How much more credible would the Bible be if it included the existence of Dinosaurs?

How much more credible would the Bible be if it included the existence of Dinosaurs?

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Bible is nonsense. A bit of reality wont make it any more good.

even less

It’s already credible as a well crafted piece of literature, for the time period is was written in. It doesn’t translate at all to today’s world and has multiple holes in it. It’s general message of loving your neighbor is the only thing that should be taken seriously. Everything else is literally mind control and really stupid stories. Having dino sauce in it would only make people who believe in it more annoying.

People believe it does mention dinosaurs in it. Because they’re stupid. And most people have never read the fucking thing. They take the cliff notes from their pastor and most likely hear what they want to. There will never be a more powerful form of population control than religion. It’s fascinating what people will believe.

Waaaaaaay better.

It would be even less credible. Homo erectus didn't exist along side of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs had gone extinct loooong before biblical days.

sure kid
stay mad

sure kid

Dinosaurs with machine guns and flying fighter aircrafts would have made bible so much better and accurate than it is now.

>the dinos would be in the new testament and not in Genesis
Dude, what?

It would have given the book more credence. He made the world, then man. Skipping out on dinosaurs shows the lack of authenticity.

the bible does mention unicorns tho thats gotta count for something right?

Believing in global warming is a religion. Believing Obama could actually lead a nation os a religion. Being a racist and hating white people while trying to prove that everyone is equal is a religion. None these can be proved. What's your point?

Dumbass it is mentioned in the Bible...only niggers dont believe in the bible and they want to mislead you too...its a great read and book

15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. 16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. 17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. 18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.

Go back to middle school.

He moves his tale like a cedar....cedar trees is very long and large the math with the rest of the description


Dinosaurs are 65 million years old and the bible says the earth is only 10,000 years old therefore you've obviously never read it.

this retarded

sure kid

Adding actual real events into a bedtime story book? Can't see it making any difference. As it it now, creationists dispute they even existed, yet believe the great flood happened and a magical arc was able to support every kind of creature on the planet....

Defend your assertion it doesn’t include dinosaurs.

No ...the so-called carbon dating wants you to believe can you or I verify the accuracy of carbon dating? Do a bit of research about carbon these "experts" differ on dates with the exact same bones

as credible as if spiderman included dinosaurs

It wouldn't make a difference.

Enjoy living in denial

Recently a type of small triceratops fossil was carbon dated to be around 33,000 years old. So types of dinosaurs may have have been around alot later then was previously thought.

This may actually be a fact.
>pic related


Well reality is...we've got approx 12 years left before the end( no iam not going to explain) so its sad that there is so many non believers...but ponder over this..."I would rather live my life believing there is a God and to die and find out there isnt one...than to live my life NOT believing in God and then to die....only to find out there IS a God"

The sun is a portal. They that believe are parasite fodder. Those that reject Yaweh shall ascend.
>Remember Anons: No Gods and No Masters

You forgot to mention that atheism is a religion.

It's almost as if you believe this proves or disproves anything.

They should drop the OT and start at the NT. Give a little background info to set up the story for the Gospel, but there is no need for the Christ story to be tied into Jew myths about Egypt and firebushes

Advanced shitposting?

What does baby Jesus say about net neutrality?

Bible mythology sucks ass.

>The Bible is B.S. because it doesn't include a word (dinosaur) that was not even a word until the 1800s.

You believe in the big bang THEORY? scientists and doctors have no clue about anything. It's all about money these days and who pays for the study. You can bend any science to your personal needs depending on the outcome the financing persons interest are.

Believers and non believers both believe there was nothing and then there was everything. The Bible does not mention lots of things that exist today, also doesn't mention everything that existed back then. Every year there are hundreds of previously unknown species of plant and animals.
There is no cure for cancer.
No cure for heart disease, actually science community is lost in this front and there but push against dairy has proven to be false.
No cure for allergies.
The people you trust for your information have no clue what they are taking about as they are regurgitating shit they read, wich is based on a study paid for by someone with a vested interest in the outcome.....

If you don't know the"Old testament" then you can't know the messaih or how to get him. You believe it all out you are a non believer. Funny thing is you new testament guys like to say homos should be put to death but that is old testament stuff. New testament said love them and encourage them to change their ways in hopes they can be saved and repent and change there way. The fags translate this into doing whatever they want and they will go to heaven. The pharacees tried to test Jesus with the adulterer and once he wrecked the pharacees he told the slut to go but stop sinning. So really in this time there should be no death penalty..... Biblically it should be put on hold until the second coming, or according to Judaism until the rebuilding of the third Temple (both will occur together).


some smart guys over in north carolina have conducted experiments using the process that turns cells cancerous to propagate rejuvenating cells, it sounds promising. so no cure for cancer but cancer might not even be a bad thing in the future if we learn to control it we could add 40 or 50 years to someones life.

genetic testing can show us what allergies people will have so its not too far to assume that in the next 50 years we should be able to remove unwanted genes such as allergies or genes that cause heart disease.

technically, pretty much everything we "know" about space is just a theory because we cant really test a lot of things given the environment we would need, that being said we are finding things that have strictly been theoretical out in space for some time and i dont doubt that one day we will have definitive proof of what happened way back then.

Just because we have no reliable source for information doesnt mean we should just stop accepting that information, we have been granted a brain and 5 senses with which we can delve into mysteries ourselves. it is called critical thinking and it should not be considered a chore to use it.

So you agree, don't call it fact and teach it as such if it is in fact a theory.

The problem with genetics is we have no idea what negative outcome removing information from the genome will have short or long term. I agree we should not stick out head in the sand.

Arrogant heathens who couldnt handle being a good person. What else is new. Come at me.

The fact that you think Carbon is the element used to date the earth is so fucking cute. Maybe stop pretending you know everything and take some fucking physics classes and you will learn why radiometric dating is genuinely reliable, with niche cases of contamination or other issues.

stay mad little boy

like I care about your post

I call this the Taylor Swift fallacy. Much like "Shake It Off" showed that Taylor really was affected by the haters, you continuing to reply shows you care about this retarded argument.

really don't care what you call your retardation kid


Do they teach people about all the prophecies that are mentioned in Matthew? The gospels should be the only thing taught. Agree with you on the rest.

Slightly more. The fact that dinosaurs aren't in the bible is not even close to being the main reason that the bible is full of crap though.

I wonder what this guy does care about? He is just so fucking cool, the way he doesn't care about people he hasn't met on the internet. He has said it like 4 times now, which totally shows how little he cares. Maybe he doesn't care about anything. THAT WOULD MAKE HIM SOOOOOOOO COOL! I guess I should just fold to his argument so one day I can not care about things as good as he does.

this retarded

this is why you're not being taken seriously kid

It would probably help more if it didn't mention all the alchemy, necromancy, and other acts of magic. But I don't think it was meant to be historically accurate as much as it was intended to control the masses that don't or can't even read it.

sure kid

They are mentioned in the Bible in the form of the leviathan and the behemoth. Stop getting your Bible info from hate filled atheists and start reading the Bible.

stay in school, nigger

Even less. The vagueness of the Christian bible gives it the wiggle room that it needs to pull in saps/

sad really when you think about it.

Your posts, out of all the posts in this thread, are the hardest to take serious Mr. I Can't Find My Shift Key.

stay mad kid

sure kid
reading isn't your strong suit is it?

nothing at all!
I understan that bible can be use in some parts as an historical record (not very reliable btw) but that doesn't change that fact the bible is just a political tool.

stay mad kid

do you realize that sand niggers wrote the bible? only nigger follow chissus and shit

Oh! I will.