

Winning is awesome. Liberals can kiss my white conservative ass

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I didn’t hire him to put us another 400 billion in debt. Thanks asshole for bankrupting the country into more debt. Dumb ass bankrupt Trump only knows how to lose money. See also: USFL

That's the problem, people are more concerned with saying that they "won" instead of worrying about what he's actually done. Go ahead with your lifestyle you'll be dead within the next 40 years, while I'll be living healthily and happily. You cuck.

true he fuck up the country that what he said before. don't cry because you didn't saw that coming. make the rich more rich again.

In debt after pulling all the bullshit federal programs Obongo foisted on us? Yea ok

He made himself a whole lot of money today. Only reason he became president

1. still hasn't built the wall
2. deportation actually DECREASED

Making merica is just fine.

Tell me one lib plan. Just one.

There is none.

T-t-t-trickle down, r-r-r-right?


A billionaire who only knows how to lose money? Libtards truly are stupid.

LOL, whatever you say, Amerimutt.


so true!

nobody's winning idiot. we're all fucked

well, you DID hire a man who almost went bankrupt 6 times washingtonpost.com/politics/2016/live-updates/general-election/real-time-fact-checking-and-analysis-of-the-first-presidential-debate/fact-check-has-trump-declared-bankruptcy-four-or-six-times/?utm_term=.4719fd694c11



I bet you think corporations pay taxes.

Guess what? Corporations don’t pay taxes. You pay theirs.

How does that feel?


Wrong. He DID file for bankruptcy 6 times.

What have you won?

Well I ran my 175k salary and finances through like 4 different calculators and not including the mortgage deductions I’m already making a refund, so I won

"He's doing exactly what hired him too."
Need I say more?
Also impact text memes aren't the best political ammo, normie.

why does his chin look photoshopped

>He's doing exactly what hired him for

Don't embarrass yourself

Op is a dumbass Trump is shit. Sage

If you look closer there’s the halo of an “I” there

Your shit and your vote for hillary is shittier

Russia god damn it you missed the same part of the sentence you always do.
>He's doing exactly what (they, we, I) hired him for.

Come on, you're supposed to be a professional.

The cockgobbler in chief, you never tire of sucking his ass? You are the worst type of cuck; being too stupid to know that you are being fucked in the ass..

You do know thst everytime you move money from the lower and misdle class to the 1%, there is always a financial crisis? 1% dont purchase more with more money. Poor and middle class fo, and strengthen the economy.

Enjoy getting poor enough having to get a shit street and thanking the orange fucker for it. ”But muh guns, and no immigrants”. Yeah, good trade... have fun,

I certainly hope this sort tomfoolery will finally push the American people over the edge and start some class warfare, you know, the kind the second amendment ought to guarantee.


Lol, the taxcuts are much more than that.

Anybody that's actually excited about the tax plan, explain how it's improving your life. Seriously I don't understand how anybody that doesn't own a plane or skyscraper is gaining anything from this shit

>the kind the second amendment ought to guarantee.
Strange how you don't hear that talk since the black guy's outta the White house now.


I’m making 7% more per year starting next year, hows that faggot?

“We swing know how tax buts affect the deficit”

Enjoy a tax plan that doesn’t even know where it’s going until they get their.

>Winning is awesome. Liberals can kiss my white conservative ass

Yeah? He's about to get fired which is what you do when someone is NOT doing what you hired them to do.


So edgy right out of the gate. Maybe you shouldn't jump straight to that shit when someone tries to reach across the aisle.

What do you make yearly? Where's that 7% coming from?

Don’t worry about me, worry about your own failing political party

Don't worry, it'll happen in our lifetime. And while being honest, it's not partisan thing. It's the whole political structure.

People like you are why, even in failing, I'll stick with my party. Just genuinely wanted to hear about the positive impact of this major legislation that seems to spell nothing but doom.

Fuck you edgelord.

Anybody else or doesn't this user represent the right?

You mean you're keeping 7% more?

Taxes should be used to fund the government not modify behavior.

Great Liberal spelling.

Nah you hear it still, just not from Rednecks. Once he's a lame duck in 2018 they will be back in. Useful idiots.


All struggle is class struggle.


There's almost a garunteed chance you have some sort of mental disorder and it make sure me so happy to know you'll never get the treatment you need. Enjoy your hate driven life and remember me when the pendulum inevitably swings left and the country is run by the liberal equivalent of trump.
>repubs, red necks and fuckbois cry the hardest

K bye

what ?