Closing your album with a ballad, or the slowest/longest song is corny and way overdone. Discuss

Closing your album with a ballad, or the slowest/longest song is corny and way overdone. Discuss.

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Over-analyzing the track order of an album is being a part of the problem.

"Easy" didn't fit in Angel Dust at all really.

On GP is the best death grips song tho

I think they did it right

that's a bonus track


True, true...
They promoted it like it was an original track though.

I agree as far as ballad/slow song being last, but I don't mind it being the longest.

I mean, Sister Ray is the perfect example.

They did this before it was a cliche though. Plus, it doesn't really apply to the best songs of all time.

It depends on the quality. Earthmover for example does this well

Whatever the artist wants. If it fits the album it works for me. just going with the flow.

Doesn't matter if the music is majestic

Making threads with an image of Fantano and using his image to validate your plebeian opinions is corny and way overdone. Discuss.

Definitely. The Modern Dance was perfect in its overall composition as far as track length goes.

American Dream was like that, it just lost all the energy it was building up through out the album in the last song

TBF Sound of Silver was like that too..

>second to last song is the softest on the album
>last song is the heaviest on the album

Does this exist?

Billy Talent's debut

Not really, it's a common practice among re-releases. To sell more, not to make the album better (or worse).

Starting a thread with Fantano, or another internet music reviewer is corny and way overdone. Discuss.

New York, I Love You is amazing and ends on a very energetic note. Also one of their best songs. So, no.

That's a fact but it ended with 2.0 now didn't it

Love Radiohead but this describes like half their discography at least



The track order is always significant

It can be, but it's not always significant.

It's melancholic and relatively slow-paced/stripped down. That's not a lot different from how American Dream progresses from start to finish. It has nothing to do with quality, really. The point of the OP was that slow ballads are overdone at the end, and "New York, I Love You" is a slow ballad.

Have you even listened to the last minute or so?

It is kind of loud.