Ask what you need to know

Ask what you need to know

are you an overpaid firefighter?

That's some scoliosis right there

seriously fuck firefighters

not like they do anything of substance like a hedge fund manager or lawyer

>right there
stopped reading right there

Is that little bastard on fire? Am I missing something here?

Party mode: on

I am a paid employee of a volunteer fire Dept.
>they have about 900 calls per year, no ems.
They have:
>6 class A engines
>1 100” ladder
>a massive Pierce rescue truck
>2 GI’s
>And 8 suvs
What do you think of this?

>What do you think of this?
of what?

Fuck them. Trucks with Fire Fighter plates are some of the most asshole drivers on the road. I hope they all burn to a fucking crisp. Fucking assholes.

>underpaid paramedics are firefighters

every firefighter i've ever met (4 of them) were huge pervs and felt their job gave them the right to sexually harass women

My local department has a ladder truck
>Tallest building in the town is 2 stories

They also have a pontoon boat
>Literally not one body of water in the area besides a half dozen duck ponds

Every year they send out letters begging for extra money. I don't get it.

? firefighters are not overpaid , fires continue to this day , in fact for more true pay fire fighters to help end fire through prevention methods ,.

I know right
have you ever seen a house on fire?
I havent either, useless pieces of shit

ya'll better be trolling. firefighters and ems are god tier jobs. they should be held with utmost respect.

cheers, fireman.

p.s. where can i get a cool fireman axe? i've been wanting one ever since i watched "the shining".

this. i literally fucking hate fire fighters they dont do shit but sit on their ass all day collecting money at tax payer's expense

my girlfriend lived thru a house fire. one of the firefighters stole her expensive headphones out of her room. Fuck those assholes. Every time one dies, I laugh inside. 9/11 was like Christmas.

>mfw fire trucks in my town can't even afford flamethrowers
>they just have lame ass water cannons

public union primadonnas

almost as bad as cops

i wonder if any of you niggers bitching about firefighters have ever saved a life. which firefighters do more than any of you neckbeard faggots will. call it a hunch.

I totally agree. Also, fuck nurses

>100 inch ladder?

lol, nice.

how do I become one. what are the general requirements. how much do you make and what is your schedule


How the fuck do you know they stole headphones? Did you guus sift through the ashes. Even if one did reveling in people dying because one asshole stole some shitty headphones tells me you don't even have a girlfriend.

people die, is part of nature
saving some rando from diying is not that impressive, specially in an overpopulated world

Yeah they specialize in ant hill fires.

when I was young I was the firehouses mascot, that is until the photos appeared.

fuck doctors too they just come in the room for like 4 minutes talk shit and leave
what do they even do
nothing thats what

Firefighters are overpaid and the fact that there are still fires today is a testament to how poorly they are doing. Should we have won that war these supposed firefighters are tasked with fighting by now?

Yes. We should shut down all those ineffective hospitals and sack the staff. People are still getting sick and dying.
And the police and jails? Still crime everywhere. Waste of money.