Guys i have 2 boys one is 18 and the other is 16. And my daughter is 17...

Guys i have 2 boys one is 18 and the other is 16. And my daughter is 17. They all just came to me and courdiously told me they support Trump and will be voting for him in 2020. I don’t know were i went wrong i thought i raised them correctly. They always have been very polite but I don’t know what to do now! How do i edicate them?

Lol you got trips and have three kids good luck budy.

Nothing because after they turn 18 they are adults who can make their own decisions in life

is this a fucking scarecrow?

You dont know what you did wrong? Obviously they think for themselves and are going to fix this country. Honestly good for them at that age go Trump!


What about my 16 and 17 yearold is there still hop? Seriously I genuinely feel bad for them? Im going to make them
watch CNN with me at least once a week.

Please no trolling I don’t have a problem with it if you support Trump but i need to fix my kids!

trump is doing gods work

Trips rip the rip trips, beyblade let errr ripppp mate, ggg.

I agree with your children politicaly however, i would advise not to change them because it will only strengthen their views and divide your relationship.

Trump seems to have gone right into Washington and immediately started doing what he said he would do. Even if you don't support his policies, supporting and voting for a candidate like this sends the best message you can to Washington: be up front and you'll win votes



Stay in school kids.

>please no trolling
>uses Sup Forums

Pick one

Don't know why I laughed


Keep politics out of Sup Forums go to Sup Forums

Do not force your reality onto others but try and understand why one would think that way. Propaganda from both sides want your mind and vote. Once you see through the camouflage it stands out and you can better understand.

You misspelled im mentally retarded

sorry OP, you can't fix stupid

I agree this is why I’m a libertarian right win however, I just want them to think for themselves and not support someone because it’s a popular opinion. I want them to support someone because it’s the right thing to do.

Who do you want them to vote for op

I’m going to fight for them!

Trump rules, kys faggit

Dubs recognized

OP is the outcast.

I don’t care who they they vote for, I love them dearly no matter who they support even if I hate the person. I just want to make sure they understand the consequences of who they support.



Honestly your political views are shit. However, your a real dad and I’m glad you actually care about them just let them be whatever they want to be.

Fair enough. A good way is to make people question what they believe in. If they can logically reason why they believe in something and fight for it then it is their choice. If one can not find reason to believe in something or just start spouting buzzwords then they are just following somebody else idea.

It's a start, encourage them to take an interest in Evola and Mosley and see if they can vote for a proper candidate next time also tits or gtfo


They told me they love what he is doing with our economy, immigration reform, and that he’s an outsider. They don’t like his use of twitter or Mike Pences views on bay rights but deeply respect both Trump and Pence.


Tel them that trump was running a child trafficking ring out of Haiti through an organization fronting as a charity set up by the trump foundation that also laundered donations and was suspected to provide children to high ranking US pedophiles on his private jet.

That's a largely accurate summary of his positives and negatives in fairness. Why don't you like it? Is he too wooly and liberal and doesn't talk about eugenics enough?

I just don’t think they get the full picture.

Well I got nothing else much to say. My own mind right now is tired. If you are interested in politics it is a good thing to study propaganda and even how commercials work on how we think. Its like wearing the sunglasses from They Live.

I know he's know Adolf but we have to take our best option at this stage. One day soon we will have our führer

OP I don’t think you get the full picture. Listen to your kids. Kids of slave owners ended slavery. Kids of segregationist ended slavery. I’m not saying your kids are right but I suggest you just have a honest political discussion with them. Take them to a nice restaurant to have dinner and let them know how you feel.

>LGBT is a race

Trumpa a jewish puppet
Educate them

Shouldn't have had kids

Inferior genes is where you went wrong I’m sorry to say.



Sounds like they're on the right track, and you should take a page out of their book.

You have a family to raise and support, hard to do that while posting bait threads. Be a fucking adult.

>gonna make them watch CNN with me
You are trying way too hard

You don’t know how much I work and how much I make. I have a nice house and all three of my kids have a car. I am also able to afford to pay for their college. Fuck off!
