Name a better 90s rock band

name a better 90s rock band


Built to Spill > Archers of Loaf > Pavement > Modest Mouse > Guided By Voices

built to spill is such trash

That's backwards.


built to spill is good in my books


i can't


unwound > all of them combined

GBV > all

Literally any 90s band



Nobody cares about your boring as fuck shitty nu male band.

fugazi, slint, polvo

in terms of great rock bands i think GBV is the only one that comes remotely close to what pavement was doing in the 90s

> child in the 80's
> teen in the 90's
Always found these guys to be boring sounding.
Grey, beige, meh.

They're all great in their own way desu

The songs on Bee Thousand are so good I wish the production was more fleshed out so much, but I respect the lofi everyman philosophy



I love kyuss tho

Zeni geva
Naked city




This, total shit band. I can count all their good songs on one hand.

Radiohead? Phoenix?

Is Unseen Power of the Picket Fence making fun of REM or is it sincere

This guy gets it. Literally without flaw

i feel like kyuss is more of a nu male band honestly. i dont know, i dont make the rules

1. Fugazi
2. Ween


Babes In Toyland
My Bloody Valentine
Drop Nineteens
Lift To Experience
Catherine Wheel
The Breeders
The Cranberries
The Verve
Archers Of Loaf
American Music Club
Local H

all me

i mean sure if you wanna listen to an eyebrow and a bowling ball yell half-baked politics at you all day, yeah

89 Sept: 13 Songs
90: Repeater
91: Steady Diet
93: Kill Taker
95: Red Medicine
98: End Hits
99: Instrument


GodWeenSatan: The Oneness (1990)
The Pod (1991)
Pure Guava (1992)
Chocolate and Cheese (1994)
12 Golden Country Greats (1996)
The Mollusk (1997)
Craters of the Sac (1999)

12 Rods

Same Place the Fly Got Smashed (1990)
Propeller (1992)
Vampire on Titus (1993)
Bee Thousand (1994)
Alien Lanes (1995)
Under the Bushes Under the Stars (1996)
Tonics & Twisted Chasers (1996)
Mag Earwhig! (1997)
Do the Collapse (1999)

> Blonde Redhead

I'm surprised Sup Forums doesn't talk about them more. Split Personalities and Gay? are both incredible.

>modest mouse that low
>gbv even listed
Get outta here


Really decent band

Kingston Wall

Blind Melon is the best band of the 90s

Unwound, Polvo, Swirlies, Lilys, Bailter Space, Duster

feels pretty sincere to me. They even covered Camera