Hey, STD Sup Forumsros or those with medical knowledge

Hey, STD Sup Forumsros or those with medical knowledge.

Is this herpes? I messed around with a girl who didn't tell me she had it until after. It's only one bump it doesn't have a head like a zit or ingrown hair and feels kind of squishy.

Went to get tested but it was only 2 weeks ago and they said it can take 6 weeks to show up, for the bump itself they didn't know.

Single bump.

it's either the herp or hpv genital warts

It’s and ingrown hair or acne

It's nothing OP.

Just scratch it using your nails, then rub your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and anus. It'll go away.


Everyone has herpes these days. Don't worry about it. Give it to a few women in your city.

looks like aids tb.h
stop being a fag it will go away

It's Cancer.

How squishy?
Looks angry, viral maybe


Slightly squishy.

I'd rather not be a monster, especially because one girl I want to sleep with already has a weak immune system.

It's soft, has no head and won't pop.

Any signs of cyst specifically?

Lol herpe symplex carriera are monsters? Lol wait youre right 90% of humans ARE monsters. You probably already have herpes faggot. Nearly everyone has a strand of it. Some just never flair up. It looks like an ingrown hair. Did you wear a condom?

Cold sores and genital herpes are totally different lol.

It's not acting like an ingrown hair.
I didn't wear a condom, I'd known this girl for months and we were friends. She made a move and I went with it.
A little later the fact that she was infected came up as we talked about something completely different.

I asked her about it and she said "It's awkward to bring up."

So I'm pissed because I would've definitely worn a condom, or just not fucked her.

100% sure it is herpes

>cold sores and genital herpes are totally different
the same way lice and crabs are, just location

If its HSV 1. HSV 2 is a totally different beast.


You Doctor though?

I actually am.