
Other urls found in this thread:

what about manpop?

thank you for making a real thread

have a banger

reminder we only post uggos and faggots here

no sana no life

these kids are fucking uglo desu

That's why I never post my waifu

please bring back that kimlip webm...



during american time mostly


Fucking die you cancerous retard

tzu be dubu honest
it's a combination of tzubh and dbh
also it's really catchy
like scoobydubudoo


i don't post any of the groups i like here

gaypop is only bad if it makes you gay. it's no wonder some people stay away from it constantly
if you can enjoy gaypop without becoming a faggot you're the real winner

Does Idol school normally come on now or later?



not a good group imo

tzubh triggers the dub



please make a NEW thread

you're in it

Listening to ribbon while thinking about Nancy

>it's another kpg retards beg for moderation episode
i'm out, i hope you all get crucified and we lose Sup Forums
we never deserved being here


no one tell choacuck we are in this thread

did you guys see what jiyoung is doing in japan?

jesus Sup Forumsshitter do you ever shut up

winner was better with nam tae hyun
they've become sellouts and fell for the trop house meme. normies ate it up fast

jinsoul tho

i think the choa thread is better than this one, let's go there



I gave it a go, took ages cuz I fucked up but here it is

wow, loona is #10 on the billboard world albums chart!!!

they're basically as big as bts now

why do those subs have different font?


the mina one is also good


her face isnt even all that pretty

bts' mic drop. starts out great and then goes full blown autistic

the girl should be Seulgi


so fucking weird that they added seulgi to this

that's some terrible haircut on xiumin

No, what?

it took so long to paint out the background for just those 2, seulgi can get fucked sorry
would if I could but I'm not that good at photoshop

I was just trying to be funny

because someone posted the first one then someone else posted the second one, then someone else put the two together. it was a real team effort, that meme

bad meme

why was seulgi even part of that?

when was this?


is this real?




remember to support k-indies:

i think it fell flat instantly when that one voice had a sudden change in the song's mood. was it jin or jimin?


ok but not the ones you link

is that a Twice poster on the left?

that's fine, which ones do you like?

kpg flavour of the month:

kim lip

don't mind me, just posting best girl

only uggos below this point edition

dreamcatcher really changed their sound, damn

nice track though, cheers

they deserve it. mix and match is a solid album. i hope fantano reviews it dbh

so who do we complain at for the creation of /kr/ ?

we'll fill that board easily with all these autists, myself included

i hope you kill you'reself tzudbh

choaposter exposed?


where were you when eclipse came out? it can't be flavor of the month if it last more than one month

Are you faggets gonna watch Suzy's new kdrama with LJS?

no clue, idk bts that well. it's not just the voice change tho, but the fact they're screaming 'did you see my bag? did you see my bag?' outta nowhere. it's such a curveball and totally kills the vibe

i've heard maybe 2-3 bts songs, and before that part came i was like holy fuck, these guys are actually awesome... then they go and do that

yo! fuck off! we've been lipsters since eclipse dropped!


>totally kills the vibe
the "vibe" is literally them bragging, so asking people if they've seen their bag fits the vibe and the message perfectly


>Can't nobody stop me now,

>try me.


not a fan of the chorus too. micdrop micdrop it feels unnatural with the beat

kdramas are gayer than gaypop
not even memeing

don't try to give choabros a bad name

People like to make fun of this but in context, it all made sense.

A cute


it will never happen because this website is bult by weaboos and they hate koreaboos for being superior in every way imaginable

>posting on a cucked board


no i get what they're saying, i don't get why they're screeching it autistically outta nowhere however


is this you? did you see my bag?
Phrase popularized by Korean-Pop group "BTS" in their 2017 classic hit song "mic drop". The bag refers to their accomplishments and the question is asking whether or not their doubters and antis saw it; because if they had, they would realize that they have nothing to doubt.
Person 1: BTS sucks
BTS, in their hit single "mic drop": did you see my bag?
#bts] [kpop] [kings] [invented music
by GiveMeTheGreenLight September 23, 2017

i bought that plush for her

ya get it

reminder these shitposts are only allowed for black pink and gaypop

yeah right, skyscraper

complaineranon has logged on