In what order would you rank them all?

In what order would you rank them all?

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I've listened to them all, I'd rank them
9. Infinite
8. Encore
7. Revival
6. Recovery
5. Relapse
4. Slim Shady LP
3. The Eminem Show
2. Marshall Mathers LP 1
1. Marshall Mathers LP 2
fight me if you think I'm wrong

also, check my trips

Idk but his new album is garbage.

agreed. I could hardly bear listening to it, save a track or two.

Tracklist should've been shorter

more like pic related


Kek, that's hilarious.


1. Marshall Mathers LP 1
2. Slim Shady LP
3. Eminem Show
4. Encore
5. Infinite
And the rest can be ranked in any order on the way down. All terrible.

the rest

90% of it is actual shit, you're saying this is better than MMLP2?

>Still listening to Eminem

Them member berries are hard at work.

Member when Eminem had a good album?

>ooh i member

9. Infinite
8. Relapse
7. Encore
6. Recovery
5. Revival
4. Mmlp2
3. Sslp
2. TES
1. Mmlp

>rap. ever.
KYS, nigger.

>Member when Eminem had a good album?
pic related

None becuase they are all shit

3. Bought it when it came out, gave me giggles in high school. Fags lol
4. Listened to it from a burnt copy of my mates CD. Some good moments.

Then I moved onto better music. I suggest you ankle biting little social media fed fags do the same. Music is a massive world. Learn to play guitar.

I thought I might be biased based on his recent stances, but I reviewed his old music and Revival is shit compared to his best

I used to be a huge fan too.i have over a hundred songs that he's rapped in


Stan is that you?

Hello Mr I'm too good to write my fans. This is the last (you) I'll ever send your ass.

To be fair I haven't looked up his new lyrics. Most of the songs just sound bad and not that good of lyrics when I skipped around his full album on YouTube. One song had a good beat about 25 minutes in but that's it

Hell even in his song with Ed Sheeran it was like he was the backup and Sheeran was the good part

I really was a huge fan of his.
I loved his poetic defiance, and he was my choice for celebrity biographies in high school. I knew more about him than I knew about any other celebrity

Oh, that's easy. They all belong in the TRASH. Now, you see that X in the corner of your screen? Be a pal and give that a click, would you?

I'm not seeing an X anywhere

Then just click the power button on whatever device you're on. Thanks.


Where's the power button?

Just press and hold all the buttons until your screen turns black.

Fuck you your opinion is invalid

>His device has buttons

1. The Slim Shady LP
2. The Marshall Mathers LP
3. Eminem Show
4. Infinite
5. Encore
6. The other garbage
Fuck anyone that thinks otherwise, you're a pleb and deserve to be executed.

Alright, you win this round, buddy. Have a good day.

Explain. Or maybe you're too uncultured to have listened to every single Eminem album?


I listened to every single one, except for the last one. Ed sheeran? P!nk? You're a retard for liking MMLP2. You're friends with the monster and I think you're retarded for being that. Fuck you.

Eh, it has some nice tracks. Everything after Eminem show is basically trash though.

rip lil peep

How can you even rate MMLP2 over SSLP AND MMLP??? Are you pic related?

And don't even get me started on Relapse and Recovery bruhh. You're definitely not afraid to state your faggotry in public right? Which one of the 328 genders are you you fucking queer?

MMLP2 suffers from a couple bad tracks (The Monster, Stronger than I was) but it's his most skillful album to date. If you're a faggot who prefers pop rap bangers, you can look to his shit-stain of an album that is Recovery, as that seems more up your alley.

Fuck you. Every album since Eminem Show was shit, except for a couple of tracks from Encore. MMLP2 is a shitshow, if you can't see that you're pic related. Fuck you and your opinion, old Em will never come back, but new Em is cancer. I personally dislike you and your music taste if you really thing MMLP2 is good. F U C K Y O U N E W F A G

Are you implying I think either of those albums are good, or anywhere near decent? Recovery is pure garbage, and Relapse's only saving grace is the slight "so bad it's good" aspect of it.
MMLP tries really damn hard to be edgy, MMLP2, while still having its retard moments, shows a lot of maturity for Eminem. I feel people remember SSLP being better than it actually is, as well. It's very pop-rappy, even though that's obvious, it gets old pretty damn quick.

he hasn't made anything notable in like 10 years and tbh if you enjoy his new music you probably don't know shit about rap.

At least we're almost on the same page. SSLP is god tier, MMLP comes right after. There are no other valid opinions. Seriously though, how can you like MMLP2? Yeah I guess Rap God and Berzerk are pretty nice in showing Ems rap skills, but the rest of the album lacks his style. In general all his new shit isn't Slim Shady anymore. All I want is Slim, not some washed up Eminem. He can't deliver that anymore. I will always be disappointed in him.


