Will soon have an important job interview. Any advice Sup Forums?

Will soon have an important job interview. Any advice Sup Forums?

Just talk as much bs as you can about the job and what makes you suitable, if its a part or full time job specifically say ur availability wont change, and other bs

try to think from the companys perspective. why would you hire you if you were in charge?

Be yourself, user. Not too yourself, but the best version of yourself.

Wear a nice tie. Good luck.


Wear. A. God. Damn. Tie.

yeah, good luck! hope to not see you again in here.

Wear clothes to, not just the tie

Well yeauh, obviously he should do that, i've attended group interviews before where I was dressed properly and everyone else was in shorts, a tshirt and thongs.

>everyone else was in shorts, a tshirt and thongs.
what else would you wear to an interview to become a stripper?

Try not to spit at the person interviewing you. Also don't hit him.

I like to get sexy in ties.

assume position on your knees

ask him to pull his cock out

act like a complete tard halfway through, throw shit around the room, slam yourself against the wall, scream cry and break shit then just stop look him dead in the eyes and begin punching the fuck out of your own face. play rape,racist,micro agression card your choice
get job good luck user but with this technique you wont need luck

Depends. I always learned to wear one up from the manager up to a conservative suit. If they wear tee's and jeans, go in with polo and slacks. If they do polo and slacks, wear a shirt and tie. If they wear a shirt and tie, you wear a suit in blue, charcoal, or brown. If they wear any kind of suit, you just stick with the more conservative suit.

Do research on the terminology of the company you're applying for. Take on their vernacular like you're already a part of their team. The interview is because you already seem to have the ability to work, now they want to see if you can fit in, too.

I just had an extremely important interview and took some great advice from a buddy right beforehand that I think helped me to secure the offer. A) wear a suit B ) Talk like a regular person, as if you're talking to your friends C) Don't oversell yourself, be humble D) Don't bad talk other jobs. In reality If your resume got you the interview then you're qualified for the job, they just want to make sure they're not hiring an asshole.

don't over dress

Not op, but thanks for the advice, ill definitely use this

OP here. Thanks for the help Sup Forumsrethren. The interview went pretty good. I would say a 7.5/10.
I applied for something we in Germany call "Duales Studium" (eng. Dual study(?)) regarding IT. It's basically going to school for another 3 years and working every 3 months for a bit.
The CEO was impressed by my knowledge about programming since many applicants go in with 0 knowledge of programming languages.
He gave me 3 tasks:
How many times does the minute hand of a clock go past the hour hand of a clock in 24 hours given that the time is 15:00?
By using C++, program something that outputs every fibonacci number not taking variable-limitations into account.
I was able to solve that, but not the first and third one.

Third one would require a lot of typing and I am on my phone, but if anyone is curious, I will post it later.
All in all, the advice was pretty helpful. Way better than these normie advisers that sometimes go to middle/highschools.


One of the very, very few pictures that made me laugh.
I'm sure you'll do fine in the interview. Just relax.

oh that pretty cool, i am doing the fachoberschule in IT, we had to get a internship and the manager asked me the same thing with the clock, i get it right..
he also asked me if i had the intelligence and the given equipment, how would i plan to hack a big company, how i would approch the situation etc. (i'm in a cyber security company)

Why would so many people ask the clock question? It's common sense. Are they expecting you to say 23?

I think it's to see how you fare under pressure. I had to do it in 2 minutes or so and got it wrong even though it's pretty easy if you think about it.

What did you say when he asked the hacking question? Pretty interested tbh

What did you say? 23? or 25?

make direct and unbroken eye contact with interviewer. Maintain in silence until interviewer looks away - its a well know act of authority and shows them you mean business.

yeah that is correct, he told me that he tried to put me in pressure and see how i react to it, handled it pretty good, thinking while explaining it to him

i asked what the circumstances were, like if am i a trusted person etc. (i was supposed to be an new employee of that company who wanted to delete/copy/infect their data etc.)
i told him that i firstly would try my best to gain the trust of everybody around me especially the managers, because then nothing i did would be suspicious and no one would question it.
i would know how to handle each person with a different attitude, i would know how the corporation ticks on the inside and so on (i explained this bit to him for like 10 min.) after that i would get my white vest, move around freely and could manipulate anyone i encounter. after getting this, it is basically a cakewalk if you have the knowledge to hack