Why not stop being a faggot and start being a man, user?

Why not stop being a faggot and start being a man, user?
Why not grow a beard?

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Beards are the sexiest part of a man.

But I do have a beard, I keep it neatly trimmed.

Be me
>grows beard
>still a faggot

Mine grows out into a disgusting neckbeard. That, and it gets extremely itchy. Fuck my genes.

I baptize you: not a faggot

Shave the neckbeard, leave the rest. Give it 3 months

Mainly cuz I weld and need to wear a respirator when welding certain metals..beards render respirators ineffective. Too bad, I fuckin hate shaving.

>stop being a faggot
guy in photo honestly looks as gay as a lube dispensing vending-machine that's shaped like a cock, inside a Turkish bathhouse that's in a building shaped like a giant upturned ass.



Most women like beards.
Just not on fat guys, patchy beards and gandalf-tier. Otherwise it could improve on a baby/assface.

Source: several women i've dated.

Sounds like you've seen some things...

Yeah that's.. pretty specific and not entirely unrealistic

Do as you please, to each their own, you do you and all that… buuut do take in consideration that the real closeted or out fags are the vane ones the ones concentrated on their appearance - real men do. no. give. a. shit.
Real men might have a beard, but they ceartenly don't faggot around styling it like a hipster, real men have no tattoos, real men do not dance.

I would but the army says no

>what is a metrosexual?
Just because they don't fit the male archetype doesn't make them not a man.
You don't get to say do as you please but. You don't get the moral out, you are telling him how to act.

I hate you pseudo intellectuals so fucking much because you can make things sound alright. And there's so many impressionable idiots here who will listen.

Because today's Millennial's are sissyfags and they think it's cute to suck dick and get fucked in the ass... Beta Males...

I was majestic as fuck when I had my beard and long hair.

a self-obsessed superficial femishit

yes fucker yes

more fuck yes

Today's Millennials? What about yesterday's Millennials?

>pseudo intellectuals
ah self proclaimed speaks


Real mean have beards

Lmao. You think attractive men don't eat up attention? You think they don't seek it out?
You think they don't sleep around just like women, use people, etc?

You're a fuckin joke dude, and probably an ugly one surrounded by other ugly people who don't know any better either.

>be me
>grows a beard
>only neck beard
>it looks like pubes

>impressionable idiots here who will listen
you, in particular

Shiet user, majestic af! MOAR

>real men have a beard.

Real men just exist. faggots like you try to find a way to quantify it.

your grasp is slipping
proclaim thyself harder
put on that lipstick

I don't think you know what the word means.majestic doesn't mean fat homosexual.

Check'd but god damn are you a stupid one.
My entire point was in agreeance with you.

one narcissist's attempt at a rationale

>be black
>grow amazing beard thnks white genes
>look like ISIS recruit
>go inside airport
>shot immediately

Well I mean, you're with certainty a joke.
You could just be a socially inept attractive loser though.


real men also don't use filters

This isn't loli I promise sexxam.com

Nice bait.

A little narcissistic sure, but like I said it comes with the territory.
Trying to corral me into a corner because you don't know anything about the good life is a little silly don't you think?

uh.... i already have one?

In the Army, so all beards barring a pedo stache are off limits. Besides, beard grooming sounds like it'd be more trouble than its worth

I have a beard, i need to trim it but nah
I look like a terrorist

Had all my pictures of me with a beard on Facebook since I requested to have my facebook deleted I've lost them ohhh yea they're on a server some where but not on the facebook page...

a nose ring? what are you gay?

Beards definitely make you look more manly. I've seen some many looking guys with beards, then find out they are extremely beta and fagish. Lol b but if they don't say anything or do anything, just drank l stand still they look very many

>white guy grows a beard: hes an woodsman, a crafter, he likes outdoors, hes a noble, viking blood driven, hes in the arts
>non white people grow a beard: hes a terrorist.

I have a beard, but I avoid looking like this guy because I don't want people thinking I try to suck my own dick.

Because on one hand, if I grow it out, I look like a fucking psycho and people tend to avoid me on the street which is wonderful. That and girls like to touch it.
On the downside, it's a fucker to eat with.

