Unless you fagotts start coughing up the cryptos, I am going to slice the nuts off this dog

Unless you fagotts start coughing up the cryptos, I am going to slice the nuts off this dog.

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i LOVED shawshank dude. good oscar

Do it

OP is a faggot

face in pic while threatening to commit a crime, this is shit bread

is now shit breadf
start shitbreading

Just thought the same. Did save the image for later tho, if he does through with it.

I'll send you some cryptos, but since you didn't specify I'll give you 2.0 Lumens. You'll find a suitable home for the dog with a loving family instead of keeping it yourself or turning it over to the pound.

I only take litecoins, idiot.

Natty ice? Jesus Christ that's some disgusting ahit degenerates drink.

Funny, your faggot ass didn't say shit about your prefence, did you just google "cryptocurrency for cucks"?
Hurt the dog and the righteous arms of God and Country will swiftly exact justice.

Fucking do it then fagot, seek your attention somewhere else.

Do the world a favor and slice yours off instead if you want results.

yeah? I love it. you can smash a baby's head in with a hammer, but if threaten violence to a dog, you are worse than Lucifer.

Tosted shit bread?

You don't have the nuts

love the Natty. Just like I love your pussy peach hair.

my cock is so big your mother called me up again.



ok. that's how you want to play it? time's up assholes.

say goodbye to the pooch.

We have your photo Mr.Anonymous

git r dun fagt

Trips you cut your hair.

well, treasure it and give it as a Christmas present to your mother. Tell her she needs to clean up that stank between her legs.

We fucked up with Bitcoin.
We fucked up with Etherium.
So let's not fuck up now.
JSE will be new standart in web monetization. Multi billion market. So there's a good chance it will be BIG.
You don't need high-end GPU or CPU, mining is equal for everyone.
JSEcoin will be listed on exchange in 2018. So we still got some time to mine coins with low competition before general audience turns in.

For freee coins with my referall- jsecoin com/o/?a=43557
If you don't want free coins- jsecoin com

Anons from previous threads were kind enough to use my ref so if someone rolls trips i will transfer them 25 JSE coins. Don't forget email.

Also today they optimized hash algorithm, hash/s increased by 5 times. So mine dem coins while there's almost no competition....

Nobody listen to this, it's not real crypto.

Is that a Smith & Corona typewriter on the left side of he beer case?

It's just hit me you look like a teenage meatloaf with learning difficulties.

now, this is what I am talking about.


it works, too. I have ribbon for it.

You won’t do shit op. Op never follows up with what’s he says

yep. I have many difficutlites, spleeping among them.

this nigga looks like elon musk's shit brother

10 LTC to lick the doggos balls

Wow so this is what poor peoples places look like. What are you even wearing.

how about getting a haircut instead?

I guess I didn't have my mommy make up my bed you fag. This is my computer cave your Highness. I own 100 acres on a beautiful farm house.

you should save your game man, looks like its already too late...

LTC is worth around 300 now. So. Yeah. I'll suck dog ball for 15 LTC.

of course you do, thats why there is your bed in the background and you have to rest your mouse on a fucking stool you filthy degenerate

He wouldn't hurt that dog. It's his only companion/lover in that storage locker he's living in.

Nice dubs OP A and can we get a pic of your beautiful "farm" that you say you own?

damn. You really got my number. What else can you divine from one picture some random dude sent over the net? I would worship your gay fag ass, but I already have Jesus in my life. thanks for caring!

as it seems you have no one in your life except that dog, take good care of him you filth.

it is my GF's dog you brain dead asshole. what man would own a Jack Fucking Russel Terrier?

a man like you

cut your stupid hair and get a latina

that is pure wit. are you a trained poet?

while you were busy masturbating to Sup Forums the price of Litecoin just went down. time to buy, dickweed.

Yeah. Sucks that you know it’s too late huh?
Oxy? Meth? Family gone? Dead?

as if you ever had touched, let alone kissed another human female before. not even your mother gave you her tit because she knew you were not worth it. look at that fucking basement cave. disgusting.

Sounds about right

Snow bobs and vagene


of dog?

Shit thats good enough time stamp for me
Rolling for Chug a beer

Wow your mom really needs to clean her basement you half jesus half unibomber looking fuck

well, mostly meth and sexual butt rape. but it's all good.

not enough proof for me

show penis of dog with timestamp

Op vocaroo a list of demands in song form with your keyboard in the background

Well... i thought i was looking a woman. So i just assumed it was yours.
Your gf must be all kinds of filth too to ever be with someone as shit as yourself.

im not some gay photographer. The pic was taken about an hour ago with a shit logitec webcam. believe it or don't. I don't fucking care.

Dubs confirmed
Christmas song op

oh she is pure filth and does all thing things to you that your mama doesn't do.

this picture makes me feel way better about my own life

new queen of /b!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gif us moar!

that is what I am here for, bro.

Cut off your own on camera, and i’ll give you a britcoin.

oh I will. i am really good at running my mouth just like all the shit breathers here on Sup Forums

say hell to the yesa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

can we get this nigga arrested please

oh for christ's sake i'm not gonna hurt the dog.

Go ahead chop of its balls go ahead and cut off its leg or slit its troat and give it to a small child it's not like it matters in a live where you live on a spec of sand in a seemingly endless ocean where you live a live that's a millionth of a second in the grand scheme of time that has and will pass live is pointless and every minute thing to justify your existence is only a procrastination of an enevitible death so go ahead and chop off the balls of a creature that can't even comprehend a reason for you to do such a meaningless action


cool. we have a nihilist on Sup Forums !!

>computer room
>also bedroom and beer drinking room

you sure you have a house and not just this room, user?

kill yourself just to rid us of your bitching and bleating faggot


I put the bed in here so I could watch porn while I fuck your mom.

why havent you killed yourself user? seriously what is your motivation to live?

well. so I could talk to enlightened people on the web of course.

More pics of your shit tier living space. I bet it smells there. What part of Alabama you from?

look at the pic again. the sharp end is facing the dog's nuts.

No balls.
You won't do it.

And even if you do, you lose your bargaining chip.

Enjoy going to prison and or jail for animal cruelty

what makes you think this is the only dog I have access too? first goes the Jack Russel Terrier, then the Boxer

Ok so 1 bitcoin for dog to continue living idk it is a dog you could buy more dogs with the bitcoin so i am not giving anything to this lost cause

dude i know mexican immigrants living better than you. wtf do you do for a living if anything?

There's enough info in that image to dox him if he does anything inhumane.


professional inter net troll

What makes you think I care?
You're just colored pixels to me.

And you can only carry on with that strategy for so long before someone notices. After that... prison will be quite unpleasant for you.

Is this that maze from that one dude on that podcast?


well excuse me. your moral ground is very high, looking at porn pics on Sup Forums

You totally missed the point.
Morals don't enter into this.

You're just being stupid.

oh you anons are so brave. why not show your face faggot?