Are they that fucking serious?

are they that fucking serious?
why do they keep fucking with us?
how autistic do they think we are?

bottom left is a truck

use legacy captcha retard

just get a pass, nigger

use ad-blocking plugin.

it wont stop captcha but at least these fuckers won't make a dime out of your visit

fuck captcha

whats legacy capthca?



kill yourself faggot, legacy is as much a pain in the ass than clicking vehicles

hyperbolic retard

>100-200 clicks is easier than typing 2 words


fuck you

delete system 32 newfag

6 - 8 clicks max, sometimes only 3, not 200 you faggot; versus deciphering fuzzy bullshit


give it time user, when you get this 30 times in a row you might change your mind.

it's automated you mong. You're being used to train a computer to identify objects.

image captcha is shit even with a touchscreen

i clicked the fucking car, i don't need to "try again"

legacy is the way to go

never happened to me

I have max
3 captchas 20% of the time
2 captchas 40 % of the time
1 captcha 30 % of the time
0 captcha 10% of the time

could you put that in a graph for us?

yeah well i dont even know how to identify the correct squares half the time.

it doesnt matter if you pick the right squares, after a few posts it will start to fail randomly and force you to try again



it's part of the algorithm to crosscheck with known correct answers

well, that's just fucking retarded
