I want the absurd

i want the absurd

they think him a bus







You asked for it



you sick fuck








Does that cake really have a stock photo watermark?

The longer I look the more upsetting it gets.

looks like it



the one behind all is about to fall down :(

chickens are the closest thing to a t-rex.





what the actual fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!


hey I recognize that gay blowjob!

really different



As I scrolled down, I couldn't help but what photo the knife would appear in first. Serious serial killer vibe to this.

thier is no gay blowjob your projecting

Damn, she's beautiful.
I'd blast diesel in her unapproved container all night, if you know what I mean.

yor proyecting









A Samsquanch...

That mother fucked take a whole canned cranberry sauce?!?!

wth is it?




what the heck? that's my fetish!



thought sasquach was more bear like that looks more like one of the things from sleep paralysis

is there a story behind those pics?

this has to be some kind of project because I don't fucking believe that there is the whole group that can be that beta. Disgusting, without any soul, total passiveness.

Oh, well if there was enough for everyone, then that's ok I guess.


No I don't know what you mean

what happened here?


Warp travel mishap

oh Jesus!


Quaid start the reactor

i think they were being baptised






now i am even more confused...

The girl looks exactly like my manager.



I don't know what's more interesting about this image. The fact that the catfish is the size of that woman, or the felling that the catfish looks slightly less like a disgusting water vermin by comparison.

What is this from? I would love to see the whole thing.

Judging form the nose of the thumbs up girl, I'd say it's Jews goin wild.


Trevor, smokes.