Hey Sup Forumsros, a bit of a feels thread i guess...

Hey Sup Forumsros, a bit of a feels thread i guess, i just dont know what to do anymore and i dont know who to talk to so fuck it, i just feel like im not meant to be happy, i have friends and family but somehow i still feel so super fucking lonely, gf of two years broke up with me about 5 months ago and it seems that after that im not interesting to nobody, i have a full time job but the only thing i do is go home after work and then i just stay in my room for the rest of the night, idk what im doing wrong

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If you have friends, why are you not spending some time outside?

I'll feel with you user

They all have girlfriends and/or have something better to do then hang around me

Thanks dude

it hurts to live, anons
why do I always feel a sinking feeling in my chest

Im with ya man, always feeling like maybe something good is just around the corner and then it never happens, just leaves you more down then you were before

Google default mode network

just gotta find something that makes you happy. Its hard to do with the daily grind of work, but get a free time. Something you love doing, but isnt necessarily a job :)

I honestly have yet to find anything that really makes me happy, of course i try to do stuff that i find interesting and gets me caught up in the moment but as soon as that activity is over its just back to being a depressed shitbag

I kinda get the gist of it but my english isnt good enough to understand completely

Dude, the only one that can change your situation it's you, start right fucking now, just forget about everything that has happened in the past....you can change that shit, make yourself a new, happy life and never expect things to happen to you, i believe in you dude, but you have to do it now.

what do you like doing? I used to be kinda depressed and then began isolating myself from the environment (high school only fanned the flames of depression, kids think its cool) I started focusing on science and research. I find its much harder to be sad when you're ungodly stressed. Have any degress? Any plans in life? Surely sitting in an office all day isnt what you want to do. You got this OP!

i fucking feel this shit user
same situation

And I'm being crushed by ungodly pressure exerted by enemy forces while everyone I enjoy not only hates me but is glad to watch me succumb to it.
My life as of now is hardly worth living because of the mass psychological scarring and accumulation of experience that corrupted
my intentions into a hideous, seared mass of sickening compulsions.
I can not scream, cry, nor escape without my brain being peeled back and teeth scrapping on the concrete like Jabberjaw.
I am sad. Pat my head.

Same situation my dude

Thanks dude i appreciate that.

I dont even know what i like doing, its like ive lost all interest in everything, but i work as an excavator operator so my job can be different each day and i like it, i guess i would like to travel and work in different countries, just fuck around, thanks user

Sorry to hear man, i hope you can figure something out from this thread as well

Im sorry to hear that.

It fucking sucks man.

Become an hero

Do what ya love man. Money shouldnt be a driving force. Sometimes you just need a new start. I honestly wish you the best in this! Its kinda rad to think we're just clumps of particles floating throughout space, in a random interval of time. Dont let others hold ya back man. Life is short

>I have friends and family but somehow i still feel so super fucking lonely
Dump them, they are useless. Find new ones, if you really need to.

>GF of two years broke up with me about 5 months ago and it seems that after that im not interesting to nobody
Find new hobbys and start engaging in them. For example, I'm learning German and Japanese, play chess, meditate and exercise (Google "list of hobbys - Wikipedia" for moar). It should keep you busy, so you won't think about being lonely.

>I have a full time job but the only thing i do is go home after work and then i just stay in my room for the rest of the night, idk what im doing wrong
You aren't doing anything.

How do you even find new friends though?

>I'm sorry to hear that.

Yeah most are haha.

Get a few hot escorts to jump start your sex drive. It’s a great conference booster to fuck girls who are way out of your league. You won’t get the same pedigree of tail for free but it will help you get out there again.

Just by going to the gym regularly for example, you'll entirely be categorized as a "regular" and eventually you'll become friends with some gym rats, maybe even ingaged in relationship with some gym chick.

