Why do Brazilians want to be white so bad?

Why do Brazilians want to be white so bad?

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some of them really are but anglos will never permit to shown it at television.

well you posted two different people
one black one pardo
what's your point

> I know the desires of 200 million people because a footballer mutt has issues
Good job retard

>well you posted two different people

brasilian MJ

who's the one on the left? casemiro?



neymar is white
that's some black boy
they don't even look similar

It's actually Neymar, when he was playing in Santos FC


Did he bleach his skin and hair? Wtf


brazilians are very complexed people, the other day I was trying to read posts on /luso/ and it was filled with the word 'branco' (white) and europeu (european)

Thanks to la pachamama us Argentinians have already surpassed that identity crisis and we've finally embraced our overwhelming Amerindian heritage.


nunca visite o luso

Lol did Neymar steal his kid from a maternity ward

me on the right
>literally le pepe

the mom

well the mother is european and he is mixed
so having a blonde child is uncommon but not impossible

found her old pic from 20 years ago

probably paid some sven to fuck his wife

also, why do Big Brazilian Bulls cuck Argentinians all the time?!?

Maybe Messi and Neymar cucked each other

Because rich people in Brazil are whites, higher social class are whites, its the same around the world.

stay with your fantasies in america

>higher social class are whites, its the same around the world.

but Sup Forums told me jews aint white

Sup Forums is always right, ashkenazis are only half white.

said the brown unibrow goat fucker

We don't really have uni-brows and we only fuck sheep

yes you do.

Those are Armenians, least related people to us in the region.




The kid has distinctive negroe features, particularly his nose

Hmmm, that region is really confusing. I thought they were the only other christian nation there. Then which nation is closest to Georgians?

Depends on which Georgian, mostly we are between North Caucasians(Chechens, Adyghes, Ossetians) and certain Iranians.
Last time I saw some a study about us, we were closest to Adyghes, don't remember the details.

Christianity is only a religion.

do we?
here women are obsessed with tanning their skin. and the "morena" (brown) are the most desired ones.

Cute family desu

how the fuck did he get so white?
must have drunk alot of La Uma Soma from Albino de Macaco?

The whiter you are the more you're paid, it's as simple as that.

>retards ITT that don't know what lighting is

> Uma Soma from Albino de Macaco

at least make some effort.
here the correct way;
>Uma sopa de macaco albino, uma delícia.

based Brazil

Thank you, you are a scholar and a gentleman
upside is your women are beautiful and hot
downsides include but are not limited to Uma sopa de macaco albino, uma delícia

> wanting to be white
All I see is a bloke going super sayan.

Brazil is a literally african country, the largest afro population outside of Africa and the second largest in the world and does things as ridiculous as discriminating against a black girl in a contest, which country is sick
