About to join The Flat Earth Society

About to join The Flat Earth Society.

I have educated myself, have you?

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Great for you ! Since you're educating yourself, could you please google Oxymoron? Following that, google Moron.

alright I will, thanks :D

Took you long enough. It's pretty obvious if you think about it

Seen plenty of ships disappear bottom first over the horizon.
All I need to know.


Yeah I man I heard the society had members all around the world

>obvious selfbump is obvious

Looks like your flat-earth bullshit is about to fall off the edge of the board.



Hey OP do you believe in Google Maps and GPS?

It is just a construct and it is fake. There are no sattelites and GPS for real. It's all software built-in.

Ever been on an airplane? How long does it take to fly from japan to the US?

The flat Earth movement started as a meme to troll people and see if they would actually believe in the flat Earth again.

Look at the monster we have created fellow Sup Forumsrothers.

So when I go to work for 50 hours a week analyzing real time satellite imagery, that's all fake? They're paying me to do literally nothing? Damn, news to me.
inb4 paid shill, an E3 salary would not be enough to keep me quiet about that.

Go to google right now, there's this secret mode where you can pull up a map, and ask for directions. You can also get these super secret devices you put into cars and they tell you where you're at!




At last! Actual scientific proof!

Seems like you don't know how physics work idiot. Go to school again lefty fag.


How come know one who believes that the Earth is flat has seen and recorded the edge of the Earth

It should be that simple right get a plane and fucking fly to the edge

Why is the moon round and the earth flat? Makes no sense logically

Isn't there some bullshit about the flat earth being infinite?
I feel sure I heard that bullshit somewhere. How the hell that allows for calculating distances anywhere I don't know.

I once saw a flat-earther asked why Mars and Venus are round and the earth isn't. Same principle.
He said it was because Venus and Mars are planets. The earth is not.
You can't fake that kind of stupid.

the most spectacular one I've read was that the moon is in fact flat, and the phases of the moon are not because its spherical, but in fact some sort of migratory light-emitting.... something, which migrates across the surface in a conveniently perfect set of crescents...

I would say you cant make this shit up, but apparently they do.

So, flat earthers don't believe in gravity, right?
How the hell do they explain the tides, and the fact that they synch perfectly with the rotation of a spherical moon around a spherical earth?

I expect that's probably another one that's a "conspiracy".

they also cant explain basic geology, or geography.

they also cant explain if its a disc why looking due south in say, patagonia and Western australia, which on a flat disc with their most commonly chosen map are looking almost in complely opposing directions, both see the same star constellations.

Hell, they cant even explain why distances in the southern hemisphere arent distorted as they would have to be for a disc.

the best bit of the gravity nonsense is the claim that we're accelerating upwards... at 9,8m/s every second, of every day, of every year.

yet, to reach 186,000km/s at that rate of acceleration, with some basic maths, is 3*10^8/9.8 = 30612244.9s

which is 8500 hours. divide by 24= 354 days

Yup, according to the flat earthers, the earth exceeds C every 354 days...

Except for the moon is flat. You can see it.

you have my deepest condolences for your terrible brain injury.

if you look at this, and see the shadows in craters, and the terminator shadow and one half of it in shadow, and conclude that it is flat, I can only presume you were dropped on your head as a child, are legally blind, or are a prisoner in someone's dungeon...

Na man. I'm actually college educated. I just don't believe their lies.

Alright, obviously I don't believe the earth or moon or whatever is flat.
But, could you explain what we observe with a disk that bulges in the center and tapers toward the edge?

>I'm actually college educated.

I am rather sceptical that you were educated at all if you think they are lies.

the other option of course, is that you are displaying the mental health symptoms of schizophrenia, which is after all, the mental health illness of being unable to discern fantasy from reality...

They don't believe in GPS.
They don't believe in Satellite television. (I guess they think dishes magically generate shows from the heavens.)
They don't believe in ICBMs.

Yet these things exist, how do they come to terms with these things? Do they ignore them because they're not real... do they think the Earth is sometimes round when it suits them? Has there ever been a flat earth pilot with 1000+ hours, that wasn't making money from gullible idiots?

>But, could you explain what we observe with a disk that bulges in the center and tapers toward the edge?

No, I couldn't. Because I am aware of the reality of the universe, and as such, the other side of the moon has been mapped by quite a few satellites over the last 50 years... And I do not subscribe to absurd conspiracy theories that the last half century of reality is all faked.

So no, I cannot "explain what we observe with a disk that bulges in the center and tapers toward the edge", because that does not correlate with reality.

Nor could a "bulged disc" explain the shadows in craters on the near side being consistent with that "bulge" being a sphere, when the light is at extremes of waxing and waning. Only a sphere, lit from a single light source point (the sun) with a small amount of backscatter lighting (from the earth) could explain the basic optics of the moon's illumination.

Pfft all you heathens are eons behind the earth isnt flat or round we live in a simulation wtf is wrong with you Sup Forumstards educate yourselves

>I have educated myself
>Totally ignores proof that they are wrong
kek, autistic kids nowadays are truly special

This is a ylyl right?

People who "educate" themselves are just like defendants who represent themselves in court.

even in your shit model the earth isn't flat

when I'm cold at night I go into the shade to warm up

mi just gonna leave these images here ...

layers and layers of conspiracy, usually.

satellite TV is in fact broadcast from "cell towers". (the fact that these two dont correlate in reality is of course glossed over).

GPS, god knows what their claim is.

and ICBMs they claim are proof that space launches are impossible, because ICBMs fall back to earth, just like thier steam-powered manned rockets to an altitude of 1,500 feet, to prove that the earth isnt curved...

(you did read about that nutter? space.com/38869-flat-earther-homemade-steam-rocket-launch.html
mad. utterly mad. )


Very informative.
Thank you.

mindboggling isnt it?

I sort of hope Musk takes a flat earther up in one of the falcon/dragon rockets someday, just to screw with them.

Start a go fund me / pareteon for sending every one of them up there. Though then I'd be tempted to join for a free ride to space!

must we pay for 2-way tickets, or can we just send them one-way?

Make the trip up mandatory and return ticket has to come out of your own pocket.