Guys I'm retarded with computers and I am trying to impress a girl online who's coming to visit my city next week with...

Guys I'm retarded with computers and I am trying to impress a girl online who's coming to visit my city next week with a sketch I claim to have painted!
Could any of you please write her name as text as an entry in the sketch that appears extremely real?

If delivered properly, I promise I will send you 0.00053 bitcoins, no more because I am poor shit.

Thank you so fucking much, b!

Her name is Sarah by the way!!

That sketch isnt even that good lmaoo

Nigga, that ain't painted

It doesn't matter, Sup Forumsro
I am okay with whatever I find that appears real. :D
fuck help me, and leave me your bitcoin address.
I am not a faggot, I WILL deliever and I am desperate shit too.

Dat face

ayyy lmao

Yes, it's fucking sketched, now help me write her name as an entry in the sketch that appears as if I made it.

Also my name is Dan. You could add that too!

here you go :)

Hi this is Dan

Fuck offffffffffffffffffffffff. :D

lmao thats hideous, how did you even manage to impress her with that shitty draw?

This is one of the worst renditions of a human face I have ever seen OP

>be op
>find shitty drawing online
>claim you drew shitty drawing to impress girl.
>ask people to help you with the deception to validate your claim.
I mean wtf its probably more trouble to add the name than to draw that piece of shit.

Faggot most sketches and paintings online have reverse google image research, sketches like these don't!! hence it woooorrkks.

That bitch has zika and fetal acahol synfrom

Well I guess its time for you to learn what happens when someone finds out you are a liar.
Now fuck off from Sup Forums till you are 18.


Dude, please help me... She is planning on meeting me and my friends very soon...


Suffer well.

Best I could do, good luck faggot.

Jesus that looks awful. Use a face for reference at least.