Religiotards - when you have children will you be embarrassed to reveal to them that you believe in an invisible magic...

Religiotards - when you have children will you be embarrassed to reveal to them that you believe in an invisible magic sky daddy because you lack the courage to face your own mortality? Do you think your kids will be ashamed to know that their dad is a coward?

Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it's not there.

Fedora here, they won't because they are enabled by other idiots with the same retarded beliefs. They socialize with other church members and so.

I believe in plenty of things that I can’t see. Things for which there is e-v-i-d-e-n-c-e.

*tumbleweeds blowing through the thread*

Poor old religiotards. Hiding from reality. As usual.

Why not just let people believe what they want? We both know that nothing will happen when we die, but youre acting like youve been enlightened or something, when in reality youre just a faggot

The tax-free status of churches’ income means that EVERYONE is forced to subsidise their useless, lying, parasitic asses. That’s reason #1 out of around 47,000 reasons why any thinking person naturally despises the religion business.

Please explain, how is it that you have collected enough data on the nature of reality, namely, the practise of spirituality, shared by the majority of humanity, that you can dismiss the nearly universal belief, that there is no all-father, supreme entity, god etc..?

I'll wait. this is the question that turned me away from the ignorance of atheism.

Every individual that attends church still has to pay taxes dipshit. You're just being a crybaby

>when in reality youre just a faggot

Arguing in either direction is wrong. We are the product of extraterrestrial fungi. Billions of years ago, someone or something placed fungi here with the DNA needed to eventually become sentient. Don't believe me? Do some research. We are just intelligent fungus.

Look up Jordan Peterson's YouTube lectures on the psychological significance of Bible stories. It is quite thought-provoking, regarding what needs are filled by religion. The "sky daddy" idea is, of course, absurd and silly.

No. I'll just beat them until they have an emotional need to believe the same.

>Do you think your kids will be ashamed to know that their dad is a coward?

Thank goodness i dont need to worry about that. Im going to let my kid shape their own belief, like i did myself. Im sure they'll realize how absurd religion is and that they don't need it to live a fulfilling life.

By that logic, there also needs to be equally definitive and irrevocable proof that a supreme deity does exist.

Or are you dogmatically claiming the abstract of faith is exclusive to religion? Can an atheist not also have faith that there is no God? Was atheism ever held up as the 'Religion of Science", and only things that have been conclusively proven are real? Would that mean that atheists don't think anything that hasn't moved past scientific theory exists?


>facing my own mortality

I would love to spread his word with the sword in a new crusade ...


You mean dad wasn't lying when he said his cock would always be with me?!

>we both know nothing will happen when you die

"Nothing" does not exist. If nothing were to exist, then we wouldn't have everything we see now. If nothingness were to last forever like people claim, why are we here now? Wouldn't it make more sense for there to be "nothing" rather than everything?

Nothing didn't exist, only reality.

You've only asked questions, without answering mine.

You are not more rational, or more intellectually experienced than the generations of your ancestors who believed, and felt, the presence of a higher power.

How did you manage to convince yourself otherwise? One of the most brilliant minds ever, Sir Isaac Newton, believed in a higher power. Explain that. He was smarter than you and me.

Being smart doesn't turn someones opinions into fact, evidence does. Your argument is invalid.

>someones opinions
You assume it's an opinion. Stop for a minute and consider that you're not the only person who rationalises their experience of reality. Everyone does, especially highly intelligent people.

You have no evidence that there’s no god. Which makes your argument invalid ...



Im not claiming either, bucko, i just enjoy seeing everyone talk about what they say is fact.. even though no one here knows for certain. Try again, though.

No, not really.

No, I KNOW that believing in a higher power is an opinion, same as not believing. Without irrefutable evidence, that's exactly what they are. I know you want to justify your belief, but you simply cant, and there's nothing wrong with that.

If you claim neither you’re agnostic, not atheist as you stated you were ...

So you admit your view is an opinion. That's good. But why is your opinion different from the majority of your ancestors? What's different about you?

I never claimed anything. Im not OP, just someone throwing out their opinion.

>Why not just let people believe what they want?
Because humanity doesn't work that way. Religions have blood on their hands.

I'm confused. Are you religious or not?

>so you admit your view is an opinion

Well, yeah.. you see, im not religious, hence my rational thinking and why i dont need to think my beliefs are fact without evidence.

I am not. I think that it is plausible for the emf's of our brains to interact with others', without our conscious intervention. Along those lines, it is plausible that this subconscious networking where all supreme entities manifest, whom cultures have felt and documented for generations before us.

Are you not curious about the basis of spiritual beliefs? I am. They play a big role in the majority of people's lives and cannot dismiss their faith as trivial delusions.

Because there aren't answers to faith, fucktard, or it wouldn't be "faith"

>Because there aren't answers to faith, fucktard, or it wouldn't be "faith"
k tough guy. You totally missed the point. Being atheist is not rational.

>invisible magic sky daddy
By defining God that way you have proven to be the worst type of religious fanatic. Verily.

>Are you not curious about the basis of spiritual beliefs?

No, not anymore. When i was fourteen, sure, but that was quite a while ago. What i can say im interested in is the potentiality that a species way more evolved than us is out there.

Any religion based here on earth is man-made, not fact, so if any supreme being is out there, they sure as hell won't match any of the thousands of descriptions that we have for god(s).

How would you define god? The one that you might follow, not the other ones.

Trump will protect you from sharia law with Christian values.

Just don't expect those to cure your cancer or get us to mars.


Also, it IS a bit delusional for people to claim the god they follow is the one and only, you know, considering there's millions of others doing the exact same thing.





Awww typical religious person. Just believe without asking questions. Cute.

so you've been dead before?

Typologically, the Hebrew god/Yahweh is a sky-father figure who thunders and makes the clouds to rain upon and fertilize the earth mother, so that fedora tipper up there has some merit to his argument.

stay mad kid


did they died?

when all else fails SPECULATE.
real intelligent deductions kiddo

Wait, that wasn't zues? Shit, im getting all these gods mixed up. Why cant they find proof for one so we can straighten all this shit up?

That is literally the opposite of what the Bible teaches.

You would know that if you actually knew what you were talking about and didn't get your theology from your best friend whose dad was a pastor once. That is assuming you weren't raised by the Theocratic Nutjob types who seriously think that carnality it's the worst kinda hamartia.

Or you are quite literally 13.

Baby boy just discovered atheism, how cute . . .

Speculating is a hell of a lot better than blindly following. Maybe you dont want to use up too much energy rubbing those two brain cells together, but then again, who am i to judge?

If people really leaned anything from the bible, they wouldn't be practicing said belief.