Continued..tell your darkest secrets

Continued..tell your darkest secrets...

end of last thread

Is the chick here who kept a diary of when her dad fucked her?

i hope is a sad story, but she could make millions by selling it..

i own a sperm bank in europe. i often switch my own seed against another guys seed when he looks more or less like me. i wanna be like Genghis Khan.

the 973 was me. i need to know how to tell a close friend that we should stop having sex. i dont want to hurt them but i want to be alone and they should find someone the can rely on. i wont tell them alone part cause its going to make things bad. what do?

i want to see my gf posted on b

How many guys have her pics?

I’m having an affair on my wife and 2kids under 5. Feel like a fucker but she’s gorgeous and the last time my partner touched me in any way with affection was over 2years ago. Can’t live without intimacy

2, to my knowledge

lets them into vola... f5m1cmkc

Still lurking. Wouldn't feel comfortable with other people actually reading it I don't think.

Post them you then

Why don’t you ask them to post her? That’s the way to start

>Thank you user, but how the fuck did you tear her tounge?
technically that shit under the tongue. the frenulum?

Was fucking her mouth pretty hard, she must have lifted her tongue a bit, I pistoned it right to the back of her mouth, tore the frenulum to the point it ripped her salivary gland open.

she was producing saliva uncontrollably until it healed up.

this isn't really about your comfort.

c'mon, post a couple of demo pages and we'll quote you a price.

I recorded a friend of a friend changing who was 15 yo and she hot as fuck, still fap to her. She had a pair of cute small tits.

i want other anons to post them, dont want to post them myself

I'm the one who puts coffee into the office sugar.

they dont know i know

Email me and I’ll post them

Explain please

I crossdressed when I was younger.

i gonna post them then..

damn thats bad but so hot...

one stole them, she sent them to the other.
even fb pics in wwyd/fb threads gets me excited

Some guys have my gf’s pics but they never posted her

would it turn you on when someone else knocks her up?

Bitcoin is about to implode. Get the fuck out of it if you are in. Keep the fuck out if you are thinking of getting in.

I almost left my wife for the woman of my dreams. She even went straight (or at least bi) for me.
I broke her heart, but leaving my wife was like cutting off a limb. And now we're working through problems we haven't dealt with for years.
But after weeks of sexy talk, promises, and even a little fooling around, I broke bi girl's heart.
The feels were there, and they were real. :-(

i think id like to see her fucked

I am a massive piece of shit. I am a burden to my family. My personality is poisonous. I tear and wear them down subconsciously, without trying. I have no friends. I have driven everyone away. I feel like I am possessed. I have this evil inside of me and I hate it.

Almost left my wife for a "lesbian" due to lack of intimacy, but we're working it out.

I would let some strangers fuck my gf but she doesn’t want. I’d also let them do it with her passed out

I showed her pics, vids and more to strangers online

Also I get excited of the idea of her been seen by a lot of people, and knowing that a lot of older guys masturbates to her little tits.

usually I cum in 30s-4min. I only had normal sex life with ex-gf because I continued with my semi-hardon till she came

>citation needed

This is the three millionth time that this has been said. I'm not saying you're wrong and I agree that this shit is probably going to implode at some point, but give me your reasoning at least.

This is me right now...

no it isnt

i went through my sisters phone and took many of her nude pics and videos of her finger banging her pussy and i fap to them almost daily


I had sex with my cousin in front of my brother. I was 12, she was 10 and he was 8. I feel guilty every day and we don't speak about it.

take her to a sex club worked for me

there sure will be a correction, but the price will increase....there are not even 2-3 million tradable btc on the market..the rest won't be sold or is lost...and know think about the demand right now....if you got in when it was 4 digits...just hold...I got in when it was 2 digits...

I had my sisters nudes once, didn't fap to them cuz I can't take that back. Didn't really turn me on. Mind you I was in my mid twenties so was probably just mature enough to not care about body parts in that way.

take pic of other nipple
>inb4 faggot mirroring the image

I have one of those. I want to kill myself. If there is a way to erase memories in the future I am going to do it.

user... I have been thinking this same thought for the past year...

whats wrong with your hips

i was never attracted to her until i saw those and i got hard as fuck, so i fapped and blew a huge load and felt guilty after, but i kept doing it

I used to live on the same street as a secondary school and traded drugs for sex with some of the schoolgirls.

I consistently fantasies about people who I know.

I have perfectly normal friendship relationships with all these and for the most part I am mundane in my day to day. But in the back of my mind, I know I will almost certainly get off to the thought of them later. I realise this means I must be attracted to them, but I'm not even interested in forming a relationship beyond friendship, I just simply can't stop them coming into my mind as I masterbate

Seriously worried it's gonna screw about with my behaviour in the real world.

I self harm with a razor I don’t even bother braking it to get at the blades I just cut my shoulder if anyone asks I say they are from the cat no one questions it because of the size of the cuts

What's wrong with your perception of human physique

i let someone else knock up my wife...pic oc

current price is based on the fact everybody is holding onto coin rather than trading. 40% of BTC is in under 1k wallets.

all it takes is one big player to break ranks and start dumping into the market to start a freefall.

it wont correct down to sub-1k levels though, it'll still be worth a good amount.

why guilt? Greentext the story pls

I physically cant cum without thinking of my best friend, even with my gf.

