What's the best place to shoot yourself to guarantee death (preferably instantaneously)?

What's the best place to shoot yourself to guarantee death (preferably instantaneously)?

In a parking lot


And once I'm in the parking lot, where on my head do I aim the gun?

probably the brain

I mean if we're talking about THAT kind of head near the balls

What would be the best place to aim to make sure it's a done deal?

Your heart.

Oi you, I'm not looking to bleed out for 3 days, I'm looking for a quickie

Do it in space!

Wouldn't you just lay there conscious until you bleed out? That would suck

I would if I could afford it, trust me

if you have a pistol in your mouth is the best place that way it get the bottom of your brain stem making survival impossible

if you blow your head open with a shotgun you'll probably lose consciousness very quickly. if you do it in a remote place, nobody will be there to save you.

sounds fucking terrible though. I don't know why you would want to do this.

I've read about people fucking up the aim and ending up with a gaping hole in the back of their head/neck and living. I'm a little hesitant to do it that way

Just have a pistol, no shotgun unfortunately

How about in the temple?

Just get a shot gun and put it in your mouth. One of them will hit.

I don't want to buy a shotgun, I have a handgun

Yeah I'd recommend just blowing it into your mouth then. Can you buy me cuphead on steam before you kys?

Not in the goddamn stomach, I can vouch for that


Why the fuck would you shoot yourself in the stomach? Were you trying to kill yourself?

Okay but yeah i recommend the mouth

Like roof of the mouth?

Through the roof of your mouth, if you sever the connection between spine and brain, bye world

Yeah don't point it into your throat. What caliber is the gun your shooting?

with a 12 gauge shotgun year I figured it would do more, all it did was land me in the hospital for 3 weeks when my wife at the time found me


Sorry about your luck

Anywhere in the United States.

An exit bag would be much more pleasant.

what's an exit bag

Oh well aim as far down your throat as possible. You want the concussive blast to be as even as possible.

That way the blast is really coming from the inside out and will fuck your shit up.

Also, tongue in the barrel as tight as possible. Makes the blast bigger.

Frontal lobe

What is that?

Is it the concussion that kills you, rather than the actually damage of the bullet?

Top of your nose, ensures you blow out your brain stem.

Yes. Since the bullet will not be as fast. Because it won't have that space to reach maximum speed. The blast is what you're counting on aiding the bullet in splitting you in pieces.


Okay thanks for the heads up