just a symptom of much bigger and more complicated problems.

Yeah I get the whole corporate America thing and outsourcing. I'm against that too. I don't think importing unskilled workers will do anything though. It's part of the problem.

Now why would anyone be so dumb as to do that

if only

Well, that just sounds like blanket amnesty at best and anarchy at worst. Come and go as you please, with no real punishment for entering the country illegally?

Yeah and I'm against imperialism and globalism
and crony capitalism as well. Illegal immigration is also bad. Mexicans aren't even all the illegals, they're just most of them. There are Cubans and Filipinos that come over here on boats and there's retarded Poles and Serbs in the EU countries.

reminder that trump reneged on nafta after trudeau told him to

You didn't answer the question. Just spouting more moral superiority bs.

i support open border

Poles aren't illegals but they are usually retarded manual laborers (construction, plumbing, gardeners kinda like mexicans) yes but they're allowed to move there due to the EU. They're white so it's not racist to criticize them.

Arguing immigration from a moral perspective doesn't work, because the final solution in this scenario would be to take in all 4 billion or so people from the 3rd world into your country.
You can't turn any of them away because of course, that's racist.
So how exactly can a single country sustain 4 billion people?
How does that country not become 3rd world itself?

I don't and most Americans don't because it would just create a scenario where everyone would just move here because they can and flood the labor market. There's already too many people in the US.

>EU isnt racist

I was having a laugh about this with my professor today. These posters actually just don't understand the difference between personal morality and state-level ethical decisions.

I don't get why they never focus on improving their own countries. How can any of these shitty countries get better if their best and brightest all leave?

you cna be racist against white minorities

yeah, I think they should just give them citizenship but the ruling class would prefer to continue profiting off of illegal labor.

>Mexicans aren't even all the illegals

Yeah, I know, a lot come from South America.

No you can't.

aw come here clem

How can you support open borders when you see what's happening in Europe right now? Are you ignorant to the facts, or are you just evil? How can anybody see the effects of open borders, and still be okay with it?

i just agree with you that people who think you can't are stupid. some liberals/leftist people are retarded

>a lot come from South America
That's why Mexico has a southern border wall.

>it's another idiots fall for Sup Forums bait thread


You stop believing political things to be bait when you have someone with a Maoist patch on their beanie tell you why not letting unlimited immigrants into your country while slashing your security budget and funding the development of shitty nations worldwide is arrogant and, quote, "dangerous."

The effects of Nafta have long since taken place, whether or not the deal is changed doesn't really matter now.

I'm not morally superior to anyone, I just don't care about foreign people coming to live around me. I don't believe there is anything particularly special about any country and I think people should be able to live wherever they like. It doesn't bother me if my neighbors are zipper heads or anything.

Funny how it's always EU and USA who have to take in all the poor of the world, yet Japan the 3rd largest economy in the world and a first-world developed society is only like 1% immigrant.

And don't give me the muh racism colonialism shit either. Japan fucked around all around East Asia slaughtering people and taking over their countries years ago so if we're going to use ancient history as an excuse there's that. Europe didn't destabilize the Middle East, that was all America's fuckery, yet the EU gets the brunt of the refugee problem.

Again, you're avoiding the question to claim you're on the moral side of a strawman argument.

i think japan should do it too

Well at least you're not a hypocrite. Most people advocating for this never criticize Japan when they refuse pretty much any immigration unless you have a masters and speak the language.