I need some genuine help Sup Forums. I'm not sure what these zits are. I remember shaving once...

I need some genuine help Sup Forums. I'm not sure what these zits are. I remember shaving once, with a dull razor and barely any cream and said fuck it and stopped halfway. Zits on my groin popped up, and stayed since.

It's been 2 (nearly 3) months.

I've been hearing its genital warts, razor burns, and maybe even just acne. I've never had sex, oral or actual sex. Any clue to what it is?

Also have two white little zits (or whatever) below my head. Also two on shaft from recent pic. Like I've said, never had sex/oral. Any idea?

Well first of all, trim that shit.

Secondly, maybe ingrown hairs?

You've never had sex, and never will with those fucking pubes. Virgin fgt.

If I was gonna, I would've shaved.

RIP OP's cock

skin tags

obviously genital warts man. who are you kidding?

those are warts, not a big problem. i've had them and they go away themselves after some time, but u can also buy some genital wart removal cream and it's gone in a few weeks. I bought the cream and it works great. i dont know whats below ur head but I think thats normal.

Nigga everyday you gotta act like youre gonna go fuck some bitch. Start every day with grooming and youll have the confidence

Those are AIDS spots. Sorry.

Dont worry. Those are pearly papules, a lot of guys get them. Just clean the area real well.

Kek, sorry. Need something to keep my boys warm eh? Haha.

I did think that. I have some huge spots where its most likely ingrown hairs. One of them popped on its own, and bled. Not sure what it was.

They dont look like skin tags. I could be wrong.

How tho? Havent fucked yet. Genes?

I heard so aswell. Thanks user, I'll find some hopefully soon. Any brand that you'd recommend?

deffo hpv bro. get treatment at the dermatologist.

Kek. Gotta wait till marriage (;

Thank God

I heard. I honestly havent really cleaned it well, so thats most likely why. Thanks B

could also be molluscum contagiusum from swimming etc. dermatologist appointment asap either way


You should just kill yourself right now for being this stupid. It's a virus. You got it how you get viruses - contact with the virus.

I heard about it.. Not sure though.. I'll give it a thought.

Just looked it up, doesnt look anything like it

then you obviouisly dont know what skin tags are.

>my sides

Yeah, I got them when I was a kid. Advice I can give is keep clean and dont pop them. Learned the last bit the hard way.

u have teh leprosy

Did you die

molluscum varies greatly and can change with skin tone or type. also is the only option compatible with no sexual activity

yeah, don´t pop or shave or you will get many more

I see. Thanks alot man, I'll do this. Do I use cream while I'm at it, or try to refrain?

Thank you user

Molluscum contagiosum. You're in for about a month of twice daily antibiotics and some creme.

Been there, user. You'll be awright.

If they are warts std baste your junk in vinegar and use black light -- serious lot people can have subcutaneous gential warts and not even know.

They look like skin tags to me which can be removed by a dermatologist who doesn't mind looking at your junk lol

nah. Popped some of mine I had on my shaft and it’s been no problem. Pop em, op

Don't delude yourself, they are definitely genital warts. No one gets acne on their cock, just like you don't get acne on your feet. The fact that you have so many means you are immuno-compromised and may also have another STD concurrently. You cannot treat them with OTC, go to a doctor and get them frozen off, the anti-viral cream, or condylox. I recommend not sharing any towels to avoid giving HPV to your family.

You might want to try topical antibiotics and/or some kind of sulfur-cleanse

Lmfao, those ARE venereal warts. If you've never had any sort of sex, you still came in contact with someone or something that DID.

You need to have them burned off by a dermatologist (loads of fun, dude) but sometimes they come back forever.

Navy corpsman here. I've seen that shit on half the sailors on WESTPAC duty coming in from SE Asia signing up for sick call in the VD clinic.

You get it from using a razor that somebody else has used, or leaving your razor around where other people's nastiness will touch.

No more bathroom counter or shower ledge. And don't use the same razor for your dick and ass as you use for your face.

You're welcome.

Its skin tags you need to go to the doctor and freeze it.

Everybody else is trying to fuck with you. This user speaks truth. Go to a doctor and they'll tell you the same and get you on antibiotics.

Hpv warts,

Next question when was last time you had intercourse and what did you do oral vaginal what?

Fuucckk. Im gonna get bitched at by people that my cock is abnormal and assume I've banged. Kek. Thanks man


fucking rip. No other way?

Molluscum contagiosum. They'll get worse if untreated and ARE contagious whether you got them from sex or not.

It's a fungal infection and they will rupture and turn to scabs eventually whether treated or not. Antibiotics immediately, trust me.

It's a viral disease that is self limiting in about a year

Unless your immune system suddenly devops superpowers? No. Antibiotics or your dick will get worse.

Google molluscum contagiosum, you'll get all the info you need.

I don't think they are molluscum and stick with my diagnosis of genital warts. Molluscum "Have a dimple in the center. The dimple may be filled with a thick, white substance that is cheesy or waxy." The warts appear too big to be molluscum. Anyway, treatment is similar. Don't share towels and certainly that infected razor with anyone else.

Not OP but oh thank fuck.

Self limit your mouth on this dick faggot. A year is too long with this stuff and antibiotics is the typical treatment.

This. There genital warts from HPV u need to go to a dr and they'll freeze them off. And they won't go away on there own

I've had molluscum and it was just like OP's pic m8.

user you faggot
use this shit (Bump eraser medi paste)
works 100%
i use it every time i shave
i get them too fag
But i fuck bitches raw, coz alpha as fuck

>I've been hearing its genital warts

ding ding ding.

Go to a doctor, doesn't have to be a derm. Family doctor is fine. Don't listen to medical advice from Sup Forums. One guy is saying molluscum is a "fungal" issue, no it's viral. And it's not molluscum, it's genital warts. It may or may not self-resolve, but probably not, and you have MANY. I'd also try to track down the owner of that dull razor, he needs to get checked out.

Those are 100% genital warts, no questions about it dude. No bullshit here, i have them.

Need a better pic without all the hair. Skin tags have a stalk and warts are flat. Could be molluscum and a close up pic would help ruling out warts

Burn it off or you will have eternal bleeding..

>Molluscum contagiosum
I used warticon, the 0.5% podophyllotoxin one.
costs a bit (I paid about 50 euros I believe) but it's a real product. maybe if you have healthcare benefits u can get it for free, but I ordered it for privacy reasons.

oh the Molluscum contagiosum should be deleted its definitely warts not >Molluscum contagiosum, I copied it to look it up

>Fuucckk. Im gonna get bitched at by people that my cock is abnormal and assume I've banged. Kek. Thanks man

As a Navy corpsman, I've seen more VD cases than any ten free clinic doctors in NYC. My CO thought I was a smart ass, and put me on "short arm" inspection until he rotated out 14 months later.

Get them burned off (don't try it yourself, I've seen some pretty scary results) and sometimes they go away.

favorite branch of the armed forces; put all the assholes on a boat and send them away