Rekt bread make it happen

rekt bread make it happen

about time

Are they hitting him with bats or bladed weapons? I can't really tell.

I think both.

Looks like machetes to me. Plus he's just pissing blood after a few seconds

Looks like machetes

Wonder if he survived?



how can people be this stupid?


Hahahahaha he sliced his hand open.

Trump 1

Libtard 0



Cant believe trump posters get more special hand shakes than me.

This is murder. That fucking asshole just shot an innocent man. Notice how none of the employees or customers flinched when the victim came in. That murderer just shot him point blank and acted like the innocent dude had a weapon on him. I hope his ass gets raped in prison and rot like a fucking trigger happy faggot redneck that he is. Muhhh 2nd amendment, muhh gun. Fuck you.

God daym, the blood splattered all the way up to the camera. What gun does that? Buckshot 12 gauge?

I'd say this is low tier b8 but you'll get a lot of bites with it

This isn't in the United States, calm the fuck down you cuck.

Whats up with that sign?

it was laced with deadly nerve gas

Razor blades

It's wired to shock whoever touches it

electricity or nerve gas?


Damn lots of stuff on that sign

Nerf gas

Search your heart, it knows the way

Off-duty Cop

I'm the ballsack, here comes trouble!

Are you stupid? You can literally pause the video and see the moment the robber begins to aim at the vigilante. He was a faggot, and now his death is in vain because you continue the cycle of faggotry.

This man had to have surgery

It transferred aids

what happened? dont see shot

Electric eels

Its a nerve gas gun.

He had a bad case of flipflopitis and died from it



This is a favorite of mine

did she die? or maybe even get paralyzed?

can anyone link to this vid with sound? i want to hear her neck crack


No she was back on the corner the next Monday

unlikely it can be heard over whatever jungle beat is playing in the background


chickenheads have flexible necks

Her neck got filled with nerve gas.



nice trips faggot



i think it was electrified

Told him there was only 2 genders.


Girls and traps?





I think they're hitting him machete

dat filename

some chairs can go down escalators.

was he kill?

too many niggers standing on things has always been the core of rekt threads

So much for those white clothes

How are folks so fucking retarded nowadays that they confuse rekt threads for gore threads? I miss old Sup Forums



That's a new one.
Where they working on a gas line?

I've seen that shit happen in mexico near gas stations(they pump the gas underground)


just a flesh wound.

True. But you would think the owner of such a chair would be smart enough to know if their chair was one of those. Or not.


This makes me cringe every time

Wow, I hope that operator and her bosses understand that the fault was entirely on that sub-human standing on the railway.

Fuck, poor conductor lady looks like a nice person, bet she was traumatized and blamed for her age.

Thank god none of them had a gun!

You can clearly see in the video the idiot took the wrong escalator, he tried going down on the up escalator, which is why he flipped.

Shouldn't tards have tard handlers with them at all times?

fuck no



Fucking disgusting

What is it about killing an innocent unarmed man that gets you albino monkeys off?


this always gets me

it was worth a try.

What a lucky boy, wish Jesus loved me like same way he does to him.


No they didn't
The only thing we can clearly see is that you're a dumb cunt

kek he goes for the tit

I have no sympathy for electrocution victims.

Can they not fucking see the powerlines?

I wish they all died, no pity for them.

Found the proud parent of a potato.

Innocent? Innocent of what?



Reason you shouldn't hire woman or let them out your kitchen.

Probably not innocent in a biblical sense you faggot, but he was unarmed, and walked into a liquor store to buy something and was shot for wearing a hoodie.

How much can you hate another man's skin that the simple act of wearing a hoodie is a crime punishable by death?

Some faggot even said that he started pointing, no, he was trying to raise his arm with an outstretched palm in the universal sign of "STOP"

I bet it's true what they say, most white men are rapped by their parents.

Din du nuffin researcher at
Hatred for the White Devil University
