So will he do the decent thing and resign or will he hang on as long as he can until they drag him out of the White...

So will he do the decent thing and resign or will he hang on as long as he can until they drag him out of the White House by his shitty comb-over?

Wait, this isn't reddit? Asking seriously


Has he ever done anything decent in his whole life?

You are a MAGApede aren't ya cause those soyboy liberals didn't hear of this site till pizzagate happened.

ooooooohh teh sick buuuuuurrrrnnn braaaahh

Sup Forumsfart detected

He will fist your mother.


Why the fuck would he reseign?
Just because you're mad isn't a reason.

Hard to believe Sup Forums isn't tired of jerking off Russia

He is uniquely qualified to be the president, from his rags to riches story, his scholarly knowledge of the constitution and civil liberties, his generous contributions to charities, etc

It's like constantly hearing a retard and a faggot argue with each other

idk, will you do the decent thing and reframe from posting immense faggotry and unsurpassed cancer?

In case you're wondering, liberal = faggot retard = conservative


Rags to riches? Lmao

Because he's mad is.

He's gonna sit there in the office get his dick sucked and smile at the fact people like you exist to show that stupidity is something to be cherished because we are taught in school to respect the mental handicapped

Did I miss something?

Why does Trump have to resign, OP?

>do the decent thing
pick one

>sit there in the office get his dick sucked
by Ivanka

why would he resign when there's nothing to cause him to?

If there's one thing you can say about donald trump is that he is not a quitter, so no he will not resign. They'll have to drag him out kicking and screaming.

Until we've dealt with ISIS and North Korea, threads like this should be discouraged in the interest of National Security.


>kicking and screaming
like the little crybaby bitch he is

Get lost Hillary.


Leave it to the kikes to post a thread like this in Sup Forums


Pick one

maybe, but he won't quit. i'm no trumptard but that motherfucker never gives up.

You won, get over it.

Cause triggerals can't accept loss.

Laughing at liberal tears in other words?

If Al Franken has to resign, so does Trump.

Funny how obvious it is when self-absorbed redditors come out of the woodwork


pick one

You’re retarded if you think Trump should resign. I feel bad for people like you, like just give it up already.


Pick 3

and trumptards cant accept that they are losers in their gods eyes

Did I miss something? What has he done to warrant resignation or impeachment??

>ike just give it up already.

Your trying too hard

Where's the photos?
>What is proof
Funking liberals are so dumb.

But we're winning. Trump is about to fire Mueller proving us right.

>Did I miss something
yep. its called the ability to reason.
Step in front of a moving train ASAP


If you have a 401k you're winning. But no, you're just a basement NEET soyboy

MAGA is love/life

oh ok thanks bro


Firing Mueller is obstruction and an immediate danger to American democracy. Grounds for instant impeachment.

But muh obamas

He's going to do what he promised to do : destroy as much as america through incompetence and corruption as possible.

faggot has arrived
thread is kill

He's certainly kept his promise so far.


Fuck off faggot lovin' faggot

>destroy as much as america


Op left his Webcam on.

>yay fascism keeps winning


And this, children, is what real sarcasm looks like.
Well done, user.

Who cares? He's right. And you can bet Trump is already working out an exit strategy.

How much is david brock paying these days ?

you betcha!

Brock pays in cock

Sarah Palin!
Flash some meth tits

Oh you mean not agreeing with the left?

Trump can't plan more then 30 minutes ahead.

How is that an insult if OP is right?

oh my sweet summer child...

>durr hurr muh faggot paperback book shove it up my ass

No, I mean you. Nazi.

Everyone hates this fat nigger that's who. And donny isn't going anywhere, sorry kiddo

To be fair they've both got their share of faggots and retards.

Muh ebil nassi


That's what the team of lawyers is for.


So you can't answer the question. Gotcha Trumpfag.

>REEEEEEEE the post.


The White House leaks say otherwise, Boomer faggot.


He has to be a faggot with a face like that

Most clients actually listen to their lawyers' advice.
The clients that don't have delusionary dementia, that is.

How is it an "insult" when OP is right?

Answer the fucking question, Trump Humper.

Nigga you better link a source on that claim. And I'm only 23

Since Bush, most Presidents do, actually. Trump literally listens to everything his lawyer tells him, given his handling of the tax returns.

You stupid faggot, Trump is losing his shit and Tweeted that he would replace all the White House staff.
You stupid Trumpfags don't even know what the fuck you voted for you're too easy trying to get your mom to cook you up some chicken tendies.

OP is right about what, user? what is he right about?


The "leaks" about the transition team?????
The one AFTER Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States of America

Bait line
For the
Bait thread

Dude couldn't plan a plan on the planiest day of the year if he had an electrified planning machine.

Your are a bit late bro

OP isn't right. Trump won't have a chance to resign because he will be charged with colluding with Vladimir Putin to engineer his Presidential race in the US.

you forgot LOL DRUMPF

I said shut up. I win this round. Let's move on to some other faggotry you still defend about Trump.

No, you stupid fucking faggot the RECENT leaks that Trump has threatened to fire the ENTIRE WHITE HOUSE STAFF over.
Fucking Christ you faggots are stupid.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Any day now bro he will step down!!!! Then bernie can be our leader if we keep donating to get him in office!!!!!
Match me ?