What do communists listen to?

what do communists listen to?

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radio rap
inb4 bougie answers

tame impala

Whatever white, privileged, college freshmen listen to


what do you think this brave revolutionarys listen to?

mfw the proles will inherit the earth


Nothing because music is haram

I hate new age liberals, and I prob lean a little closer to the right if anything. Still, I own Evil Empire, and think it's a great album


Why do upper middle class white people think theyre opressed?

Horseshoe theory confirmed. Both the far left and the far right are total goobers. Milquetoast young republicans are the sports chads and staceys and young democrats are the alt and indie chads and staceys

tfw real communists listen to the constant revolution of the popular cutting edge

Probably pic related if they're not retarded. It's the most anti capitalist thing I've ever seen/heard

Ghosts whispering lullabies while they're doing the laundry.

Igor Stravinsky
Sergei Prokofiev
Dmitri Shostakovich
Alfred Schnittke
Aram Khachaturian

Since Communism doesn't adhere to the bullshit business models of capitalism, their tastes haven't been ruined by capitalism that ensures one's simple mind can only digest basic, boring popular music.

This. Kekistan is equally cringey

dumb whiteys WISH they could be black

i didn't understand a single thing you said

>30+ people
>literally not a single Chad or cutie3.14


Good one

it's Sum41, what did you expect


lurk moar


Me on the top right

Arghoslent, Grand Belial's Key, Satanic Warmaster, Goatmoon, Hate Forest, Sargeist, Dark Fury, Graveland, Watain, the list goes on

also, Jeff said he wants to be like Robert Wyatt who is a well known communist

Big difference between thinking malls are fucking cancer and being a commie

These guys look like most of the far left as well. There's no aesthetic difference between a dork who calls himself alt right or a dork who calls himself a maoist

actually good music


to the butthurt of the masses

fucking faggots

Isaac is most definitely a commie, and commies would love that album

watch out, means of production. we're coming for you

people already own the means of production.
you're staring into one right now.

nah he's an autocrat

The sound of their stomach's growling

meme production?

>dat Bella Ciao

There are none.

Since you're on internet right now which implies that you're or your mom is paying for it to the capitalist service provider.

that's what you do with it.

giv commi gf

I listen to a lot of anarcho folk punk

stupid commie poster

Looks like Yngwie

The sound of their own screams as I slaughter them mercilessly

La Polla Records

>Yngwie stuffing his pants.

stravinsky HATED communism. it drove him away from his home and it literally convinced him that fascism was better. he 'spoke highly' of Mussolini in the 20s

So did Shosty. Doesn't mean that they weren't heroes from where they initially came from, and that the Soviet Union didn't greatly influence their music.

I can't imagine modern teenage "communists" living under socialism for a week.

Because they wouldn't last a day

Xiu Xiu and Animal Collective

Minor Threat

That's not what I can't imagine, I just can't imagine any of them actually risking their lives for the revolution. They just jerk off over theory and complain about shit on twitter. In reality they're too comfortable to risk anything


under ""socialism"" you mean?
t. tankie

Every musician should want to be like Robert Wyatt desu

Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Weill, Red Army Choir

Exactly. Reality would hit them like a freight train and they would come back scurrying for their iPhones and free Internet.

Communism is just too perfect for its own good to work as efficiently as capitalism in all facets, as history as shown. Kinda like heroin.

Miro Semberac

capitalism spawns bad taste

says the folk punk fan, welp

Despite his love of Fascism he was still banned in Nazi Germany. He didn't meet their racial standards.

Best song on the album.


I can't literally differentiate this for a brony meeting

music inspires wrongthink, and we don't want that

>nazi Germany

Really maeks u think

to pimp a butterfly

Only the best of underground house music, wave, and the occasional meme rap.




Why the fuck do girls like this waste their time with this bullshit, she could be riding my dick instead.

Because they, unlike you, read theory.

t. virgin

you're father
is virgin

t. triggered virgin

watain aren't nazis are they

your mother is triggered by the fact your father is virgin, sad!

Oh boy, this totally won't be like the last argument threads, oh wait

communist here ama

t. sad virgin


no you

t. virgin


Why do you did every time communism has attempted to be established it always eventually dissolves into a form of state capitalism?

do you think*

>i'm 16 years old and really into philosophy


mostly because of pressure caused by the corrupt foreign policy of western imperialist nations

Was this suppose to be an argument?

External forces, and advanced socialist economies cannot survive in global capitalism.



this, t b h
not even a "leftist"

>Hip Hop bands like Run the Jewles.
>National Socialist Black Metal.

i made a playlist of leftist tunes a little while ago


>inb4 fuck you for using spotify i hate you etc

also, north koreans make some dope fucking music



