Tfw the friend you were supposed to see a gig with cancels it three hours before the start

>tfw the friend you were supposed to see a gig with cancels it three hours before the start

ever went to a show all alone, Sup Forums?

Yes faggot. In the word's of our lord and saviour

Yeah, you just go and watch it, it's not like they refuse entry

You should probably call the venue beforehand to make sure they aren't enforcing a no singles policy

Just bring your concerto llama.

I'm in the UK, long as I'm willing to be the designated bomber, entry should be fine.

Yeah a few times

does it really suck?

Seeing a show alone is the best way, if you want to experience the music.

>user, my feet hurt!
>user, we're way too close, I'm claustrophobic!
>user, I lost my phone, help me look!
>user, I'm done with this show, let's just go!

If you just wanted to hang out with your friend, I'm sorry that he dipped on you, but if you like this band, you'll have no problem.

Just make small talk with a stranger. You may be surprised to find out you have something in common, namely that you like the same band.


thanks, user.

>Just make small talk with a stranger
y-you're r-right, haha, small talk, s-sounds cool.

Who are you seeing? Some acts are way better with a friend, especially if it's a high energy act. I go to concerts alone all the time cause all my friends either have shit taste or are too poor, you'll be fine.

right, it's time to go, thanks for the encouragement, !ads!

neither grips nor grimes

I go to most shows alone, and it's not bad. I remember the first few shows I went to alone made me really anxious, because I didn't know what to expect, but after a few shows, you just feel normal. The only thing that makes me anxious now is possibly getting mugged after a late show. But you just have to stay near crowds when possible, and near main roads and lights.

If you don't mind getting drunk, it's a lot easier to talk to people. I find that I usually get into conversations without wanting to when I'm drunk.

Still, there are so many variables that can affect how much you enjoy a show, and I think it can become more shaky with another person, because of all the logistics. Although, if you end up enjoying the show with those people, then it can outweigh the headaches of getting together. Every time I've gone with friends, there was always stress getting there, staying together during the show, and getting home.

So going alone can be less stressful in that way. It's simple. It's just a mind game depending on how vulnerable you feel in public places.

I'll be OK, especially with a couple of pints in. cheers.

yeah, but i guilt tripped him back into going, ended up being the best gig he went to (his words) to that point, havent spoken since

I usually go alone. Went to see Pertubator last night alone. Was pretty fun, though the douches with their smartphones out sort of ruined the scene. I'm glad that when Perturbator himself came out the lighting was done in a way that made using their shitty phones a lot more difficult. Venues need to start ejecting people from shows for that shit, it shouldn't be the mosh pit's responsibility to migrate into these faggots and knock them all off into the sides.

Small talk is hit or miss. Mosh pit is where it's at because you'll never say a word but everyone gets a weird sort of collective unity out of bashing and beating each other.

Last night when the show ended the only two people that talked to me were at the bar. One was some fat chick trying to get me to follow her instagram, and the other was some drunk white kid that randomly approached me(I'm a nog) to talk about white guilt for some fucking reason.

yep, manny times.
One time, i drove a few hours in a village in austria to see deftones.

Best night ever, even got to hang out with them.

did he say he has white guilt? why didn't you demand reparations in form of his wallet

Now you're definitely not going to the show. Have fun in prison, lad.

Yeah, he was blathering on about how whites are racist and crap and I kinda just kept telling him to chill out and(At least in gentle terms) stop being a fucking spaz.

Also I'm not a dick, so I didn't mess with the guy.