Found a new coin you can join using my ref or dont, i personally think it will take off due to how unique it is...

found a new coin you can join using my ref or dont, i personally think it will take off due to how unique it is. Coins hitting exchanges early 2018 estimated at 3$ each minimum and im able to mine a coin a day with pretty shitty hardware.

>ref link /o/?a=41966

I have a decent of JSE so far. Been mining since October.

im at about 120 been mining since november + referral payments what about you?


Can someone explain how to "mine for coins"? I don't even understand the whole concept of cryptocurrencies, does anyone know a site/video that explains it in a way that doesn't require you to have a degree in economy and IT to understand?

pretty good explanation here

how so?

so it works like this,
when you mine, you give your processing power to companies over the internet, the more processing power you give, the more coins you get,

and it gets harder because companies get easier jobs done.

simple as that!

>you can join using my ref or dont
What's a ref?



referrals are basically "spam" if you join with ref, you agree to use your email for spam.

depends on the site you use?

How so?
this jse is absolutely useless it will not have ANY value once it hits the market.

pyramid scheme basically.

thx fam

well yes, sometimes they just use it for sending news.

*javascript* Found your problem.

care to backup the claim with any facts? or just plain bullshit?

Oh damn thanks, makes more sense now. Gonna look up how to mine coins and might start getting them big bucks

plain bullshit.
do whatever you want.

300. Wasn't as any people as there is now.


Because Javascript without typescript is unsecure garbage to begin with

>think it will take off due to how unique it is.
you mean yet another shitcoin flooding the market?
yeah, it'll be bigger than dogecoin

Is it trading on ED?

Is it another block chain coin? If so, then don’t bother. You should be trying to get into non-block chain coins since that’s the future.


Been mining since start of December on and off at 5 no referrals yet

I have 1000 Dogecoin. I don't ever tell people that. It's one of those things I hope takes off but I don't see it. Maybe in 20 years!