Hey Sup Forums i am having trouble coming up with a senior quote so whoever gets trips ill put whatever that person says

Hey Sup Forums i am having trouble coming up with a senior quote so whoever gets trips ill put whatever that person says

RIP Harambe the monkey

"Friends are like trees, you can find support in them, but couple swings with axe and they're gone"

Hope u like butter cuz here comes the TOAST

Mark a nigger, I pull the trigger

I sucked my cousins dick.

The kulaks deserved it.

reroll for shit-quote

> no homo

I used to be a good student like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.


Me and my buds agree: Women are chattel

Oh yea OP here, dont put anything inspiring because i dont wanna give anyone hope

Some of you are alright, don't go to school tomorrow

Fuck Niggers



I got trips and all I got was this lousy quote in this faggot's yearbook.

WINRAR! Fucking checked!


Check 'em

It isn't rape if she's too drunk to say no.

I wish ppl knew o was gay

LOL alright ill use this

Mein god, this guy is a winner

And OP have spoken in trips in thanks for trips quote!




So, OP when will you deliver?

i have to email the quote to a teacher so ill take a pic of the email

It never got weird enough for me.

Box of Infinity for you then.