
As-Salaam-Alaikum edition

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*shakes your hand*

2 hours and 50 minutes left lads

fedora posting is a strange relationship in /brit/. In many ways it represents a symbiotic relationship, the bait poster requires an indirect (you) from the fedora poster, while the fedora poster requires the bait poster to get his fix of ridicule for the day.

>rasheed edition

someone make a real new

Sup Forums is prohibited during daylight hours

Ramadan Mubarak and GTFO


Nige? Not a fan.


>Sup Forums icons from tabs are gone

thanks chrome

Islam is bad

communal washing machine only just went just stole my money

absolutely seething i just literally had to spend £10 for washing because of their fucking minimum top up shit

Ah yes would love to pay to be degraded by horse

crossrail lads

>looks at the sundial
>nod me head like pic related
>gathers up me mates

it's time lads

>kneels down, prostrated, facing Mecca

wa alaykum u salaam lads

who else is watching HappyEndings_ on mfc eat pasta

hated this at uni
>rig it so you will always lose some money to that machine at the end of the year because of the awkward prices and minimum top up rules

2 hours 49 minutes until I can eat food again fasting is shit

delete this

Fuck Circuit
Cash was better than those stupid cards

need a bf

anyone got the kangaroo vocaroo

South Bristol

fills me with joy knowing i could chin any one of you runts with ease

are you feminine be my bf x

Mine took £ coins in uni

You ever tried to convince a shop to trade a note for pound coins? Fucking bullshit

love looking at willies but not fucking them

yes muslims are bombing a different european city every month but what about the oklahoma city bomb? checkmate rorke

does anyone else think that Sup Forums has had a positive affect on their life?

made me realise a lot of the time how not to act, also helped me get in better shape and dress better, read, etc

given me some top laughs too

vuk off u pafetic kangawoo bastard

who else in /brit/ is also a PSL user

no quite masculine

creasing at that "beta male" video
it's weird to see Sup Forums through a normie's eyes

why do people do stuff like this to their body?

not a fan of this


No, not even remotely. Before this site, I used to force myself to socialise. Now I'm able to totally recluse

allah isn't real and you're putting yourself through this misery for no reason

anyone got the kangaroo vocaroo

>the loser in the buzzfeed video can drive and isnt extremely ugly

fuck off terrorist apologist

that's ok

not really misery
>isn't real
um sweetie

>they're back



>Elliot Rodger

*filters through a narrow gap at 80mph*
*acts with surprise when you pull out on me*



no I quite dislike terrorist desu we should deport them or something idk

what's your hand size

you just know the buzzfeed vid was made by some slut who got rejected by a 4channer for taking too many dicks

got no friends and the gf just dumped me

how's your evening going lads

Theresa May killed the tory surge

>doing laundry on a yank campsite
>need 8 quarters for washing, 8 quarters for drying

but you refuse to accept they are Muslims and following Islamic scripture. As such, an apologist.

Are you/were you popular at school and uni?

>first open it
>making fun of a lad for wanking to 'nime
hate buzzfeed more now desu

So I want to tell my girlfriend all the things I love about her. I can't think of a list of 100 things though.

Could you please come up with some ideas. I'll give a (you) to everyone that has an idea I use.

pretty sure BuzzFeed is Jewish

Daily reminder that the normalshits that tell us to "just be confident and shower" look like this. Bluepilled betacucks that are nothing more than beta bux providers. (i.imgur.com)

submitted 6 hours ago by fagotonabikesuicidecel
26 commentssharesavehidegive goldreport


Need a religious wife


extra large

(though I do have very wide palms compared to the length)



must watch for people trying to understand attraction and aesthetics

no and no

do you lose a lot of bodyfat during fasting? do you end up staying up late/waking up really early to eat as much as possible?

I'm here for you sweetling xx
We are all in the same boat xx

I met really great people via omegle's r9k interest back in 2012. (never actually browsed r9k)

had some mentors who taught me important life lessons, stuff about the occult, made me think about politics and the world and stuff, and helped me be less depressed

learned a fair deal of important stuff like lifting, using those lit guide things, the occasional interesting article, facts or something people post.

Sup Forums can be a good hobby to be honest. low-intensity, can be done alongside productive activities like studying. On the other hand it does feel like sitting on here compulsively means i'm missing out on life and sometimes i get distracted on here too much and end up not actually doing more productive stuff i want to do.

Nuke mecca

Not opening a single YouTube link

How the fuck do I attract anyone looking like this (self.Incels)
submitted an hour ago by spiceb0ss

I've been working out for 4(FOUR) years and this is all I have to show for it. Im such a genetic failure what do I do. Chad goes to the gym once a week and doesnt even try and has the body of a god

They are Muslims but yeah I don't think they've really read anything except propaganda really
She's got banging tits
Not much it's kinda annoying
>do you end up staying up late/waking up really early to eat as much as possible?
I stay up but that's usual for me

ah yes, the so called "alt-right"

this is blueshoes from /fit/, he's an absolute top lad. Someone on /fit/ must have posted that


alri tubs

yeah discovered new stuff but it lost its discovery interest now

I've already said I love her body. Maybe i should be less generic, more specific.

Be embarrassing if others found it though

>knowing tripfags off /fit/

nah it was just made by some leftist normies to take the piss out of anti-feminists on Sup Forums

little do they know that the average 4channer is 100x more pathetic than that guy

this is what happens when you try and follow a bodybuilding routine

Get really anxious when some chav car revs it's engine for ages outside me house x

thats blueshoes lol

oh really? here's the thread


well no woman has no reason to be a feminist unless she's a skank who gets rejected, so...

*takes dragon dildo out of my bumhole*

>more pathetic

How shite is your local community that the shops there won't give you change of a fiver?

does people eating crisps or crunchy chips near you wind you up very quickly?

blueshoes only tripped once, but he's a character so people know him
he does oly lifting

he doesn't look that bad


If I was in a room with Mao, Stalin, Hitler and a female, and the female was given the task to kill someone of us, she would pick up a machine gun and spray and pray at my direction. (imgur.com)

submitted an hour ago by MyDolores

what the fuck is shadilay

hate these comics

wish i could turn back time
to the good old days

nah it's not him
>working out for 4 years
>18 years old
none of this is true about blueshoes

as it so happens the times ive pulled have been during periods without doing weights when ive been comparatively skinny

dont think it matters either way
