Bill Clinton swag

r8, guess personality, etc.

probably used to go on reddit a lot

Used to care about music but now just listens to what he likes


White boy who likes hip hop and takes music reviewers seriously.

this guy wants to try some acid

im not the biggest hip hop fan I just liked tylers old stuff back in the day and was surprised how good flower boy was, and I only watch fantano for Cal and memes
definitely plan on it one day but not yet

>I only watch fantano for Cal and memes

And you're calling me a redditter...

fairly big fan of anthony fantano



recent recs and "huh, not bad"-core

Wildflower, Americ anfootball, Because Internet, Co-Exist


The last four albums I listened to.


Album on the right?

Man on the Moon by Kid Cudi.

Four records closest to my turntable right now

Loves lyrical albums but also enjoys rhythms that can make you move.

Likes trying new stuff

Lazy cunt


Likes to drink, but not blackout.





Sad, but also appreciates the beautiful things in life.



nerdy kid
high school, new to mu

>listens to vaporwave

you dwell too much on the past

a well rounded guy, probably interesting to talk to at parties

you'll be a good partner

you try too hard to be cool, just be yourself

need to to get over it, dude

twitter addict

kinda worried about you guys ngl

stays up late

Dumb kid
Thick as a brick and yes!!!
Trendy kid who listens to trendy music
New kid on mu
I needs female singer rec user
Meme middle school music
Nice mix of albums I too enjoy
Merzbow!!!! Yum
How “original” havnt seen this joke before
Eyehategod is somewhat coool I guess
Literally me
Stupid kid

>stays up late
lol exactly what im doing rn

almost forgot my pic

Anyone else having problems with the site

Has transcended past patrician taste.



google bill clinton rape

r8 pls

Feels comfy with what he listens to but has slowed down in exploring
Likes to groove but only looked into surface level jazz and it "wasn't his thing"
this guy dgaf what anyone thinks and doesn't let anyone bring him down!
Quiet guy who likes keeping to himself but hopes someone will approach him about what he listens too

>Feels comfy with what he listens to but has slowed down in exploring
couldnt be more accurate.


mah nigga


Made a thread asking for other ELO recs a week ago and got no responses, do you have any?

do you do it a lot?

yup definitely a night person





Introverted but can do le whole social act xd

Sup Forumscore the man

Slightly mentally ill

Slow at exploring new music




Only have one for now. Going to start with Time and work my way back.

sad boi
you'd be fun to party with
you ok bud?
great fucking taste

used to be emo
pretty cool guy
just a tad pretentious



Likes the rain, probably very good at piano
Great fashion taste, likes artsy films that have a sense of humor
Wore hot topic-core in high school, used to be emotionally unstable but have it all in check now
Writes a lot, probably in a band
Doesn't care what people think of what he likes, wears plain clothes
Generally introverted, gets angry silently, around friends is a fucking riot though
Still in college and not sure what you want to do with life, introverted
Extroverted, knows just about everyone, knows how to use the aux cord and not annoy everyone else in the car
The funniest guy in most groups, becomes a different person when he's with only one other one, and becomes very sentimental
Probably had a very difficult past, also very attractive


who are you angry frog user ???

I'm this faggot, right here

feels invalidated easily


drugs lmao, insecure and shy
there you go froggyboy

white male with a black qt fetish
often feel autistic rage but you don't let anyone know and you act like nothing bothers you



You're at a major turning point in your life, and you don't know how to deal with it
You have a lot of eccentricities
You're going through some difficult times, but dealing with them well
You often fear that you're being watched


you subscribe to the idea of white guilt
you appreciate atmosphere
consider reaching out to friends more often
you're not as cool as you think you are but cooler than average

needs someone in his life

wants to make a change

goofy person

understands good music but still needs to have some edge

white shyguy in highschool



How bad is it



likes death metal

Liked alcohol but now drink wine to enjoy his free time but sometimes pass out and it still makes you feel uncomfortable

Sad sad or pathetic sad?

That's not even vaporwave really, it's more ambient than anything.,



>all this lazyposting

good taste, deals with a lot of stress but has a great sense of humor

like your taste but what is all that prog doing with tyler the creator? lol

you’re a cool guy, good social life

i like your taste


jesus dude

laughing crying emoticon

Im Brokan inside and so damiged

you okay?

nice guy, but socially awkward and slightly overweight

holy shit, i like your taste but are you okay?

you’re a really fun guy

you remind me of a friend of mine
well adjusted

doesn’t take much to impress you

really cool, digging the ELO

Wow i bet your a real hit with the lady’s


you’re either really urban or really rural


you feel bad for yourself


what are you mad at?

lots of friends


i post my reviews separate from the pictures so I know which they are responding to.


What I've been listening to lately



Nice taste

genuinely good taste. everyone else is memeing or just listening to whatever Sup Forums tells them to listen to.

f a m

get well soon sad


Hot Rats is damn good