My girlfriend is a secret BBC fetishist and now so am I...

My girlfriend is a secret BBC fetishist and now so am I, i fucking hate myself but the thought of her with her ex is killing me and giving me a boner. what do?

Pour hot tar on your dick

I'd rather not. It's not like im a cuck, I still love fucking rachel, it's just that I get hard af when I think about her getting rammed in the ass by a black dude while i fuck her mouth


is it so hard to believe I date this girl and found out she dated black guys when she was younger? you must be fun at parties dude

found your gf OP


You shouldn't hate yourself. The BBC do some excellent documentaries. Especially the David Attenborough ones.


You can start by posting a couple more pictures

And I got trips so cmon, we deserve it

coming right up



so mate. i can help you. be ready :

>open new tab
>search a site named google
>search reddit on google
>make account
>go be cucked fag there



why do u hate this guy ?

I don't?

> a secret BBC fetishist
Alot of people like British television. No need to keep it secret.

Pic most be unrelated.

why does she fetishize bbc? was it spawned from a self loathing white girl thing -- lessens some sense of guilt by fucking black dudes? just the the taboo of it?

At least she doesn't have a daily mail fetish. You're in good shape, bud. Could be a lot worse.