How do I look?

How do I look?

pretty fuckin gay

>Random guy yells square up faggot
>you do

as in happy?

You look like you are taking a shit in your adult diaper

Dude are you the cop from Stranger Things?



Henry Rollins retarded cousin.

however if this picture isn't you you're a massive faggot and should rethink your life choices.

Showin off my pearly whites


ive seen worse


are you asking us bc youre blinded by the sun and cant see in the mirror?
you look like you forgot to put your shirt on.

Are you fit?


Features are lumpy. Looks like you did some boxing/mma in ur past. Some kind of heavy contact sport.

I used to kick alot of ass

you look worried

cocaine and Doritos

Like flea from redhot chili peppers got hit with a hammer

Like someone I know..

mashed pertaters mmmmhm

Max Payne

You remind me a TINY bit of Henry Rollins. But with more of a redneck construction worker look. You're moderately handsome, dress nicely and be a nice person and you'll probably attract women.