This fucking thread again: ask a 34 year old kissless virgin without friends or money anything

This fucking thread again: ask a 34 year old kissless virgin without friends or money anything.

Would you rather have money or friends? You can't have both.


When are you gonna kill yourself? So,
>This fucking thread again

Never. I will shitpost until we both die of old age.

29 year old virgin with little money and barely any friends... how do I not end up 34 in same position ?

>how do I not end up 34 in same position ?

>pic related

Goddamn you...

No u

bump niggers

I'm 34 and married, have a small group of friends and just started a new well paid job. My question to you op is what stops you from doing these things? (Apart from being a faggot)

Apart from being faggot, no women was ever evidently attracted to me. I have problems connecting to other people independent of gender. And I am unable to get a job in my field because I wasted 10 years at uni and am now overqualified (on paper) for most jobs and not good enough for jobs I am (on paper) qualified for.

rent a hooker

How do you get by?

Hobbies. Especially sports are good at keeping the existential despair at bay.

I mean financially. I can't even get out of bed in the morning, hobbies are unlikely.

What's are your qualifications?

Sorry to hear that faggot. I was the same until I found my wife. Got there by taking a step or more each day to improve my life. Even a small step is going to make a difference. Put yourself in a situation where you can talk to a girl, apply for a job or anything in-between. You'll get there one day is never too late.

This. Especially structured ones. Ones that force you to be someone at certain times multiple times a week. You'll then find ways to work around this and most things will fall into place.

I currently work half-days in a supermarket and have a few savings to access.

I have a Bachelors, Masters, and PhD in molecular biology.

Well your degree isn't exactly a push-over. If you're struggling to find a job I'd recommend fixing up your resume, and just applying everywhere, including interstate and out of town. I had to do the same thing with my degree until I finally got a job 7 months later. I'd also work on personal hygiene including regular respectable haircuts and well kept facial hair

I had your social problems. I was evidently too smart. In an elaborate scheme to die, I fucked up my brain a little. Now I talk to women of all types because I is dumb. My memory is shit. I'm an asshole, but also a douchebag. Women love it. They get a little upset at first, but then their panties explode the more you talk to them. Their brains are wired wrong. Hey, my job too, I talk all kinds of shit to my boss and she gets upset but doesn't do anything. There's this strange phenomenon about women. Give them any attention, but never actually feel you want their attention, and it gives off the vibe you don't give a shit. Express your needy faggot desire for their attention, and they'll do everything to avoid you.

What's it mean if have a deep emotional connection with someone but I'm not sexually attracted to them?

I had the same pb when I was in my 20s, and when I lied to my parents about new year eve, told them I was going to a friend's party, I had no friends, nobody invited me. I drunk as much as I could, almost fcking died, alone on the 31th night. I woke up the day after, and told myself that, I don"t care anymore, fck all this bullshit social problems, I'll just have to deal with it. And just go straight out of my confort zone whenever I can. Now I've a job, a gf and friend. Shit is just in your head bro.

Makes more sense maybe if I say women crave that don't give a shit attiude, right? Fuck it. I have a naked body beside me and I get to clutch her tits tonight. Get high enough to fuck up those braincells, OP. They're only holding you back. Those faggots at the top aren't happy. They're miserable. I'm glad I chose to be a breeder.
Whoa. I recall that when I was a smart fuck. What's it mean? Means you get no pussy. You have to be brain fried enough the sound rolls right off your tongue, you don't care what you say, and you're licking those bitches ears with your words without praising them like an uber nerd. Women just want to be talked to like they're normal even though they're fucking insane. Eh I'm already bored with this.

I don't care about pussy.

kekin hard

Life gets better man... My fiancee soon to be husband got left by his ex wife when he lost his job leaving their 4 year old son to him. The kid is now 7 and he had horrible years and now he is 41 and got his life together, we has a job raised his child really good and we are planning a wedding. I just turned 18 so we are planning on having kids. So my question, what is stopping you from making your life better???

I am searching in all of Western Europe and I have been unsuccessful for a year now.

>the same pb when I was in my 20s, and when I lied to my parents about new year eve, told them I was going to a friend's party, I had no friends, nobody invited me. I drunk as much as I could, almost fcking died, alone on the 31th night. I woke up the day after, and told myself that, I don"t care anymore, fck all this bullshit social problems, I'll just have to deal with it. And just go straight out of my confort zone whenever I can. Now I've a job, a gf and friend. Shit is just in your head bro

How did you do it? Going out of your comfort zone is just one step (and was never my problem when alcohol was involved).

When did you give up?


Have you ever tried any application for meeting girls?
You actually need perseverance and practice to become good at it.
And then it will became easy to you to get the one you want.

Where in Europe do you leave?
It's weird that you can't get a job here...

What languages do you speak?

Do you make any sport?

>Have you ever tried any application for meeting girls?

I went out regularly in my 20s. Bars, clubs, private parties. Had no problems chatting up girls after a few bottles of beer but always hit some wall.
I used Tinder and another dating application.
I also went to courses and clubs to meet people (different college sports, yoga, cooking etc.).

>Where in Europe do you leave?
>It's weird that you can't get a job here...


>What languages do you speak?

German and English fluently. French and Spanish rudimentarily.

>Do you make any sport?

Lots. Primarily bouldering / climbing.


Fuck you for making me doubt my field

Are you happy?

38 here
no friends
no money
had a couple of GFs

used to have a normal life when young but moving around because of work left me stranded in a foreign place.
Managed to get home recently but old friends moved on with their lives and i'm just too tired and depressed to get out of the hole

Time for a big glass of bleach my friend.

I'm okay. Neither very happy, nor depressed.


c'mon faggots

What's it like to be free? What does it feel like not being shackled by a woman who nags about fucking everything, not being burdened by kids, not having to spend ten hours a day at a soul crushing career you despise being forced to socialize with assholes you have nothing in common with? How does feel to just wake up one single fucking day and not need an alarm clock? Just to have one day where i didnt have to shave and go to work or drive my ungrateful shitty kids to some sport they play because if i dont im a bad parent?

In conclusion fuck you you whiney pussy.

It's not like I don't have soul crushing job - just not a career. When it comes to the other stuff, I guess you'll always want what you can't have.

What do you think of the new Star Wars?

Not seen it. Or the one before that.

There are others like you op, like me I'm 26 and I'm a friendless poorfig virgin as well. Its so hard to find somebody who never had friends like me and you though.

We have wageslaves we work at you ignoramus. Those shackles you chose faggot. Its not like you just fell into some random broad, iimpregnated her multiple times and whoops I accidentally got married. Those were thought out choices and now you have to live with them.

