More accessible black metal similar to pic related?

One of my favorite records ever, but i just can't seem to get into other black metal artists (Darkthrone, Bathory, Emperor, etc.)

Other urls found in this thread:

Search for atmospheric black metal then
But still you should listen again to those bands yoi said you fidn't got into it

Probably gonna like Sunbather


There is nothing really similar to filosofem
Paysage d'hiver has a similar atmosphere
Pic related isn't similar but it's very accessible, a personal favorite

idk is this accessible?

Emperor were the first that got me into bm personally. I have comfy memories of listening to pic related during a shitty dark winter, sprawled on a couch and reading Chaucer

Good times, kvlt times man

Black metal is not for you. Stop trying, you fucking disgraceful poser.


Drudkh, Paysage d'hiver and Darkspace are cool and somewhat similar

try Bergtatt by Ulver


Deafheaven - Sunbather
this is the record that got me into bm
i'ts not atmospheric by any means, but if it's accessible enough for me it's accessible enough for you
this, but unironically

Play from newest to oldest.

no. just no
check out the first Enslaved album, it's from the same time as Burzum and he was even signed by Euronymous, the guy who made it was only 13 at the time

this is inspired by burzum

but it seems like you don't like black metal like burzum? look at nattens madrigal by ulver maybe.

check out the black twilight circle as well... very good shit for the most part

and maybe this
but really idk if any of this is accessible. you'd guess that means catchier shit and little bm really conforms to that key

>catchier shit and little bm really conforms to that key
id put Zeal And Ardor in with that minority

Dissection, Vinterland

okay Andrew

hey dungeon bros

there are surely enough of us here regularly to keep a general going

not without isaac

true......if only he were still with us....

rest in peace.

Ds generals are pretty strange in that sometimes they'll get over 100 responses and other times they'll die without one response. It would be neat if they could be maintained semi-frequently though

Rest in propane

I wish we had more live shows and stuff to add to the mix of discussion

>no mention of Murmuüre
This is very similar to Filosofem.

behexen, mah man

I've been listening for like a month and a half and i love this

That would definitely add to the conversation. Live dungeon synth seems to be happening more at least. Nazgal Dracul did some live videos, Effluvium has been touring around the U.S., and it looked like Nahadoth was doing a live show soon.

deathcrush and de mysteriis dom sathanas were the best mayhem records. RIP Dead

I feel like more riff-oriented stuff would be easy to get into. Just found this band today, and I'm loving it. If you like this, I would check out Moonblood too.

op pic isn't black metal though. what did you mean by this?


Baka onii-chan

Peep early Ulver and give Emperor another chance, In the Nightside Eclipse was the record that got me into bm

That's me

Stop trying to fit in, if u dont like darkthrone you are a faggot poser. Go back to indie pop

who is andrew?

Andrew Oliver aka Chaucerian Myth aka Baron Limpdik Memesworth

>Baron Limpdik Memesworth


Immortal and Satyricon are about as entry level as it gets

try them

Is it weird if I war a wizard robe to a DS concert?

Fuck you

it's weird if you don't

atmoblack post best post

Just listen to Dimmu Borgir and shut your mouth. I'd suggest Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, faggot. If this doesn't do it for you, then fuck off.

there's absolutely nothing wrong with chubby spics that use spotify

There’s fucking nothing right with that shit and I could tell by your use of death grips fb frames that you come on Sup Forums you fat fuck

>fb frames

Maybe this. Not just screaming and blast beats, but kinda progressive and emotional.

This is what we’re trying to keep out

jesus christ

Yes this is who thinks DS is cool these days: parasites from Sup Forums that wish they were white
Maybe my favorite bm album ever, ITNE is close though
Newer stuff, same vein as KPN
This is about as accessible as good BM gets.

This sounds like poppy BM

im actually listening to the first one right now lol. It's pretty mellow so far...for BM.

Are we calling ripoffs “the same vein” now?