I told my gay friends that I am also gay because I like traps and feminine boys...

I told my gay friends that I am also gay because I like traps and feminine boys, and they all just laughed and told me that liking traps is not gay, in fact it is pretty heterosexual.

All of you guys are lying cunts!
Traps are not gay.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck your friends, traps are gay

You need suicide. It's the only way.

Anything not normal is gay
Male dick
Woman vagina

Why the fuck would you believe a bunch of fags?

I don't believe you anymore

having gay friends is pretty gay though

>Fuck your friends,
Then he would actually be gay.

>I told my gay friends... told me that liking traps is not gay
fucking try harder

Natalie Mars is a goddess among men.

tfw you will never be Natalie and Sue's polygamous husband. Or even date either. Why even go on?






Nah bro, you're a faggot...




Nah user, that's just cause they're slight delusional. They see it as liking the femanin nature of traps and fem boys, which boy logic standards is heterosexual; realistically there's a biological male behind both of those femanin facades. Ergo, traps are fuckin' gay man, and you might be too. 6 XD 6

Fuck off newfag

Why does Natalie's dick look so weird

your friends are idiots, mr russian bot.
putin is the fag in this story.

I think there's merely different perspectives of gayness.

Imagine if you lined everyone up according to their Kinsey rating. The straight people would look toward the gay side and say "that shit is gay", but the gay people would look toward the straight side and say "that shit is not gay".

It's literally beef.

Sue lightning got fucked by Christian XXX so hard that she quit porn after, don’t support her cosplay/gaming bullshit.

Botched circumcision? Silly burgers.

Nope traps are gay

it's true in a sense, i'm gay and i like men, like actual men, who look like men, because i'm gay. not that traps aren't partially gay, just think though: why would a gay guy fuck someone who looks like a girl? just having a penis doesn't really do it

Natalie Mars can fuck right off but I would marry the shit out of Sue Lightning, that boy is wife material.

That boy is all used up

You guys should fight.

Every trap is all used up nigga. At least shes cute and likes other things more than porn.
Gotta respect a whore who loves other things more than whoring.

I would destroy that bitch.

thank god she fucks niggers

It is completely heterosexual to suck the penis of a girl and to allow a girl to fuck you in the ass with her girl cock

ask them if a penis is feminine

muh sides

Your friends r gay

She looks like a women, there nothing gay about being atrracted to that

she has a condition.

But you are

As a gay man, YES, traps are fucking gay.

Look in the mirror and repeat: “I’m a cockloving faggot, I’m a cockloving faggot” and repeat over and over again.

Just accept it.

>being this insecure about your sexuality
who gives a shit if liking traps is gay or not?
if you like them, that's fine
be comfortable in your skin, no one needs to know what you are but yourself. jfc.

Seeing that person and going “oh they’re attractive” isn’t gay, knowing that person has a cock and still thinking they’re attractive = gay.

nope, youre admitting you find her physically attractive, you cant decide you no longer find her attractive because she got a dick

tranny here, i have a gay friend and he said he would never want to be with a trap/tranny becaue hes into guys and thinks im a girl

thinking someone is attractive has nothing to do with sexuality because that is just an observation.
likon the same sex romantically is gay.

Sue and Natalie are so sexy

That's awesome, Natalie is a fucking beauty

You told your mentally ill friends that you are also mentally ill. They tell you you arent. But they're mentally ill, of course they're wrong.


one problem is that your "gay" friends are like diseased invalids in a sympathy gang.

you don't deserve their protection and sympathy just because you have a fetishistic desire; you need to have dug yourself in for life by being fooled by popular culture to "come out" as a stupid teen and then you have no way out and must find other losers to form "family" and then you can all feel persecuted and hold on to each other out of pathetic desperation.

i moved to california for a job when i was 20. all i cared about in life was electronic music--specifically 90s jungle/drum and bass--smoking weed and doing LSD. i watched "twin peaks" tapes all the time, etc. i met some weird guy at work and well, since i lived half a block away in an apartment building, i looked for people who also liked psychedelic drugs that enhance audio and electronic music to hang out with. he seemed nice when i invited him to hang out at lunch one day but said he couldn't; he had asked around and heard that i "wasn't family".

this LISPY, UGLY, FAT FAGGOT DISSED ME TO MY FACE in front of the building, smiled and walked away, never wanting to talk to me again just because he heard i wasn't a retarded queer.

fuck em.

Traps are gay, but I'm not gay if I like traps. See it's the traps that like masculine looking men. I, on the other hand, only like feminine looking guys with feminine penises.

To play the devils advocate real fast.

Why can't it be hetero to be attracted until the wang makes an appearance? So long as you suspect there is a vagina it is not gay. When Mr Johnson shows up to the party you could decide not to participate.

Here we go again.