I'd have just a goatee but if you don't have time to shave, you look like you're hungover because fuck the fact my hair grows too fast


The itchy goes away. It has to pass a certain point


I am a real man and a faggot.

check'd and kek'd

in that case can you suk my dic ?

Been growing a beard for 5 years. I am no faggot.

that dude probably is gay. hes got that suprised look instagram eyebrow move that gays and females do.

yeah pretty much

Because being a faggot is easier.

looks like you have three beards

mmm, nah.

wow, did you miss the part where i said i was gay? also, fuck instagram, shits weak

can i suk ur dic then?

Manly like this

you can succ mine user

beards are nasty, dirty and full of lice, shave that shit off you freak

why would i cultivate on my face the same kind of hair that grows near my dick and ass

Wow as faggots go.you Sally are a special snowflake

>I was majestic as fuck when I had my beard and long hair

I have a beard. It doesn't make you a man by itself. Stop looking at porn, stop playing vidya, follow a dedicated lifting schedule, and get a job, any job. Then you'll be on your way to manhood.

Shave your fucking neck. Leave the hair on your face. No one naturally has a non-neckbeard.

i am 20 should i shave my mustache game weak

I usually don't judge people but I bet you could fit a Eleven dicks in your mouth.just a guess

>I was majestic as fuck when I had my beard and long hair
>I dont just look like a homeless guy with greasy stringy hair
>really guys

That dude looks like a living World of Warcraft character

just chose grey hair at creation or in barber shop

How long have you been growing without shaving?

the beard is an obligation, we do not have the option of being a faggot like user
women who dont like it are closet lesbians and men who shave are imitating those dykes

about 6 months but i trim all the time otherwise it looks weird

That shit looks good not gonna lie man. If I could grow that I'd keep it.

Don't touch the mustache; leave the stache as is. Shave the rest normally if you want. See hoe it works out. IF you still don't like it, then keep it like you have it now, looks good

Kootra stop posting on Sup Forums and save your dying YouTube career

six months and that's it?
Maybe it's the blonde making me think it's faggotry but do something like trim it right down into an actual goatee.
As it is, you look like you're trying too hard to be an artist

Firefighters aren't aloud to grow beards because SCBA Seal can be broken from the hair.

ye its light blonde in some spots

Oh I know what it is - it's not that it looks gay.
It's litreally the fact you trim it on the sides and not the chin that bothers me.
It's your beard after all but I just let the entire thing grow then trim the entire thing.

>be muslim
>have big beard
women love it. have had women try to touch it, and compliment it. men have expressed their envy in words.
i dont think its as nice as they say but the women say it looks regal

and I dress in traditional Islamic clothes everyday

i feel sorry for a man that cannot grow a proper beard.

i probably have less money than kootra does these days

I can express my envy for you right now, but thank God people won't think of me as plausible terrorist.

you grow beards to tickle your boyfriends' balls when you blow them


Well I hope things get better for you in 2018 you look like a good person

they dont. people express how much they like spending time with me or simply being around my energy muslim and nonmuslim. and im strictly orthodox and a literalist, what can i say.

i only get that terrorist mumbo jumbo from anons and people on the other side of a computer screen.

youd be surprised.

Beard grown. Am I a man now?

would you still let me touch your beard? after what i said?

those terrorists and their admirers are phony. you can see it. its like when you meet a peraon amd you can tell that theyre posing or putting on an act, its the same with those people. NO ONE is that hardcore religious to kill themselves and others expecting to go to heaven. theyre full of it and stupid as well.

why else would anyone go and blow themselves up after nurturing a fine beard, or maintaining a family, or purauinh some other noble cause that benefits others?

Only mudslimes and numale cucks have beards.


i dont like anyone touching my beard except my wife and even then, thats only at the end of the day.

i mix my own oils and add oud and musk to them to give them a real burly scent. i comb it and maintain it.

so no, sorry user


It's okay to be jelly because you can't grow anything more than a puby pedostache

those probably allahu akbar, cuz their beard's bad