Thoughts on Hayley Williams aka Paramore, Sup Forums?

thoughts on Hayley Williams aka Paramore, Sup Forums?

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Women lying on their side so you can see the outline of their legs, hips and waist is the eternal goat position


Spoiled church girl who’s family pushed out the band. Fuck her and that band.


Shitty performer with a few ok songs. Literally equivalent of nearly every other pop punk rock thing to come out of the USA

Paramore is the band asshole
Hayley is just called Hayley

a whore

Crushcrushcrush and Hard Times are literally the only good Paramore songs. Prove me wrong.

No, she’s a pop star that has a revolving group of musicians around her, parading around as a “band”. She just didn’t want to be a pop princess. It’s obvious it’s the HW show.

Remember that story Brandon told about him being a dick to her?

Its like how Trent Reznor isn't also called Nine Inch Nails or how Brendon Urie isn't called Panic! At The Disco
Its the name they use for the collective groups they work with even as people come and go

Future is a fucking incredible song. Paramore just goes full post rock for like 6 minutes

Oh, no! What happened?!

They got me through a lot with their music when I was younger. I still love them. Or, at least them circa 2010.

It would be an honor for her to be my gf but I have nothing to offer so it won't ever hapen

I love her so much. I even wrote a song for her today. ;_;

>what is When It Rains


Created pop star. Please do not discuss.

Yeah, I was an asshole to her. That was years ago though.

I'm poppin a chub I've made my decision


Too lewd with those nipples desu. :|

I still remember the day she posted that nude pic on twitter. It was a fun day.

We need to make it a holiday

Too lewd with that tummy

Tell us again Brandon

Doesn't she parade herself on being a string christian role model for girls?

She's become quite hesitant about discussing her faith.

i was wondering why shit felt so much calmer. its because i havent seen you recently. go away. i hate to encourage your tripfag attention whore bullshit but I gotta let you know that things were provably better when you werent around.

Do you remember what he did exactly?

Forgive me, Lord. ;_;

Fuck her. Wolf Haley Robinson n i grabst that fucken airplane that fagit nigga papazin

Watching this thread makes me realize than this board is getting more fags lately
Ps: I love her

CUTE! :3

I'll dump some pics, I guess.

I guess I'll also get some actual music discussion going too.

You don't even like "Misery Business"? I would think someone who enjoys "Crushcrushcrush" would enjoy at least that as well.

Yup, it's incredibly impressive given that not only is it completely new stylistic territory for the band, but they also pulled it off better than most Post-Rock bands currently.

Eh, "When It Rains" is one of the weakest tracks from Riot! Don't get me wrong though. It's a good song still. The transition from the bridge to the last chorus has a God-tier key change.

a question for you all
>Does BoB actually believe that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars (that you can wish on them)?
I honestly would not be surprised

I want to lick her stomach and then fill her up with cummies.

This is the only good Paramore song


This girl does something special to my dick. I don't think there any singer I've jerked off to more than her.

so we can say she gives your dick some 'hard times'? ;)

You should listen to After Laughter.

Sure, but I wouldn't exactly call her a pop star. The boys in the band were always pretty important especially the guitarists who were always behind most of the musical composition, while Hayley more so took care of lyric writing and vocal melodies. The band dynamic was always important regardless of Hayley getting most of the attention. She's not some girl parading around in incredibly revealing clothing to Electropop/Dance-Pop tunes that have had numerous outside writers create for her.

lmao, I suppose so ;]


*blocks your path*

When did ya'll take the All We Know Is Falling pill? After Laughter is probably still my favorite, but AWKIF may be equal.

Alright, well, I don't feel so bad about waifuposting now that I've at least attempted some music discussion. I'll just dump some more now.

She looks so trashy and cute here.


Yeah, she looks qt with a less dolled up and more modest look.



Kinda lewd. :|

She looks like a different person here tobehonest.

>ywn get a hug from Hayley




I always feel like if she is huging me

Her best look yet, i miss the red hair (but the blonde hair is amazing too)


In what year or time was that? Looks like late 2013

I miss the red hair too, but I agree that her latest look is great though. It's better than the Tumblr-tier phases she was going through during the self-titled era with all the crazy hair colors and hair styles (even though she looked pretty cute still).

i wanna fuck her in the christain face

I'm not sure. I'm assuming it's around 2013/2014 too. She was going for similar looks around that time, so i wouldn't be surprised. I actually really like her hair color/style in that gif as well as her makeup even if it seems too dolled up and maybe even kind of silly, if that makes sense.

Let's keep this pure.

i know, i personally love the blue hair


That was in the second Parahoy, right?

Yup, the blue hair was the best choice during the self-titled era.

I have no clue tobequitehonest.

I really, really, really like this pic for some reason.

Alright, well, I'll be stopping soon. I'll post a few more gifs and then go.

Maybe i don't know too much womans but
She has the most beautiful and sexy legs i ever seen in my life


I saw Paramore live last week because some friends from high school dragged me along and holy shit I've never seen a cringier croud. She's a good performer but I don't like their music

Also they did a finale, then an encore, then a second encore (acoustic), then a speech, then another finale it was stupid


I wish this was in color, but oh well. This is the last thing I'll post.

Also, reminder: After Laughter >= All We Know Is Falling > Riot! = Paramore > Brand New Eyes


>never seen a cringier croud
Hmmm, yeah, the fanbase for the most part can be a little much, to say the least. I don't feel like I could exactly be good friends with many Paramore fans, but Paramore is a great band still.

At least Paramore fanbase is not so cringy and stupid as the "emo" trinity fanbase (MCR, FOB, P!ATD)

I actually really like after laughter



She's cute and their music is solid.

Perfect legs

think it was something like
>it was paramores first warped tour show in VA beach
>scene girl comes up to me handing out flyers for her band
>didn't think anything of it
>being a smartass said "sure i'll throw this away for you and tossed it in the trash"
>walk away while shes still talking to my borther
>after my chemical romance paramore comes on
>after a song she sees me in the crowd and flicks me off

funny how two /Sup Forums waifu's hate his guts


That's a fucking great ass
Ps: When and where was that?

Her tiny tits look great glazed with cum.

It's the same shit mate

No it isn't, Paramore fanbase only talk about the band without be so fucking stupid in majority of the cases
the "emo" trinity ones make stupid fanfics, memes and ships out of nowhere

here's something they have in common: they're shit

I thought it was a boy trying to sound like a girl when i heard them on the radio. At the time this was not uncommon.

cutie patootie

That's Sleeping With Sirens dude

more webms

i need more pale legs in my life