Gf wants to get piercings but I really hate them...

Gf wants to get piercings but I really hate them, she wants a belly and maybe a clit one but she said she'll think more about that, i'd hate for her to get either place pierced as I think they're disgusting and have a mini phobia of piercings, but at the same time I don't want to control what she does as it's her body, need help. Pic sort of related

youre a faggot and will lose your gf to some piercing loving nigger if you dont let her get them

make sure she cleans them otherwise they will get infected, go to a reputable piercer not a mall piercer.

also there is no such thing as a clit piercing you fucking idiot.

idk unsure if she'll leave me as of not getting them, just extreme turn off for me, just imaging ripping one.. also clit piercings exist you tard

just tell her you don't give a fuck, then since she sees you're not interested at all, she probably won't get them.
and if she does get them, just make sure she cleans them and stop being a little pussy about it

Compromise. Say okay to the belly piercing, but not as far as the clit piercing

no they fucking dont you cock gobbler

there is no such thing as a clit piercing, they dont pierc the fucking clit, they pierce the labia above the clit

godamn you are so stupid im amazed you have a gf, im pretty sure youre just faking it because you obviously dont have a fucking clue about femail anatomy whatsoever.

If you have a phobia. I am talking sickening and uncontrollable phobia, she won't get them. If she fears snakes, you won't buy a pet snake. Now swap the ifs.

>Gf wants to get piercings but I really hate them
>need help

Relinquish your girlfriend as you are a faggot with faggot taste. I'll have her instead.

Tell her you hate them once and never argue the point. If pressed just repeat you hate them. If she gets them anyway you'll know how much your opinion is worth to her. Useful thing to know whether you stay or go.

Retard alert. Everyone point and laugh.

only decent reply rest is just retards

Much talk... No fuck mate

1. Belly piercings never age well.

2. I assume you mean the hood and not the actual fucking clit, right!? If someone is actually piercing the clit they have no idea what they are doing.

it was only a brief covo and i've never looked into it, having a phobia and all i'd rather not look into it

OP - stop being a bitch. She's going to get her piercings either way. You're just deciding whether she'll to want to break up with you afterwards

Ignore this, don't let her get them. If she gets them you WILL lose her. You must do everything you can to prevent her from getting them. That and tattoos are bad signs. I'm forcing my girlfriend to remove hers.


Tell her to get nipple rings instead

>she'll to want to break up

You lucky faggot just encourage her to get them all. Belly, clit, both nipples goddamn i wish my girl would do this

if i didn't have a phobia i wouldn't care, other things are fine just not fucking piercings

Tell her you're cool with both so long as she tattoos your name abover her vagene.
Then dump her for being a whore