Why is this piece of shit so worshiped?

Why is this piece of shit so worshiped?

>DUDE i have like a really bad mental illness so.........please buy all my albums and merch and feel bad for me okay?!? thanks !

Trips confirm

t. a prog fan

Sup Forums fetishizes mental illness

how can it be so hard to realize that art that expresses genuine emotions is super rare and beautiful? be honest with me, do you guys have a hard time understanding when people are ironic, or when they are bored and want you to shut the fuck up, and do you speak while others are talking, and keep on on arguing when others just want to move on? because those are the types of people who don't understand that album.

has nothing to do with his illness or sympathy

how will mu ever recover

Watch the Devil and Daniel Johnston. Its an excellent movie

I think most of us just suffer from it. Probably one of the reasons we have a soft spot for Johnston & his work.

It's a funny meme album man don't overthink it.

Because it's great lo fi indie pop with a musique concrete atmosphere, and the greatest direct lyrics ever written. Don't Be Scared is a better album though

Prog is much better than this nu-male shit

What is with mu and describing everything and everybody they don't like with nu male all of a sudden?


even the worst songs on this album have better songwriting than anything you could ever do

because dan writes music for the common man. He encapsulates the human experience into three chords and a mutilated voice

Listened to it once expecting some indie folk thing. I was walking home, and by the time I came home, I was halfway through. Usually I'd listen to music while doing something, but I ended up just sitting on my mattress on the floor staring at my wall listening to it. By the time I was done, I was a little disturbed, and kind of emotionally worn out. I decided it was a neat experience, and worth its time, but not the,kind of thing I'd listen to often, like any other song.

Then I found myself listening again the next day.

It's the kind of thing you have to be really depressed to get into, I think. Just sort of disassociate and zone out while Johnston mumbles about his demons and plays a chord organ. Maybe drop some acid.


pol runoff

nice! he was a profoundly disturbed person. Kind of a robert crumb


Poor you

And you know what they say about runoff

This, my dudes

acutally dude, it's salt

no don't, its awful

Because there ain't no color in the sky anymore.
I just don't feel much like singin' can't see what for.