Thanks man, a new start is kind of hard though seeing as i live on a fucking rock in the middle of the ocean

Thanks for the advice man, ill check that wikipedia stuff out

I already go the gym pretty regular and no one's spoken to me once :/

You're welcome. Glad I could help with my bad English and tiredness after long day.

That stuff is kind of limited and super sketchy where i live


this. soon as you anons find that something that YOU are happy sinking your life into, and not all of the people in life around you, then the sooner the daily grind of life will become something completely different

edm that isn't changed my life anons, and i believe it can do the same for you if you become more secure people in so many ways

speaking from experience, been a long 9 years, can answer any questions if anybody fancies it

You don't really need friends... but if you're desperate enough, you can apply for interest circles, like photography etc. or start doing sport like MMA/BBJ/Judo, from my experience the atmosphere is pretty tight there and almost impossible to not become friend with someone.

edm that isn't shit*

ffs lol.


find a good time for it, maybe after a long day or just nothing on your mind but pain you can just put it on start to finish and let the entire (yes, you have to watch all of it) to really be inspired by the people living in this world with you and genuinely in need of more people that have struggled with life and all of its complications that they can spread love to

stay strong anons, it gets better

Then they aren't really your "friends" user

You're depressed, it's a medical condition and it may require an active change in your life and medication to help you do it. If you can afford it, see a psychiatrist.

Explain a bit more user, maybe someone has an idea to help you out.

I stress myself out with research and projects. No time to be sad when you're stressed out to your limit. Just means when I've nothing to do, I slink down.

I guess not :/

I’ve been thinking about it, i just dont know if i could do it without my family knowing, and it would be pretty weird talking to them about this

I dont like being too stressed, if i get stressed my thoughts just go to shit and i dont know what to do and i just start to feel worse

Why could you not make an appointment without your family knowing ? Are you a minor ?

if you're a minor, it's ok.

No im old enough, i just dont think i could suddenly go regularly someplace and tell them some bs they would believe, i would also like to keep them in the loop but its just weird man

You don't have to go at the same time every time, and I honestly believe you can find a reason to go out. Meet with friends, a date, cinema, art exposition, sport, etc.
And I don't know your friends/family but maybe they would understand. Why are you so adamant about to telling them ? It's not like you have to tell them everything, you can simply say you've have troubled with your life currently and going there help you.

Same situation, but I don't really have friends.

Yeah i guess, i havent looked that much into it so just assumed it was like that, i wouldnt tell my friends about it but it would be hard telling my parents, my dad is a paramedic/firefighter so all my life its just been “suck it up”, we wouldnt go to the hospital unless we were dying lol and if i only told them that they would most likely want to know more and i just dont know what to tell them

That sucks user, im sorry to hear that, i wish i could tell you stuff to help you but im trying to figure this shit out as well

If your father is a paramedic he should understand at least a little. Nobody with a medical/paramedical background can reasonably undermine the effort of someone who's suffering.
I'm sure he's seen enough dead or near dead people from suicide attempt.
I'd say take a first appointment, and then decide what to do, it's not like you've any obligation to go again or take medication. Maybe it'll be easier for you if you're clearly diagnosed depressed.

Try doing something you like with other people, enjoyment is a natural social magnet.

I hope so, thanks a lot user, i really appreciate your help.

OP here, im gonna go to bed since i’ve got work tomorrow, i just wanted to thank you guys for the help and encouragement, i really appreciate all of it

Do you wanna read this screenplay I've been working on to take your mind off the pain

I hope you'll find the help you need and happiness user !

Not that user, but what the fuck even is this? Too stressed to function? Pull your ass up by your bootstraps and get a fucking grip. What sort of pussy town mindset do you live with? Depression happens from time to time and in your mind you will be fully justified to sulk for the rest of your life and never get better.
That, or you can realize that the emotions you feel are a logical product of your thoughts and you can fight this shit with full mental force. Be proactive about your well being, man and this includes getting pills. If you need them, get them, do whatever it takes