>thinking any song except Mockingbird is good on Encore
I explain why MMLP2 is Eminem's better than MMLP1 and SSLP in >but muh nostalgia
Fuck your nostalgia, MMLP and SSLP are overrated

If dubs we try to get haley nudes.

Any album he wasn't sober on.

His new songs he releases are fucking garbage and his flow is absolutely god awful.

I Know most of his fans now are most likely below 18 so they don't really know good music at all, but that's okay. I Don't blame you stupid niggers for liking his new garbage albums because you simply don't know any better.

I Would rather listen to that xxxnigertenticle then fucking Eminem's garbage.

she is kinda hot user

If you think MMLP2 was good, you are a fucking moron.
Please do the world a favor and kill yourself.


Just Lose It? Toy Soldiers? Enough said mate. I fucking hate newfags trying to br tough. Go back to 9gag with your reddit
memes, it's not cool anymore.

Yeah but no dubs, no nudes.

MMLP2 has some good high points. Rhyme or Reason has a great concept/beat/structure. Rap God has an incredible flow, unlike anything Em had done on a track before. Brainless is also a great song, and Evil Twin is a good ending point for the album. It also has more Shady in it. Overall, MMLP2 is much more mature, to a point, and doesn't entirely stick to the pop-rap shit Em has capitalized on in the past.

kek what if eminem was trap?

>TFW u would fuck eminem if trap


Trash -10/0


Recovery was a mistake.

Honestly I hate rhyme or reason. There's just something about the whole album
that doesn't fit for me. It's not the same Slim I've grown to love over the years. It's almost like a fake version to me. I really can not understand where you're coming from. In the end it all
comes down to personal preference mate. I just really don't get how you could like the sound of MMLP2. I was so hyped when it came out but when it finally came I was so fucking disappointed. I can't describe to you how much I was hoping for SSLP/MMLP Em and how disappointed I was when I didn't get it. I'm kinda drunk so sorry for the unnecessary hate towards you, it's Sup Forums after all so yeah. In the end we both like the same artist and you're my Sup Forumsrother for doing that. I love you mate, but I really hate new Em.

I'm this thread:
Butthurt Trump fags lmao

>Just lose it
Literal pop-rap garbage. Toy Soldiers is alright, much more bearable than the shit that comes after. Encore is just so incredibly inconsistent, It fucking baffles me how you can like that over literally any other studio album from Em.
>claims I'm trying to be tough
>previously posts a downed fag
>thinks he's not trying to justify his shitty music taste
I hope you overcome your struggles, user

I never said I like Encore over anything but Recovery and so on. How illiterate are you?

Rhyme or Reason grew on me, thought it was stupid as fuck the first couple times I heard it. eventually got to loving it. I think Em's delivery on MMLP2, for most tracks, stops me from thinking of it as "fake slim". I understand why you were disappointed, MMLP2 is much different from his previous shit, albeit not to his strengths at times. Rock on, Sup Forumsrother, you're all good, no offense taken. Love ya too, and I can say the 'new-new' Revival Em is complete garbage.

>It fucking baffles me how you can like that over literally any other studio album from Em
Are you retarded? "Over and other studio album" saying literally any other Em album, except Infinite, is better than Encore.

>Eminem was never good
>His biggest claim is being the Original Troll Rapper
>He said shit people would say to their friends and made edgy cringy ass music coating off famous people and other artists
>He was the first decent white rapper and that blew him up because wiggers were trying hard to be hip hop and impress their nigger friends
>Nobody except cringy white boys liked anything after The Eminem Show
>Infinite was trash
>SSLP had three good songs
>MMLP had three good songs
>Eminem Show had two good songs

Everything else is singles and member berry cringe, overall eminem has only had 8 good songs and most of those are hella overrated.

But nice job taking money away from niggers tho.

Wasted trips on an obvious newfag.
It's kinda painful, and it's not because you dislike Trump, it's that you can literally tell from the way you're writing that you haven't been around for more than a few days.
Lurk more.

2.Eminem Show

nailed it

2 > 3 > 5 > 6 > 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> lady gaga > 7 = 8 = 9 = 1

It feels wrong to rank Eminem albums without including anything from D12. Guess that shit died with proof to most people..


You niggers loved proof so much you bought all his albums when he was rapping right?

You niggers love proof so much you didn't start giving a fuck about him until 8 mile and his death.

Why do you niggers act like this?

Why do you faggots feign so much interest in something as mediocre as the legacy of Eminem?

Was he your Beatles? i think he was your beatles, you're all horny fucking little girls foaming at the mouth for every shit eminem takes.




pretty much this...

Infinite last lmaoing @ ur opinion