Teach me how to buy weed

teach me how to buy weed

go to literally any college or high school party and ask around.

Find a dealer and ask for weed dipshit.

Go to your local weed store.
Buy weed.

how to find a dealer

This thread is questionably underage OP.

Get a part time job at your nearest McDonald's, someone there is always selling weed or knows someone who does.

7546577896 first name drug last name plug

you could literally stand outside a gas station for 10 minutes and ask every young black male if they've "got that gas"

but you might get robbed

Ask for one please

That’s not even weed you fucking pleb

yes it is, go back to plebbit, retard!

The please is very important

Hey guis
Im totally in your demographic lols
I h8 pigs yo!
Post details including name, last known location and phone numbers of your drug dealers haha!
I want to get high

Move to a state where it’s legal. Go to weed store. But weed. Get high.

A good way to tell when you go into a dispensary(if legal state) or see your dealer, take a big just a tiny one and shove it up your anus depending on how high it gets you determines potentcy also your dealer or shop keeper will be impressed by your marinara knowledge

This is not a troll post, this tactic has seriously worked for me EVERY TIME. I AM NOT JOKING.

1 - Find apartment complex.
2 - Look for black guy in complex.
3 - Shout at him "Where's the weed at?!?!"

He will respond something akin to "at my place!" and then point in the general direction of his apartment. Make sure you have $15 on you, because $20 is too much and niggers are far less likely to sell at the (far more) competitive price of $10.

seems legit.

>Find nigger
>Walk up
>Pay 400% of it's actual value
>Go home

How to buy weed where I live in Canada

>put on a crisp ironed shirt and you shinier Oxford
>Head on down to the local dispensary, wishing everyone a good day along the way
>use your electronic fob to gain access to the building, thanking the doorman as he holds it for you
>wait patiently in line until the cashier is ready for you
>peruse through the store's vast selection of indicas and sativas, joints, spliffs, caps, edibles, oils and apparatus, being sure to check what's on sale
>exchange cash and receive change, making sure to grab your tax-deductible receipt

Boy do i not miss having to deal with a dealer


male butts are far superior to female butts.