Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

this thread again

lol someone post the copy pasta

Yeah. Decide to quit being a lil bitch and quit.


why would you want to quit?

>almost 4 packs a day
jesus christ man you'll probably live forever if you keep it up

Managed to quit smoking? BITCH I'm smoking the good icky sticky green I don't have to cry about trying to quit because I'm having a great time getting high and I know how to moderate my usage unlike you lung cancer vagina in my throat degenerates like you, fucking beta

You're gay

I've quit cigarettes in the past, and it's not that hard.

>all stoners being obnoxious is a meme

75 a day????
do you do anything else???

how long does it take to smoke a cigarette? 5-10 mins? ill call it 7. that means 75 cigs a day times 7 minutes is 525 mins a day dedicated to smoking cigarettes, divided by 60 is 9 hours

9 hours a fucking day spent on killing ur lungs. and you're paying for it too. sounds braindead

no u

no one fucking cares about you op. if you think for one SECOND user is going to help you your wrong big time chump cuz annon does not care at all. i hope next time you smoke you cough so much you die durg addict looser. here at b we want you to suffer and well laugh at you the whole way so gtfo faggot and take your fail with you because we dont EVER want you here again. I am one of the big shots at b u could say and I want you fucking gone. you dont want to fuck with any annons bcause were gonna make your life hell if you do. never forget or forgive so you have been warn. stay away from Sup Forums b or your face the consequeuences and I fucking know your not gong to like them when your info is plastered on the web so fuck you NEWFAF

Quitting is gay

KEK, that's what I was thinking, friend. How many time HAS this been posted?! Love our running jokes here..



What worked for me in the past was setting a date a few months in advance and then cutting down until that date. And then giving it a shot.

First time I went 4 months.

Trying again this Thursday. Planned it 6 months ago.

The problem isn't so much the day to day habit, it's more when I get frustrated/angry and I want to calm down, or if I get drunk I really want to smoke.

Otherwise I don't have too bad of an addiction.

smoked a pack and a half a day.... its been a month for me since ive smoked one.

I did indeed, after 10 years of smoking 4g of weed a day and 20cigs. I had to collapse a lung in the process, but yes, I am clean as of 7months ago.

Yeah I quit smoking
I just stopped buying cigarettes,
then stopped smoking the ones I had,
when my friends asked if I wanted to go outside for a smoke with them I said 'no, no I don't'

females are smoking more than males

respond to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight


i smoke cigarettes, weed, meth and oxycodone.
i dunno, while i can regulate the others, i just can't quit cigs

grillls are gay

Start making rallies by hand, you'll smoke less because of the effort involved.

i smoke 2 cigars a day


whats the strongest tobacco i can get in the uk

No likes a quitter OP. But, the pills (Chantix, etc) may help. I'm oldfag who smoked for decades.

oi bruv, got a fag license?

You mean being over the age of 18, fake fellow englishman?

whats it to you?

I've just stopped since two months now. Just quit... It's not that hard

smoke your pubes fag

It's not that hard if you genuinely want to stop, if you are doing it because you aught to, you'll have a hard time.

Any attempt at quitting is temporary.

Just cut down, OP.

I try everyday.

I usually get to around 24 hours before I get unbearably depressed.

I wish I could sleep for a week and wake up detoxed.

BUT smoking weed cures the cancer you’re gonna get from the cigarettes, because weed fucking cures everything bro.

Try it.

I smoke a mere 5 to 10 a day. Fortunately I can't die so there's no risk. My lifespan is indefinite. I'm kept alive by hatred, think Mr Burns.

That's not how nicotine addiction works, it's not like dope. One cigarette reactivates your entire addiction.

Takes about 2 minutes man

well i quit after 9years of smoking. So here is one advice i shall give you.

Smoke whenever you know u cant finish the cigarette anyways. When u have to throw away an half finished cigarette over and over again you train yourself to reduce the value of cigarettes. Just a small psychological trick.

It's fine. You'll be fine. Otherwise, how could you be posting this same thread for years.

I quited and literally is harder to smoke again,I start feeling dizzy and uncomfortable, guess i have some kind of inverse addiction

The problem is people think they should stop fully and in a moment of weakness, they throw the entire notion of quitting away and start smoking regularly.

There are several people I know personally who simply smoked less and less as they aged to a point where they then became disgusted by smoking in the off times they did. And now don't smoke.

Also, I'm pretty sure one hit of crack cocaine or meth would restart your entire addiction again, wtf?

I smoked nearly ten years. The last 5 years have been an average of 14 a day depending on work load and time of year. I half assed tried to quit a couple times and allowed myself to smoke one black and mild a day. I didnt say off the cigs long. Otherwise, I never really wanted to quit, I liked smoking.

7 months ago I woke up hung over af after stress smoking an entire pack in a night. The thought of getting up, dressed and out of the house to go buy another pack of smokes disgusted me so I just said fuck it and decided to not go buy a pack. Later that evening, nearly 24 hours after my last cig I said fuck it, I quit.

cravings weren't bad at all. maybe some people are wired different but nicotine withdraw wasnt anything like what people make it out to be.

Most things were just habitual. I would catch myself reaching in my pocket for a smoke when I stepped outside on my back patio or how I'd feel my pockets and check for a lighter/cigs before leaving my house

I feel smoking weed helped big time to get through it. Nearly 7 months without a cigarette and I'll never have another one.


what a crock of shit
before you start a very relaxing/dopamine inducing substance, ensure you have the will power to go from binging it to cold turkey no issue.

I can smoke a pack a day for two months and quit cold turkey for months, I am not an addict of anything.

I smoke like a pack per month
will probably quit this year

>>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
>anyone here managed to quit smoking?

Stop posting this fucking pasta.

Stop buying cigarettes if you want to quit.

>Smoking oxy

Absolute degenerate.

>I am not an addict of anything.
said from Anime Anonymous here.

why lol

> I can regulate meth

yeah i dont smoke so much meth because i cant sleep for days... also, when i smoke meth i hit one foil after the other, but when i go out of meth i will just stop, because i need to sleep then because of job and family. so i only just buy a little bit of meth when i buy it.
whres the problem?

I actually cut down, it was easier to convince myself to cut down as I can still smoke tomorrow just not as much win win I get smokes and health benefits because I'm not smoking as much (in my mind) then I cut all the way down to nothing

Your family! Don't they ever catch you iced up?

Now you're just smoking weed, I'd quit that too so you have a fully functioning brain, congrats on the cigs though well done sir

Booze effects the brain worse than weed, bro.

its ok for my wife and our daughter is too young to understand such things.. but also, usually i avoid coming home iced up

Yeah that's not what I said, I don't drink alcohol, are you high right now put bob Marley back on and shut the fuck up

Yeah man. Of all the common pleasures of life that anons commonly deprive themselves of, why does yours happen to be weed? It is not only innocuous, but healthy compared to addictions like eating and boozing.

so you seriously want to tell me smoking weed is healthier than compared to eating? oh gosh youre such a dumb fuck

I quit, it was easy, just go to a place where they won't let you and cigarettes consist of chewing tobacco that has already been chewed and is rolled up in toilet paper wrapper and costs ten dollars per one pinner, y'know a place like jail.