I've been intermittently fucking my uncle (dad's brother) since i was 13. Inb4 south park.


Did you at least finish?

Well, i had to confess.

I had my first sexual "thing" with my best friend we were 6/7. I'm assuming that was a game but i licked his anus, masturbated him a bit when we where sleeping together.
Now we don't really talk about this shit because it was a game i guess.

Second thing that i feel guilty is sometimes i just quickly looked the boobs of my sisters (27 and 30yo) and i feel really ankward... and i want to kill myself for this ...

I'm a fucking pervert...

nope. I'm fine with the crying, but uncontrollable drooling is a turnoff.

Had mother daughter threesomes with my ex and her daughter. Sex has been boring ever since.

I thoroughly enjoy cross-dressing and pegging and can't see myself marrying someone who isn't into it.

I tell bullshit stories on Sup Forums so people will talk to me

I literally crossdress and/or come out as trans on discord every time I get drunk

I want to go be a slut. I want to fuck my friends brains out, because I've barely ever fucked anyone and I just want to fuck people.

But I'm in a committed relationship.
I'm not fucked up enough to cheat and I'm not brave enough to break it off.

Damn man, that sounds like a story you tell a stranger at a bar. I've got some whiskey.

Wanna talk about it user?

I had sex with a family member once. She was on drugs and said I could fuck her if I gave her money. I feel like a piece of shit now looking back.

fuck, it's me again

>also my moms friend tried to fonger me in the back of my moms car

That's fair. At least you know you didn't fuck your sister or cousin like some of these guys

i can help you with that..

Not brave enough? You're just making yourself and partner have a shit existence if you are miserable with him/her

details. We need details

I've worked hard my whole life and see nothing but hard work until I die. The world owes me a helming hand yet it does not come. Nor do I think will it ever come. The government squeezes me for taxes. The democracy shaves me skin to the bone. Its not fair. In response, I constantly think about ways to make money outside of the system I grow more tired though everyday and get more scared of dying.

Why dude ? it was your stepsis ?

Faggot user here.
I'm retarded and got myself into a long distance relationship.

Everything is perfect until people flirt with him, I lose it for a bit and get a bit agressive. It's just enough to people to get something is going on but not enough to get me banned from the places we frequent.

I can't get off sexually to anything but him. I used to be the kind of slut who flirted and teased all kinds of people but when I'm with him I just shut myself off from the rest of the world.
I can't wank to porn, I don't get hard. I honestly can only pop a boner if it's him.

I know he noticed my bad behavior when people try to tease him, so much he stopped playing along when they do. In public that is.
And there's the punchline. I don't know what he does privately, and I feel like it's better for me if I don't know. My obsession is out of hand and I'm getting paranoid about it.
I want him to do things in the same dedication as I do but I don't want to push him to follow me in my obsessive behaviorism.

He's actually really happy. That's why I can't do it.

If you're not religious you should read "Meditations", helped me out alot with those feelings.

that wasn't a secret, somebody just asked me about it.

having fucked any family but I've done plenty of shit I'm not proud of.

Because I was the oldest of them and I made them promise to never speak about it. I knew it was bad but I'm not sure about them. I don't want to give more details because it's really good memories for me. I only wanted to know if it was really bad.

you suck

Went to live with him for a while when I was a kid because my parents had drug problems amongst other things. He was single and I'd just sprouted tits. What could possibly go wrong there.

Idk man. I don't know how to stop it. It's like this part of me I can't control. It's so...subtle and quiet (to me), but I just accidentally get into peoples head. I have a negative vibe. Someone described me, saying, "He has the devil in him." And then they either hate me or falter. Either way, I don't get what I want, which is companionship. But I resist change. I don't lime positivity. I feel like I'm going to get milked for all I'm worth if I let my guard down, let this negativity down, for one second. I think it's a defense mechanism I have developed over the years to push people away.

I pulled the tag off a mattress at the store once.

how long did it take before he started fucking you?

who was the author?

No, it was my aunt. Well, I gave her money which she bought pills with, she eventually got worse, started getting arrested over and over. Her life is really fucked now.

Hahaha I've been called that too, but if you know who you are then what are the opinions of those who don't know or care enough to? If you know something is wrong with you, you should make every effort to change it; but, living in constant fear of the unknown will get you nowhere but lost in your own head.

maybe you can do something to help her?

About 2 months.

Marcus Aurelius? Roman Emperor?

Marcus Aurelius

I'm into MFM.
Done it twice.

That's the one.

Brazilian hooker or an user on the street?

Lets see a pic user.

I posted in two different kink threads on /soc/ talking about how I just want to flirt hard with a scared lil' hikikomori and let the friendship end with one of us gradually ghosting. I posted this in two different threads and I've never witnessed so many hostile user's. Most of them got mad at me because they "exposed me" and found me in the other thread posting the same thing. Then they proceed to yell at me and call me shitty things. I'll just block them when they become hostile, but it's been bothering me. I don't know why they're so angry.