Post the most unusual retarded fact

Post the most unusual retarded fact

The fart is the equivant of sneezing, but there's no equivalent of a hiccup.

I can't, I'm busy traveling at the speed of time

Hillary is infinitely smarter than Trump and any of his supporters

Did you make that up on the spot while simultaneously being retarded? The fart is the equivalent of the burp. This much should be obvious to anyone.

0*9590454643416466 is still 0
checkmate Shillarist

Not smart enough to cover her tracks or beat out Trump for the election.

My mommy sais i'm very special.

The choice between the lesser of two evils is no choice.

The wind is unseen, yet affects your life and the lives of all living things profoundly.

i think ive had a few things similar to a hiccup but i cant describe them rn

The apple in the Adam and eve story was the clitoris

Did you know an average persons yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic hairs

The Tapir has the largest penis to body ratio of any animal

Concierge comes the latin conservius, which is a vulgarity meaning "fellow slave".

>basically like nigga. "Ayyo! broke ass conservius"

>no equivalent to a hiccup
What do you think an orgasm is?

A nigger is a human being

You can find countless connections to the yin yang symbol, once you understand it: opposites contain some connection to each other. Without light there is no darkness, without darkness there is no light.


Not many people know this, but the cunt got more votes than the nigger in 2008 primaries.
Any time I hear liberals say 'but she got more votes,' I remember.

It'd be a lot less if you'd stop skewing up the average

Hitler's mustache was a representation of the clitoris

>we live in a clitoral society

Then show me the above average

The roman's had an plumbing system that used lead pipes, people would have to service these pipes. Side note: there were of course stoned conspiracy theorists who claimed the lead was a government poison put there to turn the friggin frogs gay


I fucking hate robin Williams, he is an man actor. My dad say he’s an fucking IDIOT!!!! Me and my dad saw him at the movies and fucking Robin Williams was running around flailing his arms like an fucking IDIOT11121.

My dad says it’s because fucking Robin Williams is coked up all the time. The coke makes run around and fart and stinking up the place. My dad says fucking Robin Williams rubs the coke on his face and it makes him act like an fucking IDIOT!!! !!!!!

We had a bottle of coke and I wanted to see so I poured it on my face and drank some but I was choked and coughing a lot when the bubbles went up my nose!!!... it felt real bad in my eyes!!!! and I made a big mess and lots of noise and my dad came into the kitchen and asked me wtf I was doing!!!! He said I was an IDIOT just like fucking Robin Williams.

Fucking Robin Williams you are the worst.

Male sharks have two penises but only use one during sex. Their dick is like a screw in that it swivels into the females vagina with spikes so it sticks in there

This is why during mating season a lot of female sharks are in shallow water. So they don't get spike raped.

Boogers actually taste pretty good if you give em a try

Did you know if your autistic you are a faggot

the burp

Did you know a "log" is a cylinder big twig and not a brown human dump